Abstract: Many KM activities require extensive and unusual expertise. In particular, analysis of knowledge-intensive (K-I) activities — the mental tasks people perform and the mental models they use to deliver work products — is complex and based upon deep insights into what typically takes place in the knowledge worker’s mind during different stages of
Miscellany Articles
Miscellany articles relevant to Knowledge Management education and the Knowledge Management career profile
ASIS&T panel on the Knowledge Management career
Abstract: The panel will discuss the growing challenges in knowledge management education. Particularly they will debate and share their visions and experiences on following issues: What are the career opportunities for students graduated from KM program? What skills and knowledge should we empower our students in KM
Knowledge organization education: a study
Abstract: This paper presents the preliminary results of a study investigating the current state of knowledge organization education in American schools of library and information science. The goal of the study is to assess the status of entry-level knowledge organization education in U.S. library and information schools from three perspectives: course content, students’ perception,
Knowledge/ information organization course curriculum: emerging trends
Abstract: In this panel we will discuss the importance of knowledge organization and information organization in library and information science curricula and the emerging trends both inside and outside of library and information science which will affect the curriculum in coming years. Panel: Selenay Aytac, Long
Chief Knowledge Officers Add Value!
Abstract: The objective of this study is to provide organizations with a pragmatic understanding of how the role and position of Chief Knowledge Officer (CKO) is connecting people, technology & processes in a competitive environment to achieve maximum return on investment (ROI) ahead of the competition in a global market. The main research question