European Conference on Knowledge Management (ECKM)*

European Conference on Knowledge Management (ECKM)*

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The European Conference on Knowledge Management (ECKM), organized by Academic Conferences and Publishing International (ACIP), presents current research findings and business experiences from the wide community which is now involved in knowledge management and intellectual capital and organisational learning.

Since 2015 in conjunction with the Knowledge Management and Intellectual Capital Excellence Awards finals (case histories).

Award Winners & Finalists
2024 Award
(9 submissions, 5 finalists)

1st Place:
Preserving Excellence: The Legacy Project at the European Medicines Agency (C-Sync, The Netherlands)

2nd Place:
Leveraging Knowledge Cafés to Enhance the International Student Experience (Swansea University, United Kingdom, & University of the Western Cape, South Africa)

3rd Place:
Innovative Approach: Leveraging Design Thinking for Enhancing Knowledge Sharing in Knowledge Intensive Firms (Mapna Turbine Blade Engineering and Manufacturing, Iran)

Bridging the Knowledge gap between HEI and Industry: Cooperation Pilot in Data and Analysis of Oracle and JAMK Finland
Sherlock: Novartis’ Knowledge Management (Re)evolution

2023 Award
(14 submissions, 6 finalists)

    1st Place:
    Fostering Innovation Ecosystems through Knowledge Co-Production: The Case of NAPI (Novos Arranjos de Pesquisa e Inovação; en.: New Research and Innovation Arrangements) Program in Paraná, Brazil (i-Araucaria Platform / Araucária Foundation, Federal University of Santa Catarina, and State University of Santa Catarina)

    2nd Place:
    Bringing Novices from the Passive role in Knowledge Sharing to the Active role (maintenance department of a high-tech company)

    3rd Place:
    Model for Creating Sustainable Brands Through Managing Knowledge and Relational Capital

    Other Finalists:
    Intellectual Capital and Knowledge Management at EPIC InnoLabs
    Knowledge Management in the Micro-Financing Sector: A case of a Network of Knowledge-based Organizations
    Knowledge Management during Crises using an Augmented Artificial Intelligence Framework

2022 Award
(14 submissions, 9 finalists)

    1st Place:
    Unlocking the Power of Knowledge at the UK’s Largest Community Funder (National Lottery Community Fund, UK)

    2nd Place:
    Fast Expert Teams: Cross-Boundary Knowledge Co-Creation for Solving Complex Problems in Digital Platforms (WORK2030 Program, Finnland)

    3rd Place:
    Knowledge Management at NetApp (NetApp IT Services and Consulting, Germany/Netherland/India, HQ: USA)

    Other Finalists:
    Knowledge Sharing and Knowledge Cafés: A Case Study in Higher Education
    Digitalizing the Systematic Literature Review process: The MySLR platform
    Tracking Value in Professional Services: A Homegrown Solution for Venture Builders
    Apple on the Tree: Complex Competence Development for Teachers
    Fighting Criminal Organizations Inside a Public Body: Experience from the Field
    “Improving Customer Experience with Knowledge Transformation”

2021 Award
(19 submissions, 8 finalists)

    1st Place:
    Knowledge Management/Knowledge Centered Service implementation at Alteryx (Alteryx computer software company, USA)

    2nd Place:
    User-Needs Innovation-Driven Learning Through Lessons at the European Space Agency (European Space Agency, France)

    3rd Place:
    Knowledge Data Engineering for Forest Management Information Systems (Department of Computer Science, Syed Babar Ali School of Science and Engineering, Pakistan)

    Other Finalists:
    Knowledge Management in a Micro-enterprise in the Amazon
    Preventing Corruption with Knowledge Management in Local Government
    A Knowledge Based Resilience Analysis Model for the Oil and Gas iIndustry
    Delivering a Value-led Knowledge Management Ecosystem

2020 Award
(10 submissions, 4 finalists)

    1st Place:
    Innovative Model for Development of Learning Organisations Through Knowledge Management and Intellectual Capital (Institute for Research in Environment, Civil Engineering and Energy, Macedonia)

    2nd Place:
    Artificial Intelligence and Social Good in the Context of Child Sex Trafficking: Design Space and Best Practices (Center on Knowledge Graphs, University of Southern California, USA)

    Other Finalists:
    Optimising the way strategy is implemented: The English Language School Case
    The COVID-19 Mobilzation and Response Plan: New York City 2020

2019 Award
(14 submissions, 9 finalists)

    1st Place:
    A Knowledge Management System in Support of Disaster Management: A Malaysian Experience (Faculty of Management, Multimedia University & Smart Cities RI, Malaysia)
    The Arup Tools Register: A Knowledge System for Capturing IP in Software (Arup, UK)

    3rd Place:
    Initiative of a Learning Organization within the Dubai Police (Dubai Police, UAE)

    Other Finalists:
    Connecting Academia and Small Enterprises: a New Field for Knowledge Management Experiments (École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland)
    Nationwide Knowledge Management Implementation in the Water and Wastewater Industry: a Case Study from Initiation to Governance (National Water and Wastewater Engineering Company of Iran)
    Knowledge Management in a Public Entity in the Area of Urban Regeneration: The Importance of Stakeholder Participation (Iran’s Urban Regeneration Corporation)
    Motivating Students to Excel at Social Responsibility Efforts (GOVCOPP, University of Aveiro, Portugal)
    RTA’s Integrated Research and Development Framework (Roads and Transport Authority, Dubai, UAE)
    Kwiki – A New Knowledge Experience (EDP Comercial, Portugal)
    Knowledge Management in an Educational and Economic Network: Good Practices in the Management of Knowledge about Competencies (Poznan University of Technology, Poland)

