Conference on Knowledge Acquisition and Management (KAM)*
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The Conference on Knowledge Acquisition and Management (KAM; Polish: Konferencję „Pozyskiwanie wiedzy i zarządzanie wiedzą”), formerly for some time the International Conference on Knowledge Acquisition and Management (KAM; Polish: Międzynarodową konferencję „Pozyskiwanie wiedzy i zarządzanie wiedzą” and the Scientific Conference organized by the Department of Artificial Intelligence Systems (was: Department of Computer Systems), Wroclaw University of Economics (was: Academy of Economics Oskar Lange in Wrocław), aims to create possibility of presenting and discussing approaches, methods, techniques and tools in the knowledge acquisition and the knowledge management areas. We expect that the conference will enable exchange of information and experiences, and delve into current trends of methodological, technological and implementation aspects of knowledge acquisition and management processes.
The predecessor of the KAM conference has been organized for the first time in 1992, as a venue for scientists and practitioners to address different aspects of usage of advanced information technologies in management, with focus on intelligent techniques and knowledge management. In 2003 the conference changed somewhat its focus and was organized for the first under its current name. Since 2012 KAM is part of the Federated (Multi-)Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems (FedCSIS) – conference area Information Technology for Management, Business & Society (IT4MBS; until 2018) and Information Systems and Technologies (IST; since 2019). FedCSIS is organized by the Polskie Towarzystwo Informatyczne (PTI), the Polish Information Processing Society.
Conference History:
30th KAM’2025, between 14-17 September, 2025, Kraków, Poland
(part of FedCSIS (Topical Area: Information Technology for Business and Society), Sep 14-17; host: Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Politechnika Rzeszowska im. Ignacego Lukasiewicza)
Conference Program TBD
Knowledge discovery from databases and data warehouses
Methods and tools for knowledge acquisition
New emerging technologies for management
Organizing the knowledge centers and knowledge distribution
Knowledge creation and validation
Knowledge dynamics and machine learning
Distance learning and knowledge sharing
Knowledge representation models
Management of enterprise knowledge versus personal knowledge
Knowledge managers and workers
Knowledge coaching and diffusion
Knowledge engineering and software engineering
Managerial knowledge evolution with focus on managing of best practice and cooperative activities
Knowledge grid and social networks
Knowledge management for design, innovation and eco-innovation process
Business Intelligence environment for supporting knowledge management
Knowledge management in virtual advisors and training
Management of the innovation and eco-innovation process
Human-machine interfaces and knowledge visualization
30th KAM’2024, between 8–11 September, 2024, Belgrade, Serbia
(part of FedCSIS (Topical Area: Information Technology for Business and Society), Sep 8–11; host: Faculty of Organizational Sciences, University of Belgrade)
Conference Program TBD
29th KAM’2023, 17 September, 2023, Warsaw, Poland
(part of FedCSIS (Topical Area: Information Technology for Business and Society), Sep 17-20; host: Faculty of Mathematics and Information Sciences, Warsaw University of Technology)
Conference Presentations:
Social Media, Topic Modeling and Sentiment Analysis in Municipal Decision Support
A Graph Matching Algorithm to extend Wise Systems with Semantic
Towards Enhancing Open Innovation Efficiency: A Method for Ontological Integration of BPMN and EMMO
28th KAM’2022, 5-7 September, 2022, Sofia, Bulgaria / Virtual venue
(part of FedCSIS (Track: Advances in Information Systems and Technologies), Sep 4-7; host: Institute of Information and Communication Technologies (IICT) at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences)
Conference Presentations:
Top-down and bottom-up collaboration as a factor in the technological development of smart city. The example of Taipei
The impact of the multi-variant remote work model on knowledge management in enterprises. Applied tools.
