Le Colloque International sur la Veille Informationnelle et Gestion des Connaissances dans les Organisations (VEIGECO) est organisé par le groupe de recherche Veille Informationnelle et Gestion des Connaissances (VEIGEC) de l’unité de recherche Bibliothèque Numérique et Patrimoine (BNP) de l’Institut Supérieur de Documentation (ISD-Université de la Manouba-Tunis). Ce colloque est une occasionpour
Tunisia (TN)
Knowledge Management education and training opportunities in Tunisia
Knoco – Knowledge Management Consultants, formerly Knowledge Transformation® International (KTransform™),1) and its francisees offer the following Knowledge Management education and training
International Society for Knowledge Organization: Chapitre Maghreb (ISKO Maghreb)
The International Society for Knowledge Organization: Chapitre Maghreb (ISKO Maghreb) offers the following Knowledge Management education and training
African Conferences
Featured Conferences (World)
GfWM KnowledgeCamp (GKC)*
Knowledge Building Summer Institute (KBSI)*
Symposium on Advancing Community Knowledge with Generative AI (tentative)
Knowledge Management Russia (KM Russia)*
International Conference on Computer and Knowledge Engineering (ICCKE)*
On this page you can browse the African regions for the 2025 ff. Knowledge Management conferences, conferences related to Knowledge Management, and conferences with a Knowledge Management track, stream, topic, or theme. (more…)
African Providers
Featured Providers (Africa)
On this page you can browse the African regions and countries for Knowledge Management education and training providers. (more…)