International Conference on Intellectual Capital, Knowledge Management and Organisational Learning (ICICKM)**
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The International Conference on Intellectual Capital, Knowledge Management and Organisational Learning (ICICKM) is to present current research findings and business experiences from the wide community which is now involved in knowledge management and intellectual capital and organisational learning. It offers an opportunity for discussion and deliberation and networking.
In 2021 ICICKM is merging with the European Conference on Knowledge Management (ECKM).
Conference History:
17th ICICKM 2020, 15-16 October 2020, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada Virtual venue
(Host: Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto; Co-host: Knowah Research Group, School of Information Studies, McGill University)
Mini Tracks:
Counter-productive Knowledge Behaviours; Digital Transformation of the Economy and Knowledge Management (CANCELLED); Refugee Crisis and the role of Universities towards a Sustainable Solution (Work-in-Process Poster Mini Track | CANCELLED); Knowledge Sharing, Knowledge Enhancement and Knowledge Retention in a World of Pandemics and Climate Change (CANCELLED); Multidisciplinary Approaches and Methodologies in Knowledge Management and Intellectual Capital; Teaching and Training Knowledge Management and Intellectual Capital (CANCELLED)
General Streams:
Knowledge Management Issues; Crises; Public Sector & Knowledge Management Issues; Intellectual Capital; Innovation; Education; Social Media and Marketing; Poster Session; Work-in-Progress Posters; Invited Posters; Knowledge Management Quiz
Intellectual Capital and Financial Performance: Predicting M&A Success; The State and Development of the Knowledge Management Discipline: Evidence from Scientometric Research
16th ICICKM 2019, 5-6 December 2019, Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia
(Host: Business School, Macquarie University)
PhD and Masters Colloquium
Mini Tracks:
Combining the Resource Views and the Intellectual Capital view for Improved Strategy Implementation; Managing Knowledge and Innovation in Smart Technologies
General Streams:
Innovation; Skills; Knowledge Sharing and Transfer; Higher Education Context; Organizational Learning; Intellectual Capital; Competitiveness; Social Capital; Leadership; Knowledge Management; Public and Social Organisation; Human Capital; Social Networks; Posters (Work-in-progress Posters, Poster Only, Invited Posters)
The “Dark Side of Knowledge Management”: Understanding the Role of Counterproductive Knowledge Behavior; Addressing the Weakness in the Resource Based View by Adding Insights From the Intellectual Capital Field of Study; The role of Intellectual Capital in Value Creation: reflections and potentials
15th ICICKM 2018, 29-30 November 2018, University of the Western Cape, South Africa
(Host: Department of Information Systems, Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences, University of the Western Cape)
Pre-conference Workshops:
Grounded Theory Method (GTM)
PhD and Masters Colloquium
Mini Tracks:
Data-driven business transformation (CANCELLED)
General Streams:
Organizational Learning, Social Knowledge Management /Trust & Resiliance; Research Issues; Knowledge Creation and Cultivation; Intellectual Capital; Learning; Corporate Knowledge Management; Individual Differences; Innovation; Knowledge Management and Communication; Banking Sector and costing; University Administration; Social Media and Teams; Knowledge Sharing; Posters (Work-in-progress Posters, Poster Only)
Knowledge Management in Digital Change; When Machines get Smart; Information and Knowledge Management in the Digital Era: The Key to Evidence-based Strategy and Policy Formulation in Local Government
Panel Discussions:
Fake Knowledge – Academic Misconduct
14th ICICKM 2017, 7-8 December 2017, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong
(Host: Knowledge Management and Innovation Research Centre, Hong Kong Polytechnic University)
Pre-conference Workshops:
Evaluating knowledge initiatives: developing a strategic approach (CANCELLED); Knowledge Management in the trenches – Lessons Learnt from Knowledge Management projects
PhD/Masters Colloquium
Knowledge Management strategic performance: from competitive intelligence to knowledge strategies; Intellectual Capital as part of Knowledge Management Structures; Knowledge Management in the Public Sector; Quantitative and qualitative approaches to intellectual capital assessment
General Streams:
Learning and Unlearning; Knowledge Management in Higher Education; Innovation; Knowledge Sharing; Adoption of Knowledge Management in business; Social Business; Social Capital; Developement of Intellectual Capital and Knowledge Management Practices; Research and Development; Posters (Poster Only, Invited Posters)
Prosperity, Intellectual Capital and Economic Complexity; Retrospect and Prospect of Knowledge Management Practices in Hong Kong
Panel Discussions:
How Design Thinking and Digitalisation will shape Knowledge Management research in the coming years?