2018 Award
(20 submissions, 8 finalists)

    1st Place:
    Securing Knowledge Management Position in a Challenging and Complex Environment (MAPNA Group – Iran Power Plant Projects Management Company, R&D Department, Iran)

    2nd Place:
    Wien mags wissen: ‘Vienna likes to know’ The Knowledge Management Strategy of a ‘City of Knowledge’: From the Project Order to Implementation (Vienna City Administration, Austria)

    3rd Place:
    Knowledge Management and Cultural Change in a Knowledge-Intensive Public Organization: The Case of Swissmedic (Swissmedic – Swiss Agency for Therapeutic Products, Switzerland)

    Other Finalists:
    Sharing Research with Pleasure (ShaRP) and Sharing the Knowledge Forward (SKF) to Peers: A SKEMA Initiative
    Going Back to Basic Knowledge Management (Sarawak State Library, Malaysia)
    Public Science and Technology Management Based Intellectual Capital and Governance Co-Production (Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Brasil)
    Construction of a Knowledge Management Model for the Federal Court of the 1st Region of Brazil
    An online team exercise for online students: Learning for Knowledge Management, creativity and innovation, team skills and resource management (University of Southern Queensland, Australia and Hong Kong Polytechnic University)

2017 Award
(Submissions from 17 countries, 7 finalists)

    1st Place:
    Charnwood Connect: Holistic Knowledge Management for Building Resilience in the Voluntary Sector (Charnwood Citizens Advice Bureau, UK)

    2nd Place:
    Continuous Knowledge Transfer (CKT) at the European Patent Office (EPO) – Knowledge Management in an International Organization (European Patent Office, Germany)

    3rd Place:
    The State of the Art and Science of Knowledge Management at NASA Goddard Space flight Center (NASA Goddard Space flight Center, USA)

    Special Winner:
    A Knowledge Management System for the Prevention and Detection of Breast and Cervical Cancer (Universidad de Caldas, Colombia)

    Other Finalists:
    Connect:Revitalising a Law Firm Intranet (White & Case LLP, USA)
    Building a People-Centred Enterpridse-Level Knowledge Management Programme (Bechtel Corporations, USA)
    Knowledge Audit for Structured and Unstructured Business Processes in Hong Kong Public Utility Companies

2016 Award
(Submissions from 17 countries, 10 finalists)

    Joint 1st Place:
    Mentoring, lessons learned, best practices, storytelling and knowledge base (Ipea – Institute for Applied Economic Research, Brazil)
    Designing a Knowledge Management Strategy for a Provincial Government Department (Western Cape Government, Department of Transport & Public Works, South Africa)

    Other Finalists:
    Data-driven Knowledge Map and Its Typical Applications (Key Laboratory of Data Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, Renmin University of China)
    Learning about Ebola (Knowliah nv, Belgium)
    The design of a successful knowledge management strategy – a roadmap to the future (Feadship Royal Dutch Shipyards, The Netherlands)
    Facility Management by means of Semantic Technologies and Augmented Reality (FMstar)
    Practices of Interorganizational knowledge creation (Unisinos University, Brazil)
    KMIRC as a change agent (Knowledge Management & Innovation Research Center, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, China)

2015 Award
(70 submissions, 8 finalists)

    1st Place:
    Irish Defence Forces’ Information and Knowledge Management (IKM) Programme (Irish Defence Forces, Ireland)

    2nd Place:
    Ipea´s Knowledge Repository (Ipea – Institute for Applied Economic Research, Brazil)

    3rd Place:
    Lessons learnt from nearly two hundred cases of KM journeys by Hong Kong and Asian enterprises (Knowledge Management & Innovation Research Center, Hong Kong Polytechnic Universtiy)

    Other Finalists:
    Innovative Contribution to Organisational Knowledge Management Strategy: A Team Action Learning Initiative (Energy Technologies Institute, UK)
    Road Map to Growth and Exit: Jumpstarting Growth with IC (Smarter-Companies, USA)
    Mass Collaborative Knowledge Processing on the Semantic Web (Renmin University of China)
    The Germany ICS initiative: Experiences from more than 10 years of ICS – made in Germany (Fraunhofer Institute, Germany)
    My Knowledge KMS: The academic side of corporate knowledge management (Hellenic American University, USA)

    CANCELLED Finalists’ Presentations:
    Improving Knowledge Sharing Practices Through Team Empowerment: A Knowledge Management Initiative (Dubai Police Force)
    Critical Reflection about Knowledge Management in a Participatory Planning, Monitoring & Evaluation Course (Universidad Norbert Wiener, Peru)

In 2020 the European Conference on Intangibles and Intellectual Capital (ECIIC) and in 2021 the International Conference on Intellectual Capital, Knowledge Management and Organisational Learning (ICICKM) merged with ECKM.

Conference History:

26th ECKM 2025, 3-5 September 2025, Lahti, Finland

Addressing local and global challenges with knowledge management
(Host: Knowledge Management Research and Teaching Team, LUT Business School, Lappeenranta-Lahti University of Technology)

    Conference Program TBD

    Knowledge Creation and Sharing
    Knowledge Management Systems and Technologies
    Organizational Learning and Innovation
    Strategic Knowledge Management
    Knowledge Management in Specific Contexts
    Knowledge Management and Organizational Culture
    Ethics and Knowledge Management
    Emerging Trends and Challenges in Knowledge Management

    Mini Tracks:
    The impacts of Generative AI on individual, group, and organizational knowledge management
    Sustainability in Knowledge Management and Advanced Green Policy Strategies
    Bridging Knowledge and Project Management for Strategic Success
    Intellectual Capital as a Dynamic, Multilevel, and Complex Ecosystem
    Data-Driven Knowledge Management
    The Theory and Practice of Knowledge Management in Family Businesses
    History and Organizational Memory in Knowledge Management Studies

    General Streams:

    Keynotes: (3)
    Responsible Knowledge Management in a Polarized World
    GenAI and knowledge management – A revolution, an evolution, or something else entirely?

