Egyptian Cabinet*
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Egyptian Cabinet offers the following Knowledge Management education and training opportunities:
Information and Decision Support Center (IDSC)
Knowledge Management Egypt Conference (KM Egypt), September 21-22, Cairo, Egypt
Conference Theme: Knowledge Management; a Catalyst for Innovation
Note: The conference was originally scheduled for April 20-21, 2010
The Knowledge Management Egypt Conference (KM Egypt) explores Knowledge Management concepts and methodologies in developing the best strategy for identifying, developing and applying the knowledge assets in order to perform more efficiently and effectively.
The conference aims to (1) highlight the role of Knowledge Management in creating an innovative results driven working environment within the organization, (2) provide insights on how business objectives can be delivered and competitive advantage can be gained by sharing knowledge and information, and (3) explore how government departments can use Knowledge Management in working collectively to simplify access to public information, ensure the accuracy and privacy of the information they share, and analyze data to support and enhance actionable decision-making. It will also be an opportunity for Knowledge Management participants in order to exchange Knowledge Management common practices for organizations, whether public or private sectors, and sharing Knowledge Management success stories.
Interactive Sessions:
Knowledge café: What is The Role of Conversation in Our Organizations
Conference Tracks:
Knowledge Management from Theory to Practice
Knowledge Workers and Social Network
Innovation and Knowledge Management for a Knowledge-Based Economy
Successful Innovation Management, Knowledge Transfer and Sharing Projects
Knowledge Management in Egypt – The Way Ahead
Keynotes: (2)
Knowledge Management – Reflections from Research and Experiences from Practice