Forum for Knowledge Co-Creation (FoKCs)*

Forum for Knowledge Co-Creation (FoKCs)*

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The Forum for Knowledge Co-Creation (FoKCs; Japanese: 回知識共創フォーラム) is a forum where researchers and practitioners collaborate in attempting to scientifically clarify the mechanisms of creations, sharing, and applications of knowledge and to realize highly-developed knowledge societies.

Session formats: Invited talk session; Theme session; General session; Interactive session (Poster session); Seeds session (work-in-progress session)

The Forum is organized by the School of Knowledge Science, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (JAIST).

Conference History:

11th FoKCs 2025, March 20, 2025, Kanazawa, Japan

(Host: School of Knowledge Science, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology)

    Conference program TBD

    Topical issues:
    Raising issues related to knowledge in society, life, technology, etc. based on insights from a broad perspective
    Constructing original hypotheses and models that are not bound by precedents related to the creation, sharing, utilization, and transformation of knowledge
    Discovering, creating, verifying, and refining facts, patterns, hypotheses, and models using methodologies that can appropriately extract and evaluate knowledge

    Invited Lectures:
    The impact of knowledge creation theory in business management and its implications for social change in Japan

10th FoKCs 2024, March 20, 2024, Nomi, Japan / Virtual venue

(Host: School of Knowledge Science, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology)

    What can knowledge science do about the Peninsula Earthquake?

    General Session:
    Secondary findings in cancer gene panel testing considering patient benefits explanation process – Case study targeting cancer genome medicine workers
    Benefit characteristics of patient education services provided by occupational therapists – Case study of group program for alcoholics
    Conflicts in the establishment process of “time for comprehensive inquiry” and how to deal with them
    Mismatch between individual and collective stories seen from a sense of alienation – Effect of accepting feelings of alienation due to autobiographical memory
    How to improve the tacit cognitive abilities of young engineers working in the construction industry
    Regarding the abilities required of people in a changing society and the resulting changes
    Analysis of the influence of anticipatory regret on moral decision making using a dilemma task

    Seed Session:
    Functional modeling of financial literacy
    Graduation research efforts and self-development among liberal arts and science-integrated undergraduate students
    Presenting a hypothesis that applies research results in cognitive science to corporate knowledge creation
    Possibility of generative AI that utilizes experiential knowledge
    What can knowledge science do about the 2020 Noto Peninsula Earthquake?

    Interactive Session K12:
    Knowledge-linked video annotation useful for clarifying instruction regarding physical movements system proposal
    Survey of the language situation of schools around Chengzhong Village: Using Chengzhong Village in Nanning City as an example
    Discovering possibilities in unconventional ideas and connecting them to innovation: What kind of human resources are “empathetic innovators”?
    Case analysis of non-employment side jobs as knowledge creation opportunities
    Knowledge co-creation at events utilizing wearable health trackers: Analysis of health behavior change using a descriptive phenomenological approach
    Development of future society design based on a place for knowledge co-creation
    Comparative conceptual analysis of ‘Dilemma of exploration and depth’
    Does recursive combination produce diversity? An experimental study on inferring mental content.
    Literature review on sources of sustainable competitive advantage in manufacturing companies
    Mechanism of local echo chamber formation in SNS Analysis of the spread of fake news
    Consideration of knowledge that promotes transformation into a well-being oriented organization
    Concept fusion in co-creative interaction: The relationship between mismatch activation and emergence
    Empirical research on stories that mediate individuals and groups – Text mining analysis of narrative texts (Research plan)
    Examining the role of mediator using generative AI in the dialogue space of collaborative town development

9th FoKCs 2019, March 7-8, 2019, Kanazawa, Japan

Conference Theme: Approach to Various Aspects of Understanding
(Host: Department of Media Informatics, College of Informatics and Human Communication, Kanazawa Institute of Technology)

    Invited Lecture:
    Reading Others’ Preferences from Behavior: Behavioral Experiments and Model Analysis

    General Session:
    A Characteristic Analysis of Generational Inheritance of Employees of Nuclear Power Plants Under Decommissioning
    Estimation of explorer’s purpose based on action history: Toward construction of life navigator
    A Study on Factors to Promote Collaboration between Engineers and Non-Engineers in Civic Tech
    Considerations on the Transformation of Strangers into Local Settlers
    How to Resolve Cross-Cultural Conflicts in Homestay – A Case Study of IJSP in Ishikawa