    Finals of the 11th Knowledge Management and Intellectual Capital Excellence Awards

25th ECKM 2024, 5-6 September 2024, Veszprém, Hungary / Virtual venue

(Host: Department of Management, Faculty of Business and Economics, University of Pannonia)

    Mini Tracks:
    Conversational AI within Higher Education Institutions (CANCELLED)
    Ethics and Human Values in the Knowledge Life Cycle (CANCELLED)
    How to … Lessons Learned
    Knowledge Management in Healthcare (CANCELLED)
    Storytelling as an Organisational Knowledge-sharing tool (CANCELLED)
    Digital technologies for knowledge sharing in the hybrid workplace (CANCELLED)
    Challenges and Solutions for Sustainable Knowledge Management
    Knowledge Management in Different Cultural Contexts
    Age of Digitalisation
    Knowledge Management and Practices in Family Firms (CANCELLED)
    Knowledge Transfer, Exchange and Creation Among Experts with Different Backgrounds (CANCELLED)
    Advancing Social Innovation (CANCELLED)

    General Streams:
    Leadership and Innovation
    Intellectual capital, relationships and organisational issues
    Knowledge Sharing
    Applications and digital tools
    Knowledge Management in business and public sector
    Relationships and Culture
    Knowledge Management Processes
    Smart cities, lessons learnt and Knowledge Management trends
    Digitalisation and media
    Knowledge processes
    AI and knowledge exchange
    Innovation, knowledge sharing and trust
    Higher education and communications
    AI and higher education
    Innovation, skills and communications
    AI and digital tools
    Informal learning, capability development and corporate social responsibility
    Digital tools, innovation and knowledge sharing

    PhD and Masters Colloquium
    Posters (physical, virtual and invite)

    Radical Knowledge Management (KM): Helping the Humans in an AI World
    Unlocking the Mysteries of Knowledge Transfer: The Power of Knowledge Management (KM), Experts, and AI (working title: Knowledge Transfer, Exchange and Creation Among Experts with Different Backgrounds)

    Finals of the 10th Knowledge Management and Intellectual Capital Excellence Awards

    Associated Events:
    Future Paths of Knowledge Management (1st Workshop), 2-4 September 2024, WU Vienna University of Economics and Business, Vienna, Austria
    Workshop Theme: The Role of Spirituality, Responsibility and Sustainability in Knowledge Management of the Future

24th ECKM 2023, 7-8 September 2023, Lisbon, Portugal / Virtual venue

(Host: Centre for the Study of Socioeconomic Change and the Territory, SocioDigital Lab for Public Policy, ISCTE – Instituto Universitário de Lisboa)

    Finals of the 9th Knowledge Management and Intellectual Capital Excellence Awards

    Knowledge Management in Agrifood Context (CANCELLED)
    Knowledge Management and Practices in Family Firms (becomes similar generla stream)
    Challenges for the Knowledge and Competencies of Managers and Engineers in the Industry 5.0 Environment
    Ethics and Management of Knowledge (becomes similar generla stream)
    The Future of Knowledge Management: Trends and Challenges
    How to … Lessons Learned
    Knowledge Dynamics Toward Practical Wisdom and Organizational Spirituality
    Reputation and Non-Financial Information (was: Managing Corporate Reputation)
    Futurizing the Intellectual Capital Theory

    General Streams:
    Organisational Knowledge
    Knowledge Management in Action
    Digital technology and Knowledge Management
    Knowledge Sharing
    Human Capital
    Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility
    Human Resources Management
    Knowledge Sharing, risks and future of Knowledge Management
    Models, Frameworks and Knowledge Transfer
    Knowledge Management Issues
    Knowledge Management in Practice
    Golobal, Local and Organisational Knowledge Management
    Relational Capital and Lifelong Learning
    Performance Management
    Business oppottunities and Family Firms
    Corporate issues
    Knowledge Flow
    Business strategy and intelligence

    PhD Colloquium
    Work in Progress
    Work in Progress Papers

    Round tables:
    Futurizing Intellectual Capital for Better Society

    Intellectual Capital as a Missed Value
    Digital Transformation for the University of the Future
    Society 5.0, Knowledge and Conceptual Capability

    Co-located Events:
    New Club of Paris (NCP) Summer Meeting & General Assembly, Sep 7-8
    ECRM – European Conference on Research Methodology for Business and Management Studies, Sep 6
    IAKM Members Dinner, Sep 6

    Associated Events:
    Future Paths of Knowledge Management (3rd Virtual Mini-Symposium), 21-22 September 2023, Virtual venue
    Conference Theme: The role of Spirituality, Cognitive Science and Sustainability in Knowledge Management of the future
    (Co-organizer: Knowledge Management Group, Vienna University of Economics and Business; Organizing Cognition in Knowing Organizations Research Group, University of Vienna)

23rd ECKM 2022, 1-2 September 2022, Naples, Italy / Virtual venue

(Host: Department of Engineering, University of Naples Parthenope; Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Naples Federico II)

    Finals of the 8th Knowledge Management and Intellectual Capital Excellence Awards

    Knowledge Management Theories and Applications from Trans-/ Multi-/ Inter-/ Disciplinary Perspective
    Intellectual Capital Management and Sustainability
    The Future of Knowledge Management: Trends and Challenges
    Ethics and Management of Knowledge
    Knowledge Transfer as an Element of Enterprise Security
    Knowledge Management, Flexibility and Competitiveness in Small and Medium Enterprises
    Knowledge Dynamics Toward Practical Wisdom and Organizational Spirituality
    New Trends and Models of Knowledge Transfer in Digital Higher Education (CANCELLED)
    Knowledge Management and Practices in Family Firms
    Knowledge Management Strategies: Challenges and Limitations (becomes General stream?)

