Euresearch Association*
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The Euresearch Association has offered the following Knowledge Management education and training opportunities:
Enlarging the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Agenda (ESSHRA) project 1)
ESSHRA International Conference, 12 – 13 June 2007, Bern, Switzerland
Conference Theme: Towards a Knowledge Society: Is Knowledge a public good? Dynamics of Knowledge Production and Distribution
(organized by Euresearch in collaboration with the Swiss Academy for Social Sciences and the Humanities (ASSH) and the College of Management of Technology at the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL))
The objective of this International Conference is to stimulate dialogue between humanities and economics, encouraging researchers to provide answers to a central question: Is knowledge a public good? Three areas are foreseen: (1) What is Knowledge?, (2) Knowledge as a catalyst for the economy, and (3) Private and public aspects of Knowledge: Research and Innovation policies.
Knowledge and the importance of diversity
Communication forms and Multilingualism as a quality label for Knowledge
Investments in education and research and transfer mechanisms
Economics, growth and employment
Production, distribution and measurement of Knowledge
SMEs and other forms and their management of knowledge
Joint Sessions:
Dynamics and Strategies of the Knowledge Regions