    Theme Session: Approaches to Multiple Aspects of Understanding
    How was Zen enlightenment understood and conveyed through painting? The Cases of Sotatsu, Korin, and Jakuchu as Seen from the ‘Mahayana Buddhist’ Characteristics of Japanese Paintings
    Dialogue of Cognitive Research through Poster Presentations on the Relationship between Cognitive Science and Cognitive Psychology
    Relationship Analysis between Intention Estimation and Semantic Paragraphing of the Whole Story

    Seeds Session:
    Comparing Merge and embeddedness in recursion
    Multilayered knowledge seen from the perspective of resource management legislation
    Topic Analysis of Discussions toward Solving Regional Issues

    Interactive Session:
    Research on New Integrated Subjects Based on Technology and Design – Toward the Creation and Development of “Visual Art Informatics”
    Co-creation of new knowledge through an exhibition of art students
    Investigation of an image-based historical interpretation activity model for the formation of critical thinking
    Proposal of countermeasures against rut in nursing care recreation
    Does Language Affect Perception and Memory?-Eye Movement Measurements of Event Perception for Sino-Japanese Language Speakers
    Examination of cognitive activity expression support for ill-defined problem solving
    Towards elucidating the mechanism of visual perception of objects with wholeness: A study of the slit illusion
    Towards construction of object recognizer by unsupervised learning
    On the evolution of innuendo
    Knowledge Aspects of Agriculture that Convey the Relationship between Nature and Society
    Examination of Training Environment for Reasoning Thinking Using LOD
    Establishment of a platform-type intermediary organization to solve barrier-free problems in the accommodation industry
    Investigation of anxiety factors for dietary guidance of cancer chemotherapy outpatient nurses
    Topic Analysis of Discussions toward Solving Regional Issues
    A Proposal for Formalizing Habermas’s Public Category Theory Using a Modeling Language
    Elucidation of correlation factors of semantic transferability of Japanese onomatopoeia
    Analysis of Regional Revitalization Cooperation Volunteers as “Border People” to Transform Local Communities
    Proposal of a dome-shaped whiteboard to stimulate discussion in PBL

    Comprehensive discussion co-creation

8th FoKCs 2018, March 6-7, 2018, Kanazawa, Japan

Conference Theme: Approach to the Knowledge Creation Process as a System for Creating Value
(Host: Department of Media Informatics, College of Informatics and Human Communication, Kanazawa Institute of Technology)

    Invited Lecture:
    Knowledge co-creation and value creation in regional service system

    General Session:
    Attempts to analyze and visualize “koto design”
    Activity Design of Hobbies-related Groups to Encourage Co-creation of Knowledge ~Case Study of Sapporo OYOYO Seminar
    Research and development of an advanced health behavior promotion model using probabilistic latent semantic analysis (PLSA)
    Cognitive Differences Appearing in Isomorphic Compound Verbs in Japanese and Chinese Languages: Analysis of Semantic Category and Semantic Expansion
    Developing a method for acquiring implicit nuances of Japanese onotope through creative tasks using manga
    Construction of Indefinite Natural Transformation Theory: Description of Dynamic Metaphor Understanding Using Category Theory
    Influence of Exhibition Commentary on Museum Visit Motivation: Aiming to Support Learning in Ancient History Museums

    Theme Session: Approach to Knowledge Creation Process as a Value Creating System
    Co-creation process of future intellect by 5A leadership

    Seeds Session:
    A Study on the Role and Evaluation of External Experts Settled in the Community
    Adaptation of knowledge management in the nuclear field
    Analysis of EEG phase-locked network structure using community extraction method in symbolic communication task
    Toward the elucidation of semantic representation: analysis of analogical reasoning of vector space models

