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#KMedu tweets of week 48/2014

twitter #KMedu | Knowledge Management education & training worldwide

(Status) Knowledge Conference – Empowering future Generations, 7-9.12.2014, #Dubai, http://www.fkc.ae  Orga: @MBRF_News #KMedu #UAE (Status) The KM job market at end 2014 http://bit.ly/1rx0JKa  #KM #KMers #knoco (Status) today I had a jol at the Information and Knowledge Management Conference at APK (Status) All is going well on the #Knowledgemanagement course currently running

#KMedu tweets of week 47/2014

twitter #KMedu | Knowledge Management education & training worldwide

(Status) Getting ready for Beykon Ickem Congress International Conference on Knowledge Economy and Management http://fb.me/6WNzVbzQT  (Status) RT @jeanpol: LdL-Tagung am Wochenende in Münster #ldlmooc2 http://www.uni-muenster.de/Germanistik/tagungen/literatur_mediendidaktik/ldl_tagung/ … (Status) Диалог: Knowledge Management #3 – Another post-assingment on Knowledge Management course. This time… http://tmblr.co/ZyBKxt1WRivTy  (Status) The KMedu Hub Weekly is out! http://paper.li/KMeducation/kmeduhub-daily … (Status) #MM Nov

#KMedu tweets of week 46/2014

twitter #KMedu | Knowledge Management education & training worldwide

(Status) New blog post about Designing a Successful KM Strategy http://missingpuzzlepiececonsulting.ca/published-designing-a-successful-km-strategy … #KM #KMers @infotoday @nickknoco (Status) Knowledge-LAB :: What do we need to learn and innovate today ? http://www.a-i-a.com/k-net  #knowledgetank #KMedu #collaboration #Conversation (Status) Information Specialists' Daily is out! http://paper.li/ErrolAdamsjdmls/1325319355 … Stories via @KMeducation @fsgppa @NLR_IPLaw (Status) Comintelli breakfast seminar in Stockholm with

#KMedu tweets of week 45/2014

twitter #KMedu | Knowledge Management education & training worldwide

(Status) Any info about the @Deloitteindia "Knowledge Management Certification", @stangarfield ? http://ow.ly/DXLJN  #KMedu @Deloitte #India (Status) The KM Australia Daily is out! http://paper.li/KMAustralia/1315458852 … Stories via @KMeducation @eLearningAPAC @theshuuk (Status) wissensmanagement – Das Magazin 11/12 2014 (Schwerpunkt: #Wissensmanager-Berufsbild & -Aufgabenspektrum http://ow.ly/DUMQo  #KMedu #KMers (Status) Follow #kmworld ! @KMWorld – Knowledge Management & Enterprise

#KMedu tweets of week 44/2014

twitter #KMedu | Knowledge Management education & training worldwide

(Status) Looking forward to hearing John Ragsdale (VP of @TSIA) talking about Hot Trends Transforming Knowledge Management. #KM #kmers (Status) #ff @stangarfield w. sunny regards from Germany :-) Home: https://sites.google.com/site/stangarfield/ … #KMers #KnowledgeManagement #KMedu (Status) Still time to register-KM for the Rest of US-online class+coaching Metrics-Myths-Way Forward #KMers #HR #TRNG http://ow.ly/DzeeR  (Status) The