Co-located events:
Visit to the Knowledge Management and Innovation Research Centre (KMIRC) at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
13th ICICKM 2016, 14-15 October 2016, Ithaca College, Ithaca, New York, USA
(Host: School of Business, Ithaca College)
Pre-conference Workshop:
Information, Knowledge and Intelligence: What’s Relevant for Knowledge Management/ IC Scholars and Practitioners?
PhD Colloquium
Intellectual Capital Management and Finance; Knowledge Management Maturity: Challenges and Opportunities; The Economics of Knowledge Sharing (CANCELLED); Big Data, Business Intelligence, and Knowledge Management
General Streams:
Learning; Models and Frameworks; Software; Knowledge Sharing; Intellectual Capital; Data; Education; Communities of Practice, Network Events and Benefits, Value and Meaningfulness; Posters
Knowledge Management in the Cognitive Era; Successes and Failures of Knowledge Management
12th ICICKM 2015, 5-6 November 2015, Bangkok University, Bangkok, Thailand
(Host: Institute for Knowledge and Innovation Southeast Asia, Bangkok University)
PhD Colloquium
Intellectual Capital Disclosure and Innovations (becomes General Stream); The Role of Organizational leaders to create and nurture knowledge; Intellectual Capital, Knowledge Management and Organizational Learning for CSR and Sustainability; The contribution of the intellectual capital lens in the development of public policy (CANCELLED); Role of Epistemology in Knowledge Management (CANCELLED)
General Streams:
Social Media; Organizational Learning; Models and Systems; Innovation; Case Studies; Data Analysis; Knowledge Management Issues; Intellectual Capital Disclosure and Innovations; Posters
The Knowledge of You; Technology Transfer a Driver of Innovation: Addressing Market Failure Using an IC Approach
11th ICICKM 2014, 6-7 November 2014, University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia
(Host: Business School, University of Sydney)
PhD Colloquium
Intellectual Capital & Knowledge Management aspects in higher education; Knowledge Strategies; Business Value from Negative Emotions – Intellectual Liabilities and Negative Emotions as sources of value creation; Intellectual Capital and the Public Sector; Intellectual Capital (IC) and Knowledge Management (KM): Interdisciplinary Perspectives; Structuring Think Tanks as a Knowledge Management Tool for Organizational Learning Development; Regional development and engagement in Knowledge Management and IC (CANCELLED); Knowledge Management in SMEs (CANCELLED)
Streams: Organisational Learning; Knowledge Sharing; Intellectual Capital; Models, Big Data and Brands; Performance; Relational Capital, Intellectual Capital and Knowledge Management Systems; Tacit Knowledge; Structural Equation Modeling; Posters (Posters with a Work in Progress Paper)
Intellectual capital in Australia: Economic development in a high cost economy; Intellectual Capital and the Public Sector Research: Past, Present, and Future
10th ICICKM 2013, 24-25 October 2013, George Washington University, Washington, DC, USA
(Host: Department of Engineering Management and Systems Engineering, School of Engineering and Applied Science, George Washington University)
PhD Colloquium; Masters Colloquium
What Works in IC? Practical Perspectives; Big Data, Business Intelligence, and Knowledge: Beyond Intellectual Capital; Innovating Management; The impact of Intellectual Capital and Absorptive Capacity on Value Co-creation; How Organizations are Adopting Knowledge Management; The Role of Organizational Learning in Successful Knowledge Management Initiatives
General Streams:
Strategies; Knowledge Management and Intellectual Capital in Higher Education; Strategies, Frameworks and Business Plans; Intellectual Capital Management and Practice; Knowledge Management Practice; Intellectual Capital & Knowledge Management Research; Knowledge Sharing; Organisational Learning; Social Capital and Trust
The Intellectual Capital Bretton Woods: A Global Innovation Frontier; Competitive Advantage in the Age of Intangibles
9th ICICKM 2012, 18-19 October 2012, Universidad del Rosario / Universidad de Bogotá Jorge Tadeo Lozano, Colombia
(Host: Knowledge and Innovation Centre, Universidad del Rosario; Universidad de Bogotá Jorge Tadeo Lozano)
