Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS)*
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The Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), organized by the Information Systems and Technologies Department of the Shidler College of Business, University of Hawai’i at Manoa, is one of the longest-standing continuously running scientific conferences in information systems and technology management. It brings together researchers in an aloha-friendly atmosphere conducive to free exchange of scientific ideas in various areas of information, computer, and system sciences.
Tracks of interest:
- 2016 – present: Knowledge, Innovation, and Entrepreneurial Systems (KIES) Track
Knowledge, Innovation, and Entrepreneurial Systems recognizes the evolving nature of work and society to being knowledge based. Competitive pressures are forcing organizations to do more with less and to leverage all they know to succeed. Knowledge systems are those systems developed to facilitate collaboration, knowledge capture, storage, transfer and flow; knowledge use; as well as to foster creativity and innovation. This track explores the many factors that influence the development, adoption, use, and success of knowledge systems. These factors include culture, measurement, governance and management, storage and communication technologies, process modeling and development. The track also looks at the societal drivers for knowledge systems including an aging work force, the need to distribute knowledge and encourage collaboration in widely dispersed organizations and societies, and competitive forces requiring organizations of all types to adapt and change rapidly. - 1998 – present: Collaboration Systems and Technology Track
Groups collaborate to create value that their members cannot create through individual effort. Collaboration, however, engenders economic, interpersonal, social, political, cognitive, emotional, physical, and technical challenges. Groups can improve key outcomes using collaboration technologies, but any technology that can be used well can also be used badly; IS/IT artifacts do not assure successful collaboration. The value of a collaboration technology can only be realized in the larger context of a collaboration system, a combination of actors, hardware, software, knowledge, and work practices to advance groups toward their goals.
Designers of collaboration systems must therefore address many issues when creating a new collaboration system. This track seeks new work from researchers in many disciplines to foster a growing a body of exploratory, theoretical, experimental, and applied research that could inform design and deployment choices for collaboration systems. We seek papers that address individual, group, organizational, and social factors that affect outcomes of interest among people making joint efforts toward a group goal.
‘Knowledge Management’ mini-tracks part of other tracks:
- 2009: Knowledge Discovery for Rapid Response (KD4RR)
2008 – 2010: Knowledge Discovery for Managerial Decision Support
2008: Knowledge Discovery
2001: Data Mining, Knowledge Discovery, and Information Retrieval
1998 – 1999: Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery
1994: Information Sharing and Knowledge Discovery in Large Scientific Databases
2005: Cognition and Knowledge Creation in Collaboration Technology Supported Group Works
2004 – 2006: Data and Knowledge Management in Health Care
2003 Data Knowledge Management in Health Care E-Health Strategies
2002 Knowledge Management for Health Care Systems Support
2004 – 2005: Distributed Knowledge Management
2002: Knowledge Management and Virtual Organizations: Process, System, and Organization
2000 – 2001: Virtual and Knowledge-based Organization
2004 – 2005: Knowledge Management, Organizational Memory, and Organizational Learning CLUSTER (4/6 Minitracks)
2000 – 2003: Knowledge Management, Organizational Memory, and Organizational Learning
1999: Organizational Memory and Knowledge Management