    General Streams:
    Innovation; Digital Technologies; Responding to COVID-19; Education and Learning; Managing Knowledge in Organisations; PhD and Masters Colloquium; Remote Work; Knowledge Management Research; Knowledge Management Strategies: Challenges and Limitations; Intellectual Capital; Human Resources and Resilience; Knowledge Sharing; Knowledge Management Initiatives; Healthcare; Poster Session

    “Back To The Future”: Exploring The Emerging Horizons Of Knowledge Management In Academic Research
    Exploring the Application of Digital Twin as an Enabler in Knowledge Management

    Associated Events:
    Future Paths of Knowledge Management (2nd Virtual Mini-Symposium), 1-2 December 2022, Virtual venue
    Conference Theme: Do Spirituality, Calling and Knowledge Management Fit Together?
    Responsible Knowledge Management (RKM Mini-Symposium), 25 & 28 April 2022, Virtual venue
    Conference Theme: Reflecting on the Future of Knowledge Management in a VUCA World
    (Co-organizer: Knowledge Management Group, Vienna University of Economics and Business; Organizing Cognition in Knowing Organizations Research Group, University of Vienna)

22nd ECKM 2021, 2-3 September 2021, Coventry University, Coventry, UK Virtual venue

(Host: Research Centre for Business in Society, Coventry University)

    Pre-conference workshops (Sep 1):
    PhD Workshop on Research Methods in Knowledge Management; Exploring Customer Knowledge Management: Within a Sustainable Fashion Online Community; Digital Transformation of Business and Society: The Role of Knowledge Management Strategies; PhD/Masters Colloquium

    Knowledge Café:
    The Knowledge Delusion

    Finals of the 7th Knowledge Management and Intellectual Capital Excellence Awards

    New Challenges for Knowledge Management in Healthcare and Medicine; Knowledge Management promotion for cultural change (becomes General Stream); Sustainability Strategy and Knowledge Management at The New Normalization (becomes General Stream); Organizational Practical Wisdom and Organizational Spirituality in Knowledge Management; Knowledge Management & Academic-industry Relationships (becomes General Stream); Knowledge Management in the Era of Big Data (becomes General Stream)

    General Streams:
    Knowledge Sharing; Innovation; Knowledge Management Issues; Artificial Intelligence; Education; Government/Public Sector; Engagement, Empowerment and Leadership; The body of knowledge; Human/Interlectual Capital; Knowledge and Value Creation; Knowledge Management & Academic-industry Relationships AND Knowledge Management in the Era of Big Data; Poster Session

    Intelligence, The Elusive Concept And General Capability Still Not Found in Machines; The Culture and Community of Knowledge Sciences; Knowledge Management in post pandemic times “KM unde venis-quo vadis?”

21st ECKM 2020, 2-4 December 2020, University of Coventry, Coventry, UK Virtual venue

(Host: Research Centre for Business in Society, Coventry University)

    Note: The conference was scheduled for 3–4 December 2020 and 3–4 September 2020, resp.

    Pre-conference workshops (Dec 2):
    Hands-On with Big Data: Calculating Narratives for Decision Making (CANCELLED); PhD and Masters Colloquium; Postgraduate Research Project Workshop

    Knowledge Café:
    How do we better live and work in a hyper-connected, complex world?

    Finals of the 6th Knowledge Management and Intellectual Capital Excellence Awards (final round; pre-conference, Dec 2)

    New Challenges for Knowledge Management in Healthcare and Medicine; ISO 30401 – Opportunities and Experiences for Knowledge Management Systems (CANCELLED); Managing Digital Identity in the World of Industry 4.0; Knowledge Management, Organizational Wisdom and Spirituality; Creating National Knowledge Management Policy and Strategy; Loss of Knowledge: The Strategies of Learning?; Knowledge Management & Academic-industry Relationships

    General Streams:
    Knowledge Sharing; ICT; Educational Context; Literature Reviews; Tacit Knowledge; Digitalisation; Intellectual Capital; Collaboration; Knowledge Management Issues; Gamification, Storytelling and Knowledge Transfer; Innovation; Branding, Conflict and Mistakes; Posters (pre-conference, Dec 2)

    The Future of Knowledge Management in an uncertain world (was: The Implications of AI and Big Data for Knowledge Management); Knowledge Strategies; The future of knowledge work in the digital economy

    Co-located Events:
    International Association for Knowledge Management (IAKM) Members Online Meeting, Dec 1

20th ECKM 2019, 5-6 September 2019, Universidade Europeia de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal

(Host: Economics Department, Universidade Europeia de Lisboa)

    Pre-conference workshops (Sep 4):
    A Multidisciplinary Approach to Intangibles – Theory and Practice; Mastering the Publication Process

    PhD and Masters Colloquium

    Finals of the 5th Knowledge Management and Intellectual Capital Excellence Awards

    Knowledge Strategies in Turbulent Times; Knowledge Management in Healthcare; Knowledge for Sustainable Development Goals; Managing Knowledge in 21st Century: in the First Knowledge Economy?; Understanding and Addressing the Ethical implications in Knowledge Management (CANCELLED)

    General Streams:
    Explicit Knowledge; Organisational Culture and Evaluation; Higher Education; Collaboration; Social Issues; Personal Knowledge; Knowledge Sharing ; Qualitative Research; Intellectual Capital; Creativity; Competencies; Students; Learning; Digital Transformation and Taxation; Knowledge Management as an Organisational Tool; Training; Technology; Tacit Knowledge; Strategy; Knowledge Transfer; Innovation; Industry 4.0; Case Studies; Knowledge Sharing; Spirituality and Omniscience; Stakeholders; Agility and Innovation Clusters; Human Resources; Knowledge Creation; Knowledge Sharing; Big Data and Analysis; Posters (Poster Only, Poster with a Work-in-Progress Paper, Invited Posters)