    Interactive Session:
    Co-creation of collaborative business value in software business ecosystem
    Attempts to co-create knowledge by collaborating in different fields: case of agricultural biotechnology
    Construction of CSV ecosystem born from Daegyeongping
    A Proposal of Content Selection Support System for Logical Presentation
    Critical thinking skill development support environment by knowledge creation task
    A Study of a Learning Application to Simulate Experience of Information Competition in Selecting Safety Behavior at Disaster
    A Study on Recognition of Railway Workers on Pilot Introduction of New Disaster Prevention Measures
    Discussion about differences in definition of outsiders and social evaluation
    Research on community formation model supported by the elderly
    Proposal of diversification pattern analysis in biological evolution and cultural evolution by simulation for elucidation of moral diversification mechanism
    Practice of metacognitive inference activities based on self-made sentences and gaze information
    Designing a learning environment that promotes self-regulated learning by mentoring others
    A thought organization support system that enhances readiness for co-creative discussions
    Toward the construction of a riddle system that presents unexpected useful information
    Program development to improve generational succession of nuclear power plant personnel
    Consideration on the current state of pro bono activities using ICT
    Support for abstraction of examples for semantic comprehension of English words
    Attrition of Orthographic Skill in Logographic Written Language: Case of Japanese-speaking Native Chinese in Japan

    General Discussion (Theme Session + Seeds Theme Session)

7th FoKCs 2017, March 21-22, 2017, Osaka, Japan

Conference Theme: What is the Source of Knowledge Co-creation? How to Nurture it?
(Host: Knowledge Systems Lab, College of Sustainable System Sciences, Osaka Prefecture University)

    Invited Lecture:
    From experiential learning and self-regulated learning to co-creation of knowledge -Educational design and practice to nurture metacognitive skills-

    General Session:
    Conservation model for tropical forests by creating ecosystem services using knowledge capital
    Investigation of Thinking Skills in Nursing Organization Training at University Hospitals
    Quantitative Text Analysis of Learning Evaluation Questionnaire in Information Ethics Education Program
    Inheritance of knowledge of traditional events that form a place to belong and a place to appear: culture and beliefs seen in the fighting mikoshi and ko mikoshi

    Theme Session:
    Composition of weekly training reports for new employees to encourage a turnaround in the experiential learning cycle
    Bottom-up Creation of Rubrics for Researchers’ Dialogue Ability Training
    Contribution of Spontaneous Functions to Outcomes in Group Knowledge Co-creation

    Seeds Session:
    Medical Knowledge Representation for Semantic Word Weighting in Medical Document Analysis
    A study on information sharing system and multi-professional collaboration for construction of regional comprehensive care system
    Design and Educational Practice of a Model of Mathematical Inquiry Aiming at Knowledge Creation in Mathematics Education

    Interactive Session:
    valuation Value Estimation by Network Using Product Reviews and Product Descriptions
    Analysis of the Effect of Co-Creation of Co-Creation Map for Co-Creation for Elderly People to Induce Co-Creation Awareness
    Realization of cooperation between engineers and local residents in Civic Tech
    Proposal of a quantification method for the individuality of robots recognized through interaction with humans Dedicated to Bunjin
    Group activities
    Cognitive Differences between Japanese and Chinese Languages: A Proposal of Cognitive Linguistic Contrastive Analysis of Homomorphic Compound Verbs
    Japanese through Creation Tasks Using Manga Learning how to learn the implicit nuances of onomatopoeia
    Examination of experiential learning support methods to promote progressive understanding in zoos
    Development of a Test Customizing System Using Information Recommendation
    Differences in Aesthetic Beliefs: A Case Study of Mondrian’s Works
    Dynamic Current Location Display on Tourist Maps Minoru Ueda
    Toward the Construction and Practice of a Knowledge Co-creation Model for Special Needs Education Practitioners and Information Engineers
    Transcending Language Barriers: Toward co-creation of knowledge
    Comparing EEG phase synchronization structures between successful and unsuccessful pairs in a symbolic communication task
    Linguistic Loss of Logistic Language: China in Japan MILAYI
    Study of learning support method using action selection flow for acquiring guidelines for ensuring safety in disasters
    Research and conception of co-creation platform in graduate school practice subjects
    How to Express Design Intent for Creating Scaffolding for Learning Meta-Thinking Skills

    Comprehensive discussion

6th FoKCs 2016, March 12-13, 2016, Kanazawa, Japan

Conference Theme: Service and Knowledge Sharing
(Host: Department of Media Informatics, College of Informatics and Human Communication, Kanazawa Institute of Technology)