1994 – 1998: Organizational Memory
2002 – 2003: User Experience: Collaboration Systems and Knowledge Management
2001 – 2006: Modeling Knowledge Intensive Processes
2000 – 2001: Knowledge/Technology Transfer and Adoption
2000: Knowledge Ecologies
1999: Technologies for Knowledge Construction
1995 – 1996: Decision Support and Knowledge-based Systems
1994: Data and Knowledge Base Issues in Genomics
Conference History:
HICSS-61 2028, January 5-8, 2028, Waikiki, Hawaii, USA
- KIES Mini-Tacks:
Other “Knowledge” Minitracks:
HICSS-60 2027, January 5-8, 2027, Waikoloa Village, Big Island, Hawaii, USA
- KIES Mini-Tacks:
Other “Knowledge” Minitracks:
HICSS-59 2026, January 6-9, 2026, Maui, Hawaii, USA
- KIES Mini-Tacks:
Other “Knowledge” Minitracks:
HICSS-58 2025, January 7-10, 2025, Waikoloa Village, Big Island, Hawaii, USA
- KIES Mini-Tacks:
AI Assistants and Generative AI for Knowledge Creation, Retention, and Use
Artificial Intelligence and Entrepreneurship
Computing Education
Digitalization of Work
Enabling Business Transformation: Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Business
Future of Knowledge Management: Visions, Opportunities, and Challenges
Game-based Learning
Generative Artificial Intelligence in Higher Education
Illuminating the Manipulation of Information
Impact of Knowledge and AI Systems
Innovation and Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice
Knowledge Flows, Transfer, Sharing, and Exchange
Technical, Socio-Economic, and Ethical Aspects of AI
Other “Knowledge” Minitracks:
Interactive Visual Analytics for Knowledge Integration and Decision Intelligence
HICSS-57 2024, January 3-6, 2024, Hawaiian Village, Waikiki, Hawaii, USA
- KIES Mini-Tacks:
Computing Education
Design and Appropriation of Knowledge, Chatbot and Other AI Systems
Design and Architectures of Data-Centric and Knowledge Based Systems
Digitalization of Work
EdTech and Emerging Technologies
Game-based Learning
Global Digital Business
Innovation and Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice
Knowledge Flow, Transfer, Sharing, and Exchange
Knowledge and Learning Applications in Practice
Knowledge Value, Success and Performance Measurements
Securing Knowledge, Innovation, and Entrepreneurial Systems and Managing Knowledge Risks
The Future of Knowledge Management: Visions, Opportunities, and Challenges
The Technical, Socio-Economic, and Ethical Aspects of AI
Other Mini-Tracks:
Associated Events:
Future Paths of Knowledge Management (Virtual Mini-Symposium), 21-22 September 2023, Virtual venue
Conference Theme: The role of Spirituality, Cognitive Science and Sustainability in Knowledge Management of the future
(Co-organizer: Knowledge Management Group, Vienna University of Economics and Business; Organizing Cognition in Knowing Organizations Research Group, University of Vienna)
HICSS-56 2023, January 3-6, 2023, Maui, Hawaii, USA
- KIES Mini-Tacks:
Design and appropriation of knowledge and ai systems; Digitalization of work; Edtech and emerging technologies; Game-based learning; Global digital business; Innovation and entrepreneurship: theory and practice; Innovation in organizations: learning, unlearning, and intentional forgetting; International perspectives for cybersecurity; Judgement, big data-analytics, and decision-making; Knowledge flows, transfer, sharing, and exchange; Reports from the field: knowledge and learning applications in practice; Securing knowledge, innovation, and entrepreneurial systems and managing knowledge risks; The future of knowledge management: visions, opportunities and challenges; The technical, socio-economic, and ethical aspects of AI; Value, success, and performance measurements of knowledge, innovation, and entrepreneurial systems
Other Mini-Tracks:
Collaboration Systems and Technology Mini-Tracks; …
Associated Events:
Future Paths of Knowledge Management (Mini-Symposium), 1-2 December 2022, Virtual venue
Conference Theme: Do Spirituality, Calling and Knowledge Management Fit Together?