    Contingencies and Complexities of the Knowledge-Performance Relationship; The future of Knowledge Management at the Macro and Micro Level; Trust in Business Relationships

19th ECKM 2018, 6-7 September 2018, University of Padua, Italy

(Host: Department of Economics and Management & Department of Technology and Management of Industrial Systems, University of Padua)

    Pre-conference Workshops:
    Social Network Analysis for Knowledge Management; Nations´ Wealth Creation and Poverty Reduction in the Knowledge Economy Context. Theoretical Foundations and Practical Implications;

    PhD Colloquium: IAKM Doctoral Workshop: Doing Research in Knowledge Management

    Finals of the 4th Knowledge Management and Intellectual Capital Excellence Awards

    Mini Tracks:
    Knowledge Management Practices in Healthcare; Knowledge Strategies in Turbulent Times; Current Issues in Intellectual Capital; Knowledge Management in the Industry 4.0 Scenario; Knowledge Management in Servitization (CANCELLED)

    General Streams:
    Education; Human Resources; SMEs; Knowledge Sharing; Cultural Issues; Digital Transformation; Education; Leadership; Knowledge Management and the Public Sector; Frameworks and Models; Engagement; Knowledge Management Challenges; Tacit Knowledge and Life Costing; Intellectual Capital and Knowledge Management Competition; Collaborations, Sharing and Transfer; Literature Reviews; Knowledge Transfer and Knowledge Conversion; Inter- and Multi-National Issues; Innovation; Knowledge Management Issues; Use of Technology; Knowledge Managment Systems; Big Data and Knowledge Metrics; Barriers and Security; Competition; Regional Knowledge Management Experiences; Posters (Posters only, Poster with a Work-in-Progress Paper, Invited posters)

    Combinatorial Knowledge Dynamics in Social and Sustainability Innovation – Context Matters; From Knowledge Management to Community Management: Turning Challenges Into Opportunities

    Co-located events:
    International Association for Knowledge Management (IAKM) meeting

18th ECKM 2017, 7-8 September 2017, Universitat Internacional de Catalunya, Spain

(Host: Department of Economy and Business Organization, Universitat Internacional de Catalunya)

    Pre-conference Workshops:
    Designing a Successful Knowledge Management Strategy for Public Sector Organizations: How can this be Achieved?; Managing Self and Others by Enneagram; Assessment of Knowledge Risk and its Mitigation; The Future of Knowledge Management: Short-time Goals and Long-term Vision

    PhD colloquium, PhD and Master colloquium

    Finals of the 3rd Knowledge Management and Intellectual Capital Excellence Awards

    Cross-cultural Perspectives on Knowledge Management (IAKM Track); Enterprise Information & Knowledge Systems Security (was: Information and Knowledge Systems: Insider Threats and Security); Knowledge Management in the Public and Non-Profit Sectors; Knowledge Sharing in Networks; Big data and Business Analytics (was: Big Data, Business Intelligence and Knowledge Management); Enterprise Modelling For Knowledge Management; Knowledge Management as a Driver of Green Sustainability

    General Streams:
    Innovation; Strategies; Case Studies; Software Issues; Knowledge Management Issues; Intellectual Capital; Knowledge Transfer; Decision Making; Employee issues; Knowledge Sharing; Using Knowledge; Organisational Capability; Tacit Knowledge; Organisational Issues; Social media and social networks; Knowledge Creation; Models; Knowledge Management Applications; Communities of Practice; Innovation; Organisational Learning; Healthcare; Developments in Knowledge Management; Posters (Posters only, Poster with a Work-in-Progress Paper, Invited posters)

    Prosumption: Utilization of Consumers’ Knowledge in Organizations; Empowering Conversation in the Workplace; Re-wiring our brain in the Cloud: Excelling with Knowledge Work in the age of digitalisation

17th ECKM 2016, 1-2 September 2016, Ulster University, Northern Ireland, UK

(Host: Department of Global Business & Enterprise, Ulster University)

    Pre-conference Workshops:
    Sustainable Third Sector Organisations = Greater Social Impact: How can this be Achieved?; Doctoral Workshop – So what is Next on the Knowledge Management Horizon?

    PHD Colloquium; PhD and Master colloquium

    Finals of the 2nd Knowledge Management and Intellectual Capital Excellence Awards
    IAKM Awards: Knowledge Management in Education and Education in Knowledge Management

    Knowledge Management in Education and Education in Knowledge Management and probabilistic methods for threat assessment (IAKM Awards); Web 2.0 Models, Methods and Tools in Knowledge Management; University-Industry Knowledge Transfer; Knowledge Management for Sustainable Value Creation; Knowledge Management in the Public Sector; Research Methods in Knowledge Management; The role of Knowledge Management in Healthcare (CANCELLED); Knowledge Management of Shared Cognition; Social Media Technologies for Knowledge Management and Innovation in SMEs

    General Streams:
    Software Issues; Framework; Knowledge Management Issues; Individual Differences and Ambidexterity; Tacit Knowledge; Knowledge Sharing; Network Issues; Communities of Practise; Intellectual Capital; Regional and Cultural Issues; Knowledge Base and an Outsiders perspective; Knowledge Sharing and Knowledge Management Systems; Empirical Research; Education; Innovation; Business Intelligence; Knowledge Transfer; Posters (Posters only, Poster with a Work-in-Progress Paper, Invited posters)