PhD Colloquium
Teaching Intellectual Capital and Knowledge Management (was: Teaching Knowledge Management); Intellectual Capital and Organizational Learning; The Value of Knowledge Management and Intellectual capital in the development of a Nation (CANCELLED); Knowledge Management Audit and Maturity Models (CANCELLED); The value of human resources in ICKM: Issues and Challenges; Bridging the gap from theory to practice in Knowledge Management
General Streams:
Knowledge Management and Intellectual Capital and Higher Education; Knowledge Sharing; Social Media and Technology; Managing Knowledge Management in Organizations; Knowledge Management Practices in Agriculture; Managing Intellectual Capital and Knowledge Management systems; Posters (Posters with a Work in Progress Paper)
Building a Knowledge Management Model at Brazil’s Embrapa (Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation): Towards a Knowledge-Based View of Organizations
Panel Discussions:
Utilization of Knowledge Management in agricultural research
8th ICICKM 2011, 27-28 October 2011, Bangkok University, Bangkok, Thailand
(Host: Institute for Knowledge and Innovation Southeast Asia, Bangkok University)
Pre-conference Workshops (open to public; CANCELLED):
Tango – The Intellectual Capital Learning and Simulation Tool; Making Knowledge Management work – a framework for managing enabling contexts in knowledge organizations; Knowledge Communities: Creation, Sustainment & Governance; Introduction to Social Network Analysis (SNA); Knowledge Management Processes; Evaluating Social Media; Human Knowledge Management – The Art of Managing Knowledge in Thailand; Intellectual Capital Reporting – An Action Learning Approach; Knowledge Management enables Business Strategy; Talent Dynamics: Knowledge Management Roles and Structures in an Organisation; Expert Knowledge Capture; Knowledge Management Metrics; Taxonomy & Folksonomy: Creation and Maintenance; Knowledge Management Assessment for Performance Excellence
PhD Colloquium
Knowledge processes & Risk Management (CANCELLED); Knowledge Management in Government; Knowledge Management, from Theory to Practice and Future Trends
General Streams:
Intellectual Capital; Organisational Learning; Knowledge Management Tools; Social Capital and Social Networks; Knowledge and Organisational Life Cycles; Knowledge Sharing; The Education Sector; Knowledge Audit and Knowledge Management Strategies; Innovation; Cultural Issues; Organisational Issues; Human Capital; Leadership; Case Studies; Knowledge Management Research and Assessment; Posters (Work-in-progress Posters, Poster Only)
The three tribes: learning, knowledge management and intellectual capital – towards a common agenda; Collective Intelligence for Research and Strategy: With Highlights from the TechCast Project
7th ICICKM 2010, 11-12 November 2010, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, China
(Host: Knowledge Management Research Centre, Hong Kong Polytechnic University)
PhD Colloquium
Communities of practice, the role of leaders and managers in the process of creativity and innovation; Risk Knowledge Management; Inter-organisational learning; Crossing the Chasm: Moving Intellectual Capital into the Business Mainstream
General Streams:
Intellectual Capital; Industry focused Knowledge Management; Managing knowledge; Models; Educational Issues; Innovation; Knowledge acquisition and transfer; Case Studies; R&D issues; Social networks; e-Business and market mechanisms; Posters
Rising Intellectual Capital in China – What causes the Phenomenological Economic Potential and Growth; Selling the Intellectual Capital Management Concept to the Community
6th ICICKM 2009, 1-2 October 2009, McGill University, Montreal, Canada
(Host: School of Information Studies, McGill University)
Methodologies for the implementation of Knowledge Management processes; Knowledge transfer/sharing in international settings; Virtual Environments and Collaboration
General Streams:
Intellectual Capital; Organisational complexities and performance; Intellectual Capital in Industry; Ontologies; Virtual Environments and Collaboration; Strategy; Knowledge Management and Innovation; Knowledge Management and Intellectual CapitalCase Studies; Knowledge Management in Higher Education; Knowledge Transfer and Knowledge Sharing; Posters