    Invited Lecture:
    Service Globalization: Knowledge Transfer Process for Value Co-creation

    General Session:
    Relationship between managerial awareness and standard/selection methods for acquiring customer contextual information in the retail, restaurant, and lodging industries
    Employee behaviors leading the customer satisfaction at service encounter: A case study of Vietnam retail banking sector
    Improving thinking schemes to promote knowledge co-creation in multidisciplinary collaboration
    An Attempt to Induce Word Awareness Using Artificial Language Co-Creation Tasks
    English phrasal verb learning support system using word sense knowledge
    Study of cognitive mechanism in violinist’s fingering decision

    Theme Session: Service Systems and Knowledge Sharing
    Knowledge sharing in art-based tourism services-From both cases of Kanazawa Creative Tourism and Kinokuni Trainart
    Service Model of Conviviality -Social Tourism for Exchange
    Proposal for Co-creative Terminal Care

    Seeds Session:
    Estimation of demand for buses between JAIST and Kanazawa based on current traffic behavior surveys
    Proposal of knowledge transfer/utilization model for formal organizations

    Seeds Session/General Session:
    Research on knowledge utilization using computers in mathematics education – Comparison with East Asian Countries
    Is there any significance in promoting value co-creation? ~Fundamental Analysis for TSL Scale Development
    Organizational knowledge sharing via shared folders

    Interactive Session:
    Coexistence of government, foreign capital companies, and local companies for sustainable utilization of local resources
    Considerations for Knowledge Sharing to Facilitate Participation in Prosocial Services
    Sales activities as a value co-creation process
    Analysis of Public Data Utilization Service Cases Promoting Profitability of Open Data Utilization Services
    Solutions to the problem of financial resources for the regional comprehensive care system through common points
    Previous research on the influence of logic change on innovation thinking
    Development of Learning Scenarios to Encourage Interest in Elucidating Unconscious Beliefs in Cross-Cultural Understanding
    Designing a learning environment that directs attention to logical structures in learning how to write nursing experiences
    Development of self-evaluation items for meta-thinking skills using performance expressions of nurses
    Utilization of description of thought process oriented to learning how to learn hospital nursing organization
    Analysis of thinking outside process based on gaze information
    A Proposal of Bilateral Correlation Analysis by Electroencephalogram Phase-Locked Network for Understanding Symbolic Communication
    A Word Weighting Method Considering the Meaning of Medical Words Based on World Knowledge
    Conceptualization of linguistic communication through hermeneutic circulation and implicit recognition
    Towards spontaneous acquisition of the concept of evolution through gaming
    Disaster Prevention Karuta Game for Gradual Establishment of Knowledge and Motivation: User Behavior Observation in Civilian Evacuation Drills
    Analysis of guidance to face-to-face communication by robots
    Effects of mutual recognition of strengths among members on team performance
    Investigating the Role of Wrong Choices in Multiple Choice Questions
    Supporting Metacognition in a Collaborative Environment via Solving Mathematics Word Problem Solving

5th FoKCs 2015, March 7-8, 2015, Kanazawa, Japan

Conference Theme: The Power of Collective Intelligence
(Host: Department of Media Informatics, College of Informatics and Human Communication, Kanazawa Institute of Technology)

    Invited lecture:
    21st Century Crowd Theory: Emergent Collective Phenomena in the Social Media Era, Its Light and Shadow

    General Session:
    Analysis of communication and service deepening processes that promote sustainable service systems
    A Study of Knowledge in Modern Capitalism Based on the Restless Capitalism Theory
    Analysis of cognitive processing of reading based on time interval of page turning
    Collaborative production process of scientific illustration by researchers and illustrators
    An Attempt to Model the Interaction between a New Employee and an Instructor by Qualitative Analysis of the Weekly Sales Report

    Theme Session: Collective Power of Knowledge
    A Wildfire Agency Created by the Reorganization of Socio-Technological Deployment - Focusing on Satellite Development by the Maker Community –
    What is the difference between experts and non-experts in generating ideas for the future ? : analysis of cognitive processes
    Role of Knowledge Management for Strategic Utilization of Local Resources