    What does it take to Deliver Knowledge these days?; IKON, a case study of a multi award winning knowledge Management programme in a 9000+ organisation

16th ECKM 2015, 3-4 September 2015, University of Udine, Italy

(Host: Department of Economic Sciences and Statistics, University of Udine)

    Finals of the 1st Knowledge Management and Intellectual Capital Excellence Awards

    Realising the value of Customer Knowledge Management (becomes General Stream); Using Knowledge visualization for knowledge management and business modeling; Knowledge Management in the Public Sector – General / Healthcare / Public Funded Organisations; Knowledge Strategies; Big Data Analytics and Organisational Culture for Knowledge Management (CANCELLED); KM Open Innovation and Entrepreneurship Business Champions (was: Knowledge Management, Open Innovation & Entrepreneurship); Knowledge Management for Welfare services, policies and organizations

    General Streams:
    Knowledge Creation; Intellectual Capital; Organisational Learning; Innovation; Collaboration; Goal setting and Knowledge Acquisition; Data Analytic Solutions; Models and Modelling; Realising the value of Customer Knowledge Management (CKM); Leadership; Knowledge Management Case Studies; Implementation; Entrepreneurship; Cultural Issues; Knowledge Transfer; Knowledge Management and Education; Knowledge Management Tools; Knowledge Management Issues; Knowledge Management Outcomes; Knowledge Sharing and Collaboration; Knowledge Management in a Corporate Environment; SMEs; Posters

    The Role of Knowledge Management in Building Resilience; Bridging the Knowledge Management divide: Academia vs. Practice?; Knowledge management in the pharmaceutical field

15th ECKM 2014, 4-5 September 2014, Polytechnic Institute of Santarém, Santarém, Portugal

(Host: School of Management and Technology, Polytechnic Institute of Santarém)

    PhD Colloquium

    How situations of limited or impaired trust affect Knowledge Management (CANCELLED); Knowledge Management and Education; Narrative and complexity (CANCELLED); Knowledge Management in the finance sector; Future Research Directions in Knowledge Management; Knowledge Management in the Public Sector; Processes, Tools and Social Software for Global Knowledge Management (CANCELLED); Knowledge Management practices and value creation: an (inter-)national perspective; Applying Knowledge Management in Business: Contributions from Industry

    General Streams:
    Knowledge Sharing; Knowledge Creation; Assessing Knowledge Management; Knowledge Management and Project Management; Learning and Performance; Human Resources and Competence Brokering; Knowledge Management Tools; Trust and Job Satisfaction; CSR and Storytelling; SMEs; Innovation; Models, Modelling and Call Centres; Knowledge Management and Healthcare; Intellectual Capital; Models and Frameworks; Communities of practice, Virtual Communities and Knowledge sharing; Knowledge Management and ICT; Organisational Learning; Posters (Work in Progress Posters with Papers / Abstracts, Invited Posters)

    Do the Wrong Thing: On the relevance of breakdown and failure in knowledge creation and discovery; Making an impact with communication

    Advancements, Challenges and Future Research in Knowledge Management: Results from a Global Expert Study

14th ECKM 2013, 5-6 September 2013, Kaunas University of Technology, Kaunas, Lithuania

(Host: Centre of Economics, Business and Management, School of Economics and Business, Kaunas University of Technology)

    PhD Colloquium

    Success and Maturity of Knowledge Sharing; Knowledge Management for Sustainable Strategies and Policies in the Transport Sector; Success and Maturity of Knowledge Sharing; Knowledge Management in Public Sector (CANCELLED); Knowledge in Action; Evaluating the impact of knowledge management and organisational learning programmes and activities; Emotional Knowledge Management; Global Social Software Applications for Knowledge Management; The Role of Knowledge Management in Contemporary Global Supply Chain Management; Knowledge Management & Innovation

    General Streams:
    Knowledge Sharing; Organisational performance/Intelligence; Knowledge Management in Universities; Models; Intellectual Capital; Tacit Knowledge; Intangible Assets; Shared and collaborative knowledge; Case Studies and surveys; Knowledge Management Frameworks, Models and Measurement; Knowledge Management, Organisational Learning and Organisational Memory; Knowledge Workers; Knowledge Management in Tehran; Knowledge Management in Business; Posters (Work in Progress)

    Sense-making and Knowledge Management; Osmosis and Knowledge Flows in EntreSutra

13th ECKM 2012, 6-7 September 2012, Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena, Spain

(Host: Department of Business Economics, Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena)

    PhD Colloquium

    Knowledge Café:
    Gender-Related Issues in Knowledge Management: How to Promote Female Features and Qualities in Knowledge Management Initiatives

    Cultural Influences & Factors in Knowledge Management; Knowledge and Organizational Learning in Healthcare Organizations; Knowledge in Action; Creativity and Knowledge Management; Competitive Intelligence and Knowledge Management; Knowledge Management and Innovation; Knowledge Strategies; Global Application of Social Software Applications for Knowledge Management

    General Streams:
    Knowledge Management Systems; Knowledge Management in Higher Education; Models; Frameworks and Architectures; Knowledge Management in organisations; Knowledge costs and marketing; Managers and Employees; Knowledge Transfer/sharing; Knowledge Sharing; Knowledge Management Issues; Learning and the Knowledgable Organisation; Customers; Organisational issues; Web based activities; Knowledge Management in Higher Education; Intellectual Capital; Case Studies; Posters (Poster Only, Work-in-Progress papers with Posters)

    Intelligence in Action; The Art (and Science) of Forgetting

12th ECKM 2011, 1-2 September 2011, University of Passau, Germany

(Host: School of Business, Economics and Information Systems, Chair of Information Systems (Information and IT Service Management), University of Passau)