Working smarter: when knowledge management, organizational learning, and business process meet together; Cross-Generational Knowledge Flows in Edge Organizations
5th ICICKM 2008, 9-10 October 2008, New York Institute of Technology, New York, USA
(Host: School of Management, New York Institute of Technology)
Measuring Intangibles & Intellectual Capital; Knowledge Sharing in Higher Education; Innovation Management within Knowledge Management; Knowledge and Information Dynamics (CANCELLED); Linking Knowledge Management and Intellectual Capital to economic growth of countries and regions and people’s welfare
General Streams:
Organizational Learning; Communities of Practice; Performance issues; Case Studies; Knowledge Management Analysis; Perspectives on Knowledge Management; Intellectual Capital Management; Knowledge Management Tools and Systems; Knowledge Management Models; Knowledge Sharing and Knowledge Creation; Collaboration and Communication
Keynotes: (1)
Keynote title n.a.
Round Table Discussion
4th ICICKM 2007, 15-16 October 2007, Stellenbosch University, Cape Town, South Africa
(Host: Business School, Stellenbosch University)
Knowledge Café:
Looking at the topic – What have we achieved in Intellectual Capital and Knowledge Management research and what are the more obvious areas to explore in the forthcoming years?
Knowledge Sharing in Higher Education; Knowledge management growth and role in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) Region (CANCELLED); Relevance of Knowledge Management in Project Management Environments; Knowledge Management Models, metaphors and epistemologies; Community Informatics
General Streams:
Intellectual Capital; Organisational Learning; Corporate Knowledge Management; Knowledge Management in Business; Knowledge Management in the public sector; Disseminating information; Knowledge Asset; Knowledge Management Strategies; Case Studies; Implementation of Knowledge Management
The Management of Knowledge Creation and Innovation Through an Intellectual Capital Lens; Placing Knowledge Management within SA DST Plan 2008-2018: Innovation Towards a Knowledge based Economy
3rd ICICKM 2006, 19-20 October 2006, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago, Chile
(Host: School of Administration, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile)
General Streams:
Stream titles n.a.
Knowledge Management: A Different View; In Search of an Intellectual Capital General Theory
Socratic Dialogue; Panel (CANCELLED)
2nd ICICKM 2005, 21-22 November 2005, American University of Dubai, United Arab Emirates
(Host: Department of Information Technology, American University of Dubai; School of Business, American University of Beirut)
Note: The conference was originally scheduled for 6-7 October 2005 at the American University of Beirut, Beirut, Lebanon. Due to the unsettled political climate in Beirut it was postponed and re-located.
Knowledge Café:
Future Research and Techniques in Intellectual Capital, Knowledge Management and Organisational Learning
General Streams:
Stream titles n.a.
Knowledge Management for Adaptive Enterprise – Synchronizing business and IT to capitalize on change
Panel Discussions:
The relative impact of knowledge management on individuals, organisations and societies
1st ICICKM 2004, 29-30 October 2004, Ryerson University, Toronto, Canada
(Host: Ted Rogers School of Information Technology Management, Faculty of Business, Ryerson University)
Knowledge Café:
Title n.a.
General Streams:
Stream titles n.a.
Intellectual Capital ROI: A knowledge journey using causal models
Panel Discussions:
How well has the Canadian academic, consulting and practitioner communities implemented Knowledge Management? (and how are they likely to develop in the future.)
How can i register for the current online conference of (ICICKM) kicking off on the 15 October 2020?
(KMedu Hub Note: Replied by eMail on Oct 11, 2020 – Boris)
Good day
Kindly advise what the cost is for the conference taking place on 29 & 30 November 2018 at University of the Western Cape
(KMedu Hub Note: Replied by eMail on Oct 26, 2018 – Boris)