    Seeds Session:
    Trend analysis of “Kahokugata” research by text mining
    The Resonance of Imitation ~An Artistic Approach to the Body Image of Developmental Disorders

    Poster Session:
    Analysis of the relationship between self-efficacy and knowledge creation: Yoshinori Kubo
    Study on Phonological Knowledge of Third Language Effect on Second Language
    Optical Topograph
    Self-Service Technology: A Case of 3D Printer Workshop for Traditional Pottery Personnel
    Dental clinics under the current insurance system Case studies of dental clinics in Osaka Prefecture
    Idea Support for Interdisciplinary Research Focusing on Context and Concept Using Academic Literature
    Attempt to systematize a category extraction method for answers to divergent thinking tasks

4th FoKCs 2014, March 17-18, 2014, Kanazawa, Japan

Conference Theme: Knowledge Science for Co-creative Working Field
(Host: Department of Media Informatics, College of Informatics and Human Communication, Kanazawa Institute of Technology)

    Invited Lecture:
    Manufacturing strategy originating from the site

    General Session:
    A Study on Zoo Navigation System for Diverse User Conditions
    Post-industrialization as a Composite Trend of Information and Service
    Analysis of the influence of co-creation of knowledge on “personalization”: A social experiment at the Kutani Pottery Village Festival
    Construction of Observation Method for Enthusiasm State during Reading by Body Movement and Heart Rate
    Introduction of first-person narrative description method to music performance proficiency research
    Between and Audience Blink Synchronization as Expressions in Performing Arts
    Parent-Child Communication in Stimulating Co-Creative Play: Indonesia and Japan
    Changes in Objective Awareness When Using a Foreign Language

    Theme Session: Knowledge Science for Co-creative Working Field
    Improving the quality of business ideas by introducing user perspectives
    Co-creation of knowledge in medical-nursing collaborative risk prediction training
    The Role of Experts in the Development of Regional Knowledge Management Platforms

    Seeds Session:
    Dimensional Frameworks of Islamic and Conventional Banking to Measure Value Co-creation
    Development of an information provision system that supports “awareness” by visualizing document information and changing it interactively
    Proposal of “Awareness” Platform for Context-Adaptive Service
    Method of stating design intention of educational program to encourage development of meta-thinking skills

    Interactive Session:
    Sustainability of services seen in the early childhood development consultation room “Nabi Nobi Consultation”
    Clarification of conflicting beliefs in fostering cross-cultural understanding
    A Method for Ranking Japanese University in terms of Innovation Ryosuke Matsuo ,
    Knowledge in bilateral communication through collaborative social media Analysis of co-creation
    Double servicescapes effect on customers’ satisfaction – The Chinese tea restaurant case
    survey on worker skill improvement in crowdsourcing
    Evolutionary Model of Sub-assembly Strategy as a Precursor of Linguistic Ability
    Descriptive support for subjective data obtained from patients and its process as teaching materials

3rd FoKCs 2013, March 2-3, 2013, Tokyo, Japan

Conference Theme: Ecology of Knowing for Innovation
(Host: Graduate School of Education, University of Tokyo)

    Invited Lecture:
    Experiments and Risks in Society: Two Vectors of the Future

    General Session:
    Analysis of Resident Autonomous NPOs Promoting Regional Knowledge Co-creation
    Toward the Formation of Team Medicine to Promote Reflective Practice
    Detecting the Changing Points of Multiple-Regression Model on the Basis of the Relations between Audiences’ Rating and the Matching between Needs and Contents
    Establish a general methodology for creative problem solving and task achievement
    Effects of senior-kohai relationships on inheritance of cultural knowledge: A case study of a seminar community
    Risk prediction training for medical and nursing care workers based on KBM
    From Data to Knowledge: Estimation of Latent Mechanisms by Multivariate Information Flow
    Foundations of knowledge co-creation seen in the formation process of communication systems

    Theme Session: Knowledge Ecology for Innovation
    Analysis of problems raised in multidisciplinary meetings for exhibition production
    Progressive Design of Diabetes Web Community through Design Intent Sharing in Practice
    Examination of a method to support the development of values ​​based on the actualization of medical service intentions

