Abstract: Teaching knowledge management is one of the most growing interests in today’s universities program. A new syllabus for the bachelor degree (BA) business students at summer school should be covered in five different modules: (1) The knowing process (2) The hierarchy of knowledge (3A) The “knowledge management” definition and related discipline: history and
Miscellany Articles
Miscellany articles relevant to Knowledge Management education and the Knowledge Management career profile
MSc in Knowledge Management Systems at Cranfield
Abstract: This paper describes an innovative Master of Science (MSc) course in Knowledge Management Systems (KMS) taught via blended learning by the Department of Information Systems at Cranfield University. This MSc is aimed primarily at the defence sector, although it has become increasingly attractive to learners across the public and private sectors. We begin
Knowledge management course for MBA / EMBA programs @ Riga Business School
Abstract: The paper describes a case of development of knowledge management course for MBA and EMBA programs in Riga Business School. In the paper knowledge management course availability for universities and business schools, course development process, specific of students auditory in Latavia and in the particular school, developed KM course content, evaluation of
Utilizing innovative computing tools for teaching Knowledge Management
Abstract: Knowledge Management (KM) is a new, evolving computing paradigm based on a collection of processes that govern the creation, dissemination, and utilization of knowledge. We present and discuss a novel method, Systematic Knowledge Pattern (SKP), based on utilizing innovative computing tools for teaching KM. The SKP builds on powerful computing tools employing generic
Synchronous and Asynchronous Learning for Teaching Knowledge Management Courses
Abstract: Knowledge management (KM) has been one of the core operations of most companies and organizations since the early 1990s. As a consequence, KM education is experiencing exponential growth around the globe. In recent years, development in info-communication technologies (ICTs), increase in digital content, and the escalating use of the Internet and wireless capabilities