    PhD Colloquium

    Process-oriented Knowledge Management – Case Studies and State of Research; Enterprise 2.0 (becomes General Stream); Making Form and Function Out of Fog: How do Organisations successfully deploy knowledge management initiatives; Managing Knowledge in a Multigenerational Workforce; Global Knowledge Management; Knowledge Management and the Decision Making Process

    General Streams:
    SMEs; Social networks; Organisational Learning; Knowledge Creation; Technical Issues; Intellectual Capital; Organisational Learning; Models; Enterprise 2.0; Knowledge Intensive Organisations and Systems; Knowledge Management Assessment and implementation; Knowledge Value and Personal Knowledge; Web 2.0 and the Semantic Web; Knowledge Management and ic in Universities; Strategies; Knowledge Sharing; Communities of Practice; Tacit Knowledge; Frameworks and Organisational Performance; Regional Development; Knowledge Sharing/Transfer; KM Implementation; Regional Public Sector Issues; Knowledge Management assessment, evaluation and analysis; Knowledge Management Issues; Posters (Poster Only, Work-in-Progress papers with Posters)

    Re-focusing knowledge management: concepts of knowledge maturing; 10 years of Knowledge Management – will another 10 years follow?; Emerging approaches to organizational learning

11th ECKM 2010, 2-3 September 2010, Universidade Lusíada de Vila Nova de Famalicão, Famalicão, Portugal

(Host: Faculty of Engineering and Technologies, Universidade Lusíada de Vila Nova de Famalicão)

    PhD Consortium

    Gurteen Knowledge Cafe (incl. Presentation):
    Making Knowledge Management work!

    Knowledge and Ageing; Globalization, Trade and Knowledge Economics; Knowledge Management for Resilient Enterprise; International law as the legal framework for the Knowledge Based Society (CANCELLED); Knowledge Management in Public Sector Organisations: Value Driven and Best Practices Scenario; Sustainable Knowledge Management; Knowledge transfer and trust in service business

    General Streams:
    Knowledge Management and SMEs; Models; Knowledge networks; Organisational Issues; Evaluating Knowledge Management; Innovation; Case Studies; Organisational Learning; Frameworks; Data Management; Knowledge Management and Healthcare; Knowledge Transfer; Strategies; Applied Knowledge Management; Knowledge Management and Higher Education; Intellectual Capital; Enterprise Information; Project teams; Knowledge Management Tools; Knowledge Management and non Profit Organisations; Knowledge sharing and Organizational Commitment; Web 2.0 and the Internet; Competence; Boundary Broking, Knowledge Differentiation and Sustainable Competitiveness; Posters (Poster Only, Work-in-Progress papers with Posters)

    A process view of knowledge management: it ain’t what you do, it’s the way that you do it; Knowledge as a network package: aspects of transfer and translation in international business

10th ECKM 2009, 3-4 September 2009, Università Degli Studi Di Padova, Vincenza, Italy

(Host: Department of Technical and Management of Industrial Systems, Università Degli Studi Di Padova)

    Gurteen Knowledge Cafe:

    Public Policies, Knowledge Management and Intellectual Capital (CANCELLED); Formal Modeling for Knowledge Management

    General Streams:
    How Knowledge Management affects performance; Web 2.0 for Knowledge Sharing; Frameworks; Knowledge Management in Higher Education; Knowledge Management and Intellectual Capital; Social Networks for Knowledge Sharing and Management; Knowledge Management in Industry; Human aspects of Knowledge Management; Technical; Communities; Innovation; Knowledge Leadership and management; Knowledge Management in the Health Sector; Risk and Security; Collaboration and sharing; Knowledge Management Planning; Knowledge Leaders; Knowledge Creation and Creativity; Measuring the success of Knowledge Management; Case Studies; Knowledge Management Systems Development and Implementation; Organisational Issues; Leveraging Knowledge; Knowledge Transfer; Management Issues; Knowledge and Value Networks; Customer Knowledge Management; Regional Perspectives; Knowledge Sharing; Knowledge Transformation; Project Management and Knowledge Management; Posters

    Semantics in Action; Knowledge Management and Organisational Learning: Where Technology and Socialisation meet; Open Knowledge Management – The Wiki Way

9th ECKM 2008, 4-5 September 2008, Southampton Solent University, Southampton, UK

(Host: Southampton Business School & Faculty of Technology, Southampton Solent University)

    Gurteen Knowledge Café:
    What will be the impact of social tools on Knowledge Management; what are the challenges and the opportunities?

    Measuring Intangibles & Intellectual Capital (becomes General Stream); Knowledge Retention (CANCELLED); Dynamics of Temporary Coalitions; Knowledge Management in Higher Education; Knowledge Management as a managerial tool in EU research programs (CANCELLED); Human Capital for Outstanding Results; Linking Knowledge Management and Intellectual Capital to economic growth of countries (CANCELLED); How to Acquire Knowledge Through Collaboration: From Individual to Inter-Organisational Learning Process

    General Streams:
    Web 2.0 and Knowledge Management 2.0; Knowledge Management Initiatives; Developing Knowledge Management; Communities of Practice; Knowledge Management in Industry; Knowledge Management Projects; Models; Knowledge Sharing/Knowledge Transfer; Measuring Intangibles and Intellectual Capital; Organisational issues; Knowledge Management Systems and Paradoxes; Knowledge Maps and Decision Making; Case Studies; Innovation; Knowledge Sharing; Applying Knowledge Management; Knowledge Management in SMEs; Knowledge Management in the Public Sector; Cultural Issues; Knowledge Management in the Enterprise Environment; Managing Knowledge; Knowledge Transfer; Implementing and Evaluating Knowledge Management

    Ordnance Survey: underpinning Great Britain with geographic information; Keynote 2 (CANCELLED)