    Seeds Session:
    A study on the creation of cafés as a third place in the region -examination of a new image of the third place from social capital
    Applicability of Knowledge Construction Method to Reviewer Education of Contemporary Art
    Global knowledge management
    Genealogy of Scientist Responsibility Debate in Japan and its Problems: Consideration of Solutions Focusing on Reflection

    Poster Session:
    Contribution of different disciplines to service innovation: A keyword analysis
    Toward the design of autonomous health behavior: Challenges and strategies for health capability approach
    Transformation of Dialogue Ecology: Learning People and Business Organizations to Improve User Experience Value Masako
    Extracting Q&A-type knowledge from tweet text
    Analysis of Collective Decision Based on Reward Structure and Interaction Topology
    What Is Moe: The Anthropological Perspective and The Cognitive Mechanism

2nd FoKCs 2012, March 2-4, 2012, Nomi, Japan

Conference Theme: Knowledge and External World
(Host: Graduate School of Knowledge Science, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology)

    Invited Lecture:
    Knowledge Organization and Cognitive Decentralization

    General Session:
    Proposal of consumer behavior analysis method by fusion of near-infrared spectroscopy and line-of-sight measurement
    Clerk in an apparel select shop: A study of customer-to-customer synchronization trends
    Innovation as social “learning”
    A Reflective Thinking Skills Learning Environment for Promoting Knowledge Sharing and Knowledge Co-Construction in Medical Service Education
    The Framework of Evolutionary Community of Practice
    Science communication for knowledge co-creation
    Project management for social business: team building for value co-creation
    Strategic Corporate Alliance Framework for Servitization

    Theme Session:
    Gastrostomy for Elderly Persons Who Have Difficulty Confirming Their Intent – Analysis of Decision-Making Processes of Family Caregivers
    Intersubjectivity and the outside world
    “Festival” as a regional brand knowledge creation -Case analysis of the Kutani Pottery Village Festival based on the theory of knowledge mechanism
    Modern Ethics and Knowledge Creation – Engineer Ethics as an Example

    Seeds Session:
    History” and the modern age joined together through laughter
    Peer Production Community
    Traditional Knowledge in a Global Economy
    How do ad creators gain insights?

    Poster Session:
    Market System as a Knowledge Processing Mechanism -An Example of Circuit Breaker System-
    Investigation of the Effectiveness of External Figures in Problem Solving Using fMRI Yuri
    The influence of music on freehand drawing as a compositional activity
    Non-interactive nature in story reading
    Study of Impressions Embraced by Glass
    Study on Learning Effect by Information Visualization
    Episode Description Ryo
    Consideration of Management Accounting Methods to Promote Knowledge Creation for Cost Reduction and Environmental Impact Reduction
    Proposal of Experience Value Sharing Foreign Language Learning Service to Innovate Tourism Yushu
    Building a group-specific interpretation analysis and clarification framework based on ontology
    Study of changes in brain activity of players during a shogi game using optical topography Part 2
    Knowledge creation in a life science university laboratory
    Integration of local medicine and local knowledge – Shin Revitalization of Community Medicine through Disaster Medical Support

1st FoKCs 2011, March 13-14, 2011, Nomi, Japan

Conference Theme: Knowledge Science for Policy
(Host: Knowledge Media Area, Graduate School of Knowledge Science, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology)

    Invited Lecture:
    Knowledge Science and Science and Technology Policy

    General Session:
    Science illustration creation as knowledge creation
    Modeling Knowledge Creation in Music Performance
    Do Absolutist Beliefs Predict Students’ Views of and Satisfaction toward Classes?
    Thinking skill development program to support co-creation of knowledge for improvement of medical services
    Analysis of Human Satisfaction Based on Brain Function Measurements
    Facet Analysis Based on Ontology and Thesaurus Mapping
    The HCI model to help shape creative thinking

    Theme Session: Knowledge Science for Policy
    Science cafe style workshop for promotion of Nomi City Environmental Basic Plan
    Simulation for determination of greenhouse gas emission reduction targets in Japan:
    The Role of Models and Recommendations for the Future
    Dilemma of introducing e-government system

    Seeds Session:
    Proposal of service brand knowledge evaluation method
    Knowledge Creation in Derivative Creations
    Approaching Service Art: Knowledge Creation of Hospitality Human Resources

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