Elaboration of Financial Fraud Ontology
The impact of fragrance on store brand loyalty
Representing and Managing Experiential Knowledge with Decisional DNA and its Extensions
SAP Fiori as a Cause of Innovation and Sociotechnical System Arising
Open Data for simulation to determine the efficient management of parking spaces in Smart City
Generative Adversarial Networks for students’ structure prediction. Preliminary research
Digitalization impact on higher education – potential and risks
Case Study of Designing Interface of the AGH Students Information Bulletin Work Support System
Named Entity Recognition System for the Biomedical Domain
27th KAM’2021, 3 September, 2021, Sofia, Bulgaria Virtual venue
(part of FedCSIS (Track: Advances in Information Systems and Technologies), Sep 2-5; host: Institute of Information and Communication Technologies (IICT) at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences)
Conference Presentations:
Using Word Embeddings for Italian Crime News Categorization – Business Process Recomposition as a Way to Redesign Workflows Effectively
Characteristic and comparison of UML, BPMN and EPC based on process models of a training company
26th KAM’2020, 9 September, 2020, Sofia, Bulgaria Virtual venue
(part of FedCSIS (Track: Information Systems and Technologies), Sep 6-9; host: Institute of Information and Communication Technologies (IICT) at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences)
Conference Presentations:
Comprehension analysis considering programming thinking ability using code puzzle
Cluster-based approach for successful solving real-world vehicle routing problems
Improving unloading time prediction for Vehicle Routing Problem based on GPS data
Learning from Student Browsing Data on E-Learning Platforms: Case Study
25th KAM’2019, 1 September, 2019, University of Leipzig, Leipzig, Germany
(part of FedCSIS (Track: Information Systems and Technologies), Sep 1-4)
Conference Presentations:
Analysis of Relationship between Personal Factors and Visiting Places using Random Forest Technique
Automated Generation of Business Process Models using Constraint Logic Programming in Python
Analysis of the Correlation Between Personal Factors and Visiting Locations With Boosting Technique
Do online reviews reveal mobile application usability and user experience? The case of WhatsApp
Parameter Setting Problem in the Case of Practical Vehicle Routing Problems with Realistic Constraints
Automation of signing contracts for learning in educational units
Innovative Modular Approach based on Vehicle Routing Problem and Ant Colony Optimization for Order Splitting in Real Warehouses
FedCSIS Keynotes:
Deep Data and Big Learning: More quality data for better knowledge
24th KAM’2018, 11 September, 2018, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Poland
(part of FedCSIS (Track: Information Technology for Management, Business & Society), Sep 9-12)
Conference Presentations:
RC-ASEF: An open-source tool-supported requirements elicitation framework for context-aware systems development
Performance evaluation of trading strategies in multi-agent systems – Case of A-Trader
Mining e-mail message sequences from log data
The Potential of the Internet of Things in Knowledge Management System
23rd KAM’2017, 5-6 September, 2017, Czech Technical University, Prague, Czech Republic
(part of FedCSIS (Track: Information Technology for Management, Business & Society), Sep 3-6)
Conference Presentations:
DNS as Resolution Infrastructure for Persistent Identifiers
Analysis of Dialogue Stimulated by Science Videos and Reference Materials
Comparison of Selected Modeling Notations for Process, Decision and System Modeling
Context-aware and pro-active queue management systems in intelligent environments
A view on the methodology of analysis and exploration of marketing data
The tools and methods of capturing knowledge from customers: empirical investigation
Towards better understanding of context-aware knowledge transformation
Categorizing or Generating Relation Types and Organizing Ontology Design Patterns
Design Thinking and Cognitive Science: An Exploratory Approach to Create Intellectual Capital with Decentralised Organisations
Information Quality Challenges for the Preservation of Norwegian Public Sector Records
Simulation Driven Development -Validation of requirements in the early design stages of complex systems – the example of the German Toll System
Overview of Verification Tools for Business Process Models
Knowledge Management in the Cloud Computing Model – Challenges, Opportunities and Risks
22nd KAM’2016, 11 September, 2016, Gdańsk University of Technology, Gdansk, Poland
(part of FedCSIS (Track: Information Technology for Management, Business & Society), Sep 11-14)
Conference Presentations:
Knowledge Acquisition at the Time of Big Data
Speculative Query Execution in Relational Databases with Graph Modelling
Churn Detection and Prediction in Automotive Supply Industry
Towards Rule-based Pattern Perspective for BPMN 2.0 Business Process Models
Big Data solutions in cloud environment
Hard lessons learned: delivering usability in IT projects
Searching for information and making purchase decisions in b2b online stores. The case of the technical articles wholesale
Concept of the urban knowledge. A case of Poland
Evaluation Business Success Through Social Media Strategies Using AHP
QtBiVis: a software toolbox for visual analysis of biclustering experiment
Spreadsheet-Based Business Process Modeling
Knowledge Management and Risk Management
Innovation in Energy: Dissemination of Energy Culture via Serious Gaming
21st KAM’2015, 16 September, 2015, Lodz University of Technology, Lodz, Poland
(part of FedCSIS (Track: Information Technology for Management, Business & Society), Sep 13-16)
Conference Presentations:
What technology for efficient support of sustainable development?