    Round Table Debates:
    The Management of Knowledge and Knowledge Management

8th ECKM 2007, 6-7 September 2007, Technical University of Catalonia, Barcelona, Spain

(Host: Consorci Escola Industrial de Barcelona, Technical University of Catalonia)

    Gurteen Knowledge Café:
    Future Trends in Intellectual Capital Research

    Measuring and evaluating intellectual capital and knowledge asset; Human capital for outstanding results; Linking Knowledge Management and Intellectual Capital to the economic growth of countries and regions and people’s welfare; Auditing Knowledge Management

    General Streams:
    Competence analysis and evaluation; Assessment methods and tools; Knowledge creation; Knowledge Management an the Web; Communities of Practice; ICT and Knowledge Management; Knowledge Management frameworks; Knowledge Transfer case studies; Knowledge Management Stratiegies; Knowledge Management management and Innovation; Human capital; Knowledge Networks; Knowledge sharing; Case Studies; Thinking about Knowledge Management; Knowledge Transfer; Data management; Knowledge Management models; Approaches to Knowledge Management; Organisational Performance Case Studies; Learning from Failures; Knowledge Management in SME’s; Knowledge Management in business; Organisational learning; The Ba Concept; Knowledge Management in education; Knowledge Management in healthcare; Knowledge Storage and Diffusion; Corporate Knowledge Management; Social networks

    Knowledge as Love: How Metaphors Direct our Efforts to Manage Knowledge in Organisations; Intelligent Cities’ How to Measure and Govern Intangible Capabilities in Urban Innovation Environments?

    Open InCaS: The Intellectual Capital Statement – Made in Europe (InCaS)

7th ECKM 2006, 4-5 September 2006, Corvinus University of Budapest, Hungary

(Host: Department of Information Systems, Corvinus University of Budapest)

    Social Computing

    Measuring Intellectual Capital and Intangible Assets; The Role of Knowledge in Regional Cooperations; Auditing Knowledge Management – Knowledge management in auditing

    General Streams:

    Knowledge Management in Action; In search of an Intellectual Capital general theory

    Panel Discussions:
    Organisational knowledge and management strategies: Alignment, goals, processes and tools

6th ECKM 2005, 8-9 September 2005, University of Limerick, Ireland

(Host: Kemmy Business School, Department of Management and Marketing, University of Limerick)

    Gurteen Knowledge Café:
    What are the most useful areas of research in the field of Knowledge Management which should be pursued in the next 3 to 5 years and what type of research methods would be best employed to tackle these topics?

    Measuring and Evaluating Intellectual Capital and Knowledge Assets; Intellectual Capital and Knowledge Management – the Macro Dimension

    General Streams:

    Perspectives on intellectual capital: The challenges of measuring and managing this critical value driver; The past, present and future of Knowledge Management

5th ECKM 2004, 30 September – 1 October 2004, Conservatoire National des Arts et Metiers, Paris, France

(Host: International Institute of Management, Department of Economics and Management, Conservatoire National des Arts et Metiers)

    Knowledge Café


    Knowledge Management 20 years after … The evolution and increasing significance of Knowledge Management

    Panel Discussions:

    Side Events:
    Former CNAM-IIM KM MBA professors meet Karl Wiig, Sep 29

4th ECKM 2003, 18-19 September 2003, Oxford University, UK

(Host: Oriel College, Oxford University)

    Pre-conference Workshops:
    International Doctoral Colloquium in Business and Management Research

    Gurteen Knowledge Café:


    Corporate intelligence and the role of knowledge management

3rd ECKM 2002, 24-25 September 2002, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland

(Host: Department of Computer Science, Trinity College Dublin)

    Pre-conference Workshops:
    International Doctoral Colloquium in Business and Management Research

    Developing Knowledge Management and Knowledge Management Support Systems; Theory and Strategy; Modelling, and Data & Content Management; Management Tools; Organisation & Culture; Teams; Evaluation & Metrics; Knowledge Management and e-Government

    Complex Acts of Knowing: breaking away from the tacit and explicit words

    Panel Discussions:
    The Future of Knowledge Management Research

2nd ECKM 2001, 8-9 November 2001, IEDC-Bled School of Management, Bled, Slovenia

(Host: IEDC Bled School of Management)



1st ECKM 2000, 26-27 October 2000, IEDC-Bled School of Management, Bled, Slovenia

(Host: IEDC-Bled School of Management)

    Knowledge Management Evaluation; Knowledge Management Implementation; Knowledge Management Justification; Knowledge Management Scoping

    Keynotes: (2)
    The Knowledge Value Chain: From Asset Mapping to Cost Benefit Analysis

    Plenary Session:
    Knowledge Management as a Tool to Improve Securities Market Surveillance; Working with a strategy: An action research project within the British Council; A Group Memory System For Corporate Knowledge Management: An Ontological Approach; Assessing Knowledge in the New Economy; Architectures for KM systems, Model: Multimedia for Open and Dynamic Executive Learning; Organisational learning and knowledge Management; Criteria set for the assessment of patent – licensing activity of organization; Data mining in organisations: capturing knowledge to facilitate learning; The Design of a Framework for Knowledge Management Tool Evaluation and Selection; Knowledge Management: An aspect of merging organisations; Knowledge Visualisation in Postal Consultancy: An Application of Pathfinder and Latent Semantic Analysis; Managing Organisational Knowing: A Conceptual Framework for Making Decisions, Sense and Policy

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One Reply to “ European Conference on Knowledge Management (ECKM)*”

  1. I would like to know more on European Conference on Knowledge Management (ECKM)*
    Scheduled for Sep 2, 2021 – Sep 3, 2021.
    Thank you.

    (KMedu Hub Note: Replied by eMail on Mar 8, 2021 – Boris)

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