Griffith University*
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Griffith University1) has offered the following Knowledge Management education and training opportunities:
Griffith Business School
Short Courses
Department of International Business and Asian Studies
- Knowledge Management and Strategy (12 weeks, 10 credits)
- Introduction to course; course overview and familiarisation
The global knowledge economy. Why Knowledge Management? Understanding the big picture.
Organisational impacts and strategic approaches
Developing a knowledge management strategy
Measuring and valuing intangible resources
Familiarisation with the TangoNet simulation
Creating and sustaining a knowledge supporting culture
Developing a knowledge supporting team culture
Knowledge transfer in organizations: Systematic process or act
Maximising firm performance through internal and external collaboration
TangoNet simulations: ‘Executing a KM strategy’, ‘Managing the knowledge worker’, ‘Maximising client satisfaction’
Mechanisms, systems and tools supporting knowledge storage, retrieval and transfer
Department of Management
- Information Systems and Knowledge Management (12 weeks, 10 credits)
- Course Overview/What is Informatics?
Business Informatics 1: Communicating and Language in Organisations
Business Informatics 2: Systems Thinking and Meaning making
Business Informatics 3: Systems in Business
Business Technologies 1: The Past, The history and future
Business Technologies 2: Knowledge Management
Real World Informatics 1: Managing Data Resources for Competitive Advantage
Real World Informatics 2: Decision Making and Choice. Support Decision Making with technology
Real World Informatics 3: Digital (Virtual Organisations)
Real world informatics 4: Knowledge Processing
Contemporary trends: Web 2.0, blogs, wikis and know how
Course Overview: the future of Informatics and Exam Review
IBAS (Department of International Business and Asian Studies) Research Seminar / Public Lecture
- Feb 2018:Selected information systems research approaches with a focus on the knowledge management characteristics of specific organisations
School of Information and Communication Technology
- 7th Joint International Semantic Technology Conference (JIST 2017), 10-12 November, 2017, Gold Coast, Australia