Faults diagnosis using self-organizing maps: A case study on the DAMADICS benchmark problem
Management of requirements for the projects of the diagnostic systems
Knowledge transfer from agri-food scientific papers to a knowledge base
Benefits of Knowledge Acquisition Systems for Management. An Empirical Study
A concept of enterprise big data and BI workflow driven platform
Supervised Context Classification Methods for an Industrial Machinery
Process Approach to Management Knowledge Objects Managerial Expertise for Distance Learning
Support of Contextual Classifier Ensemble Building
20th KAM’2014, 10 September, 2014, Warsaw University of Technology, Warsaw, Poland
(KAM&AI4KM’14 – 20th Conference on Knowledge Acquisition and Management and 2nd Workshop on Artificial Intelligence for Knowledge Management (Theme: Collaborative Human-Machine Intelligence); part of FedCSIS (Track: Information Technology for Management, Business & Society), Sep 7-10)
Conference Presentations:
20 years of KAM
Social media and emotions in organisational knowledge creation
Danger Theory-based Privacy Protection Model for Social Networks
Music Information Retrieval as a Key Framework to Explore Legal Issues Linked to Personal Data Computation
Knowledge Portal for Exclusion Process Services
CKD: a Cooperative Knowledge Discovery Model for Design Project
Knowledge Sharing in Distributed Agile Projects: Techniques, Strategies and Challenges
Information Models and Methods of the University’s Scientific Knowledge Life Cycle Support
Managing Intellectual Capital in Knowledge Economy
Tool dilemmas of innovation
Application of selected classification schemes for fault diagnosis of actuator systems
Intelligent Association Rules for Innovative SME Collaboration
Data Warehouse as a Source of Knowledge Acquisition. An Empirical Study
Knowledge extraction from professional e-mails
Information security in IT global sourcing models
19th KAM’2013, 12 September, 2013, AGH University of Science and Technology, Kraków, Poland
(part of FedCSIS (Track: Information Technology for Management, Business & Society), Sep 8-11)
Conference Presentations:
Inconsistency Handling in Collaborative Knowledge Management
Internet as the Source for Acquiring the Medical Information
Corporate Amnesia in the Micro Business Environment
Knowledge conflicts in Business Intelligence systems
One approach to the classification of business knowledge diagrams: practical view
Knowledge Management as Foundation of Smart University
Scalable Web Monitoring System
Business Intelligence as a service in a cloud environment
Knowledge Acquisition for New Product Development with the Use of an ERP Database
Preliminaries for Dynamic Competence Management System building
Outsourcing of knowledge in change and renewal processes
Student Response to Educational Games – An Empirical Study
18th KAM’2012, Poland, 12 September, 2012, Wrocław University of Technology, Wrocław
(part of FedCSIS (Track: Information Technology for Management, Business & Society), Sep 9-12)
Conference Presentations:
A survey of data warehouse architectures: preliminary results
Adaptive Conjoint Analysis. Training Data: Knowledge or Beliefs?
Process mining challenges in hospital information systems
The Knowledge Maturing Scorecard: A Model Based Approach for Managing the Innovation
From Knowledge worker to Knowledge Cultivator-effective dynamics
Using .tel domains to support knowledge Management
Design of Learner-Centered constructivism based Learning Process
Models of information and knowledge transfer in IT outsourcing projects
Web User Navigation Patterns Discovery from WWW Server Log Files
FedCSIS Tutorials:
Semantic Knowledge Engineering for Business Intelligence: concepts and tools
17th KAM’2010, 21-22 May, 2010, Książ, Poland
Current and future trends in knowledge management
English language session:
Approach to clustering of intraday stock quotations multi-agent system for e commerce
Integrating business intelligence and theory of constraints approach
The visualization of association rules in market basket analysis as a supporting method in customer relationship management systems
Case-based strategy decision making
Business intelligence systems in mobile environment
Expert systems in practice
Knowledge management in programming teams
Polish language session:
Using .tel domains in knowledge management
Office online suits as tools for supporting electronic document management
A grid based knowledge management system
Some controlling instruments used in the area of knowledge management
Knowledge in LLL initiative (lifelong learning programme)
Context data granularisation in supporvised learning
Determinants of MIS efectiveness
16th KAM’2009, 22-23 May, 2009, Wroclaw University of Economics, Worclaw, Poland
Program n.a.
15th KAM’2007, 20-22 September, 2007, Wroclaw University of Economics, Worclaw, Poland
Program n.a.
14th KAM’2006, 18-20 May, 2006, Wroclaw University of Economics, Worclaw, Poland
Program n.a.
English Papers:
Knowledge management within the framework of informing science
Validation quests of hybrid knowledgebases
On chosen aspects of turning information into knowledge
Polish Papers:
Ontogenic neural networks using orthogonal activation functions
Influences of tacit knowledge on the duration of a construction investment in the conditions of transformation
The problem of selecting experts in the process of acquiring knowledge
Identification and application of context in supervised learning
Temporal and deontic constraints in business process modeling
Computer method of face generation based on PCA analysis and genetic algorithm
Formalization of legal knowledge by the VTKB method – analysis of possibilities
Analysis of the possibilities of classes of intelligent systems to support the controlling of a commercial bank
Tools supporting customer knowledge management
Intellectual capital as a component of enterprise resources
Generator of numerical data sets
Hospital Information System (HIS) based on EBM methodology
The use of mobile software agents in the electronic register of medical services
Pattern of knowledge – a recipe for a knowledge-based society
The concept of knowledge management in IT projects
Information and communication technology in the management of classified knowledge in an organization
13th KAM’2005, 12–14 May, 2005, Karpacz, Poland
Invited Lectures:
Mining of Knowledge in Object-oriented Software
Making Sense of Knowledge Management: Rational Choice, Learning, and Their Interplay
Supporting the teaching of operational research on the Moodle platform (Polish)
English Papers:
Learning Objects: from Canceptualization to Utilization
Towards Reducing Humoan Involvement in Validation of Knowledge-based Systems
Improving the Efficiency of Global KM Flow with New Generation of AI
A Partial Fitness Function in Genetic Algorithm Applied to Graph Coloring Problem
Knowledge Management Issues In Rule-Based System Integrated Design Process
Presentation of Learning Content as an E-Mindmap and putting Together More Learnin Styles, to Improve the E-Learning Adaption
Multimedia Data Mining- Past, Present, And Futute
Handling Recursive Queries within RDBMS with Jally View Technology. Some Experimental Results with the ReDaReS Systems
Polish Papers:
Sequencing learning objects in intelligent distance learning systems
Using Data Drilling in Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
Sports sponsorship and organizing knowledge centers
The method of value obtained as a source of knowledge for the purposes of managing information projects
Forecasting support system with calendar constraints
Multimedia knowledge management in a distance learning environment
Selected properties of the SIGMA-IF neural network
Managing knowledge about e-customers using the CRM system
Modeling business processes using the logic of presumptions
Smart networks and network intelligence
The idea of cooperation between virtual knowledge brokers for small and medium enterprises
Diversification of knowledge about human resources management
A logical representation of the temporal aspects of law
Knowledge management – psychological dilemmas
Wholesale didactic material in the virtual learning system
Retained key classified knowledge (ZKWN) as an instrument of coordination in network enterprises
The Internet is a source of information and knowledge for enterprises of new technologies
SCORM and the integration of educational resources
Using ETL tools to evaluate teaching material in distance learning
Elements of an expert system in knowledge management systems
Acquiring knowledge from data using complex classifiers
Acquisition of probabilistic knowledge for the model of nosocomial infections
Acceleration of the genetic algorithm in learning fuzzy systems
Knowledge diffusion in virtual projects
Electronic document management systems as a knowledge management tool
Reasoning on the basis of knowledge expressed ontologically – the concept of the environment
12th KAM’2004, May 2004, Spheres, Poland
Program n.a.
English Papers:
An Application of Short-List Algorithm in Solving Data Mining Evaluation Problem (Christozov D., Denchev S.), s. 38-44
Applying the Informing Science Framework to Higher Education: Knowledge Development, Management and Dissemination
Web Usage Mining: a Practical Study
Logical Reduction of Tabular Systems
Markup-Languages-Based Approach to Knowledge Management and Representation
Learning Object Management System (LOMS) and Learning Management System (LMS)
The Nature of Commerce in the Digital Marketspace
Polish Papers:
Equivalence of knowledge and services in IT knowledge management systems: methods of its presentation and economic aspects
Statistical evaluation of the effects of implementing CRM systems in Polish organizations
Elements of virtual education in teaching Algorithms and Data Structure
A new method of generating computerized teaching and testing tests in the process of distance learning
Measuring knowledge – in search of a standard
Using the SCORM standard for knowledge management for e-learning systems
Outsourcing of analytical systems
Knowledge management as a factor supporting the implementation of organizational changes
Methods of formal modeling of organizational goals
The results of the application of artificial neural networks in the risk management of the bank’s consumer loan portfolio
Evolutionary organization based on knowledge associating small and medium-sized enterprises
Genetic algorithm in discovering rules from a real medical database
Nature-based methods in data mining tasks
Decision support using temporal reasoning
Genetic algorithm with multi-criteria optimization in the Pareto sense in acquiring rules from a neural network
Knowledge management and Business Intelligence systems
Knowledge extraction from a database for a knowledge-based organization
Knowledge management in the information society
Validation of student-designed knowledge bases: Preliminary research
Securing knowledge in economic organizations
Value creation in dynamic enterprises
The Balanced Scorecard and the Praxeological Map of Knowledge
The use of concept maps in corporate knowledge management
The role of an advanced information and analytical system in organizational knowledge management processes
Legal information and the concept of protoforms
An intelligent agent-based recommendation system supporting a website
Financial condition of the company – in search of the best indicators
E-learning in the process of modern education
11th KAM’2003, May 2003, Turawa, Poland
Program n.a.
English Papers:
The Knowledge in an E-Commerce System
Applications of Intelligent System in Poland our Present state of Observing
Generalized Decision Tables as a Tool for Knowledge Management. Selected Issues of knowledge Representation, Analysis and Processing
Organization and Processing of “Best Practise” Knowledge Approach to Database Creating and Exploring
Meta-Level approach to Knowledge Management in Rule-Based Systems
E-Blended Learning Course Module for Distance Students
Polish Papers:
The role of groupware in acquiring knowledge in an organization
Didactic and research aspects of using artificial intelligence methods in decision support processes in agriculture
Efficiency of the full crossover method for combinatorial problems
Knowledge management tools in overcoming barriers to the implementation of integrated systems
The use of tools supporting the design of systems based on an evolutionary algorithm on the example of the DREAM environment
Using the knowledge obtained from microscopic images to classify working fluids
Overview of the functionality of advanced information and analytical systems
Elements of virtual education in teaching chemistry
The use of specialized knowledge bases and training in the basics of knowledge engineering as a means of improving management in the sector of small and medium-sized enterprises
Overview of the functionality of advanced information and analytical systems
Knowledge-based management as a success factor for a project organization
Knowledge contained in errors on the example of address databases
Classification of multi-category cases using a binary classifier – development of a methodology and an IT tool
Knowledge management in the remote education process on the example of Learning Space
Determining the importance of attributes in classification tasks by non-destructive elimination of connections in a neural network
Acquisition of information as a factor influencing the effectiveness of the enterprise
E-education in the development of organization knowledge
The concept of a system for acquiring knowledge about the functioning of the organization
Modeling business processes using business rules
Problems of acquiring knowledge in the process of reverse engineering with the use of UML language
Application of data mining technology in CRM class systems based on ORACLE 9i environment
The idea of a virtual organization associating small and medium-sized entrepreneurs
The personal function as an object of knowledge management
Remote learning techniques in customer relationship management
The use of analytical tools in customer relationship management
Dynamic analysis of market entry barriers as a task for an intelligent tool
Contemporary approaches to the concept of information integration in a company
Non-Darwinian evolution in solving the scheduling problem
Intelligent genetic operators in an evolutionary approach to solving planning problems
Data classification in the process of intelligent acquisition of knowledge from databases
Knowledge management in a small company
Selected IT tools for knowledge acquisition and knowledge management
Searching for metadata in WWW repositories of Polish central offices of public institutions
Artificial intelligence in the selection of forecasting models
The concept of the expected utility module in the expert system
BData mining in the process of acquiring knowledge from a data warehouse
Modern applications of Data Mining in banking
Current data mining standards
The complexity of fuzzy reasoning systems and the problem of overfitting
WA datalogical measure of the amount of structural information as an instrument for managing statistical information resources
Selected aspects of IT project documentation management
Modeling in the CATIA system using knowledge
I want to attend the 30th KAM conference together with two other people. we are from Uganda, East Africa.
I work with Uganda Nurses and Midwives Examinations Board.
However, I do not seem to find the registration link. kindly guide on exact registration page or link
Best Regards
(KMedu Hub Note: Replied by eMail on Jul 15, 2024 – Boris)