(Co-organizer: Knowledge Management Group, Vienna University of Economics and Business; Organizing Cognition in Knowing Organizations Research Group, University of Vienna)
Responsible Knowledge Management (Mini-Symposium), 25&28 April 2022, Virtual venue
Conference Theme: Reflecting on the Future of Knowledge Management in a VUCA World
(Co-organizer: Knowledge Management Group, Vienna University of Economics and Business; Organizing Cognition in Knowing Organizations Research Group, University of Vienna)
HICSS-55 2022, January 3-7, 2022, Maui, Hawaii, USA Virtual venue
- KIES Mini-tracks:
Addressing diversity in digitalization; Born digitals; Design and appropriation of knowledge and ai systems; Digitalization of work; Edtech and emerging technologies; Emerging trends in crowd science; Human-centered design for digital innovations and software-intensive products; Illuminating the dark side of knowledge; Innovation and entrepreneurship in early stage firms; Innovation and entrepreneurship: theory and practice; Innovation in organizations: learning, unlearning, and intentional forgetting; International perspectives for cybersecurity; Judgement, big data-analytics, and decision-making; Knowledge flows, transfer, sharing, and exchange; Reports from the field: knowledge and learning applications in practice; Securing knowledge systems and managing knowledge risks; The technical, socio-economic and ethical aspects of artificial intelligence; Value, success, and performance measurements of knowledge, innovation, and entrepreneurial systems
Other Mini-tracks:
HICSS-54 2021, January 4-8, 2021, Kauai, Hawaii, USA Virtual venue
Note: The conference was originally scheduled for January 5 – 8, 2021
KIES Mini-tracks:
Addressing diversity in digitalization; Augmented intelligence; Design and appropriation of knowledge and artificial intelligence systems; Emerging trends in crowd science; Human-centered design for digital innovations; Illuminating the dark side of knowledge; Innovation and entrepreneurship: theory and practice; Innovation in organizations: learning, unlearning, and intentional forgetting; International business and born digitals; Judgement, big data-analytics and decision-making; Knowledge flows, transfer, sharing and exchange; Knowledge management and entrepreneurship in early stage firms; Reports from the field: knowledge and learning applications in practice; Securing knowledge systems and managing knowledge risks; The technical, socio-economic and ethical aspects of artificial intelligence; Value, success, and performance measurements of knowledge, innovation, and entrepreneurial systems
Other Mini-tracks:
AI and Future of Work; Business Intelligence and Big Data for Innovative and Sustainable Development of Organizations;Collaboration for Data Science; Collaboration in Online Communities: Information Processing and Decision Making; Collaboration with Cognitive Assistants and AI; Collaboration with Intelligent Systems: Machines as Teammates; Cross-Organizational and Cross-Border IS/IT Collaboration; Design, Development, and Evaluation of Collaboration Technologies; Distributed Collaboration in Organizations and Networks; Emerging Issues in e-Collaboration Distributed Group Decision-Making: Opportunities and Challenges; Human-Robot Interactions; IT Enabled Collaboration for Development; Innovations in Collaborative Environments and Learning Technologies; New Potentials of Mixed Reality and its Business Impact; Open Science Practices in Information Systems Research; Social Media and e-Business Transformation; Social and Psychological Perspectives in Collaboration Research; Text Analytics; The Sharing Economy; Big Data and Analytics: Pathways to Maturity; Data, Text and Web Mining for Business Analytics; Decision Analytics, Machine Learning, and Field Experimentation for Defense and Emergency Response; Learning Analytics; Machine Learning and Predictive Analytics in Accounting, Finance, and Management; Big Data-driven Social Media Management; Data Analytics, Data Mining and Machine Learning for Social Media; Decision Making in Online Social Networks; Network Analysis of Digital and Social Media; Big Data on Healthcare Application; Knowing What We Know: Where to Now?; Decentralized Federated Learning: Applications, Solutions, and Challenges
HICSS-53 2020, January 7-10, 2020, Maui, Hawaii, USA
- KIES Mini-tracks:
2020 Vision of Crowd Science; Culture, International Business, and Knowledge Systems; Design and Appropriation of Knowledge and Artificial Intelligence (AI) Systems; Illuminating the Dark Side of Knowledge; Innovation and Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice; Innovation in Organizations: Learning, Unlearning, and Intentional Forgetting; Knowledge Flows, Transfer, Sharing and Exchange; Knowledge and Innovation Management: Connecting Theory to Practice to Business Performance; Reports from the Field: Knowledge and Learning Applications in Practice; Security in Knowledge Systems and Knowledge Management; The Technical, Socio-Economic and Ethical Aspects of Artificial Intelligence (AI); Value, Success and Performance Measurements of Knowledge, Innovation and Entrepreneurial Systems
Other Mini-tracks:
AI and Cognitive Assistants in Collaboration; Advances in Teaching and Learning Technologies; Collaboration for Data Science; Collaboration with Automation: Machines as Teammates; Creativity: Research and Practice; Cross-Organizational and Cross-Border IS/IT Collaboration; Design and Development of Collaboration Technologies; Developing Visual Collaborative Tools; Distributed Collaboration in Organizations and Networks; Emerging Issues in e-Collaboration Distributed Group Decision-Making: Opportunities and Challenges; IT Enabled Collaboration for Development; Social and Psychological Perspectives in Collaboration Research; Technology Mediated Collaborations for the Professional Service Sector; The Sharing Economy; Social Networking and Communities; Network Analysis of Digital and Social Media; Decision Making in Online Social Networks; Learning in Digital and Social Media; Data Analytics, Data Mining and Machine Learning for Social Media; Knowing What We Know: Theory, Metaanalysis, and Review; Social Impact Organizing and Collaborating
HICSS-52 2019, January 8-11, 2019, Maui, Hawaii, USA
- KIES Mini-tracks:
AI, Machine Learning, IoT, and Analytics: Exploring the Implications for Knowledge Management and Innovation; Augmenting Human Intelligence: Artificially, Socially, and Ethically; Creation and Appropriation of Knowledge Systems; Crowd Science; Culture, International Business, and Knowledge Systems; Innovation and Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice; Intentional Forgetting in Organizations and Information Systems; Knowledge and Innovation Management for Digitalization and Complexity; Knowledge Flows, Transfer, Sharing, and Exchange; Knowledge Management and Information Security; Knowledge Value, Success, and Performance Measurements; Organizational Learning; Reports from the Field: Knowledge and Learning Applications in Practice
Other Mini-tracks:
Network Analysis of Digital and Social Media; Learning in Digital and Social Media; Social Networking and Communities; Data Analytics, Data Mining and Machine Learning for Social Media; Machine Learning, Robotic, and Toy Computing; Machine Learning and Network Analytics in Finance; Developing Visual Collaborative Tools; Virtual Teams, Organizations, and Networks; Collaboration Via Social Media; Text Mining in Big Data Analytics; Advances in Teaching and Learning Technologies; Social and Psychological Perspectives in Collaboration Research; The Sharing Economy; Decision, Negotiation, Leadership, Social Communities and Technology; Collaboration with Automation: Machines as Teammates; IT Enabled Collaboration for Development; Design and Development of Collaboration Technologies; Data Science and Digital Collaborations; Creativity: Research and Practice; Technology Mediated Collaborations in Healthcare and Wellness Management; AI and Cognitive Assistants in Collaboration
HICSS-51 2018, January 3-6, 2018, Waikoloa Village, Hawaii, USA
- KIES Mini-tracks:
Analytics in Support of Continuous Knowledge Creation; Creation and Appropriation of Knowledge Systems; Crowd Science; Entrepreneurship and Knowledge Management; Knowledge Economics; Knowledge Flows, Transfer, Sharing and Exchange; Knowledge Management and Information Security; Knowledge Management and Strategic Planning; Knowledge Society, Culture, and Knowledge Systems; Knowledge and Innovation Management in the Age of Complexity; Organizational Learning; Reports from the Field: Knowledge and Learning Applications in Practice; Research Data and Knowledge Systems
Other Mini-tracks:
Open Data, Information Processing, and Datification in Government; Network Analysis of Digital and Social Media; Learning in Digital and Social Media; Deep Learning, Ubiquitous and Toy Computing; Social and Psychological Perspectices in Collaboration Research; Processes and Technologies for Small and Large Team Collaboration
HICSS-50 2017, January 4-7, 2017, Waikoloa Village, Hawaii, USA
- KIES Mini-tracks:
Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability of Knowledge and Data; Crowd Science; Designing and Deploying Advanced Knowledge Systems; Entrepreneurship and Knowledge Management; Innovation Uncertainties and Socio-Political Legitimization; Knowledge Economics; Knowledge Flows, Transfer, Sharing and Exchange; Knowledge Management Disrupted – Understanding the Impacts of Social and Mobile Media; Knowledge Society, Culture, and Information Systems; Managing Knowledge for Innovation, Agility, and Collaboration; Organizational Learning; Reports from the Field: Knowledge and Learning Applications in Practice
Other Mini-tracks:
Learning within Digital and Social Media; Deep Learning, Ubiquitous and Toy Computing; Advances in Teaching and Learning Technologies; Social and Psychological Perspectives in Collaboration Research; Processes and Technologies for Small and Large Team Collaboration; Decision, Negotiation, Leadership, Social Communities, and Technology; IT Enabled Collaboration in Developing Countries
HICSS-49 2016, January 5-8, 2016, Kauai, Hawaii, USA
- KIES Mini-tracks:
Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability of Knowledge, Innovation, and Entrepreneurial Systems; Designing and Deploying Advanced Knowledge Systems; Innovation Uncertainties and Socio-Political Legitimization; Knowledge Economics; Knowledge Flows, Transfer, Sharing and Exchange; Knowledge Management Value, Success and Performance Measurements; Knowledge Society / Knowledge Sharing and Utilization in International/Global Setting; Managing Knowledge for Innovation and Agility; Organizational Learning; Reports from the Field; The Organizational Use of IT-Mediated Crowds; Tools and Software for Knowledge Management
Other Mini-tracks:
Advances in Teaching and Learning Technologies; Creativity in Teams and Organizations; Cross-Organizational and Cross-Border IS/IT Collaboration; Data Science for Collaboration; Decision, Negotiation, Leadership, Social Communities and Technology; Design and Innovation of Social Networking Services; IT Enabled Collaboration in Developing Countries; Mobility-Enhanced Social Collaborations for Value Creation; Processes and Technologies for Small and Large Team Collaboration; Social and Psychological Perspectives in Collaboration Research; Technology Mediated Collaborations in e-Health; Co-Creating Innovations; Collective Intelligence and Crowds: Structure, Roles, and Identity; Network Analysis of Digital and Social Media; Social Media and Learning; Social Networking and Communities; Learning Health Systems
HICSS-48 2015, January 5-8, 2015, Kauai, Hawaii, USA
- KS Mini-tracks:
Cultural Knowledge; Designing and Deploying Advanced Knowledge Systems; Knowledge Management for Innovation, Agility, and Complexity Management; Knowledge Management Value, Success, and Performance Measurements; Knowledge Economics; Knowledge Flows, Transfer, Sharing, and Exchange; Intellectual Property and Security; Reports from the Field
Other Mini-tracks:
Advances in Teaching and Learning Technologies; Analytics and Big Data in Computer Mediated-Collaboration; Creativity in Teams and Organizations; Cross-Organizational and Cross-Border IS/IT Collaboration; Decision, Negotiation, Leadership, Social Communities, and Technology; IT Enabled Collaboration in Developing Countries; Processes and Technologies for Small and Large Team Collaboration (CE); Social and Psychological Perspectives in Collaboration Research; Technology Mediated Collaborations in Healthcare; Collective Intelligence and Crowds: Structure, Roles, and Identity; Network Analysis of Social and Digital Media; Social Media and Learning; Social Networking and Communities; Learning Health Systems, Big Data, and Socio-technical Change; Inter-organizational Collaborative Dynamics
HICSS-47 2014, January 6-9, 2014, Waikoloa, Hawaii, USA
- KS Mini-tracks:
Cultural/Indigenous Knowledge Impacts on Knowledge Systems, an Intersection of Beliefs; Designing and Deploying Advanced Knowledge Systems; From Information Systems to Knowledge Systems: Issues in Knowledge and Systems Research; Knowledge Management and Security; Knowledge Economics; Knowledge Flows: Knowledge Transfer, Sharing, and Exchange; Knowledge Management for Innovation, Agility, and Complexity Management; Knowledge Management Value, Success, and Performance Measurements
Other Mini-tracks:
Advances in Teaching and Learning Technologies; Cross-Organizational and Cross-Border IS/IT Collaboration; Creativity in Teams and Organizations; Decision, Negotiation, Leadership, Social Communities, and Technology; Processes and Technologies for Small and Large Team Collaboration; Social and Psychological Perspectives in Collaboration Research; Technology-Mediated Collaborations in Healthcare; Crowdsourcing Content Production and Online Knowledge Repositories; Network Analysis of Social and Digital Media; Social Media and Learning; Social Networking and Communities
HICSS-46 2013, January 7-10, 2013, Wailea, Maui, Hawaii, USA
- KS Mini-tracks:
Cultural/Indigenous Knowledge Impacts on Knowledge Systems, an Intersection of Beliefs; Designing and Deploying Next Generation Knowledge Systems and Knowledge Intensive Business Processes; Integrating Knowledge and Learning Processes; Knowledge Management and Security: Protecting Intellectual Property; Knowledge Economics; Knowledge Flows, Transfer, Sharing and Exchange; Knowledge Management in an Era of New Social Media: Risks and Opportunities; Knowledge Management Value, Success and Performance Measurements; Strategic Knowledge Management for Innovation and for Organizational Agility
Other Mini-tracks:
Advances in Teaching and Learning Technologies; Cognitive Perspectives on Collaboration; Creativity and innovation in Teams and Organizations; Intelligent Collaboration Support; Processes and Technologies for Small and Large Team Collaboration; Social & Psychological Perspectives in Collaboration Research; Social Networks: Collaboration, Crowds, and Collective Inteliigence; Technology Mediated Collaborations in Healthcare; Learning Analytics and Networked Learning; Social Networking and Communities
HICSS-45 2012, January 4-7, 2012, Maui, Hawaii, USA
- KS Mini-tracks:
Economics of Knowledge Management and Transfer; Integrating Knowledge and Learning Processes; Knowledge Management in a Changing Society: Using Knowledge to Impact Societies; Knowledge Flows, Transfer, Sharing and Exchange in Organizations; Knowledge-Intensive Business Processes; Knowledge Management and Social Media: the Challenge; Knowledge Management, Value Success, and Performance Measurements; Management of Knowledge Systems Design and Deployment Projects; Social Media, Mashups, and Design Sciences Approaches; Strategic Knowledge Management for Innovation and for Organizational Agility
Other Mini-tracks:
Advances in Teaching and Learning Technologies; Cognitive Perspectives on Collaboration; Collaborative Modeling; Creativity and Innovations in Teams and Organizations; Cross-Organizational and Cross-Border IS/IT Collaboration; Designing, Deploying, and Evaluating Tools and Techniques to Support Team Collaboration; Social Networks and Collaboration; Social and Psychological Perspectives and Theories in Collaboration and Communication Technology Research; Technology Mediated Collaborations in Healthcare; Social Media and Social Networking; Learning Analytics and Networked Learning; Social Networking and Communities; Communication and Social Networks
HICSS-44 2011, January 4-7, 2011, Kauai, Hawaii, USA
- KS Mini-tracks:
Knowledge Management in a Changing Society: Using Knowledge to Impact Societies; Knowledge and Innovation Systems; Knowledge Flows, Transfer, Sharing and Exchange in Organizations; Knowledge-Intensive Business Processes; Knowledge Management Value, Success and Performance Measurements; Web 2.0/3.0 Technologies, Mashups, Knowledge Management Tools, & Design Sciences Approaches
Other Mini-tracks:
Advances in Teaching and Learning Technologies; Cognitive Perspectives on Collaboration; Collaboration and Competition in Global Software Development; Collaboration in Virtual Worlds and Metaverses; Collaborative Modeling; Creativity in Teams and Organizations; Cross-Organizational and Cross-Border IS/IT Collaboration; Processes and Systems for Collaboration Support; Social Networks and Collaboration: From Universities to YouTube; Technology Mediated Collaborations in Healthcare; Social Networking and Communities
HICSS-43 2010, January 5-8, 2010, Koloa, Kauai, Hawaii, USA
- KMS Mini-tracks:
Knowledge Management in a Changing Society: Retirement, Contingent Workers, Immigration and Other Societal Impacts; Knowledge Management in a Multinational Context; Knowledge Evolution: Methods and Measures for Organizational Learning; Knowledge Flows, Transfer, Sharing and Exchange in Organizations; Knowledge-Intensive Business Processes; Knowledge Management for Creativity and Innovation; Knowledge Management/Organizational Memory Success and Performance Measurements; eb 2.0/3.0 Technologies, Mashups, Knowledge Management Tools, & Knowledge Management Systems Design Approaches
Other Mini-tracks:
Advances in Teaching and Learning Technologies; Collaboration Systems and Technologies in Healthcare Teams; Collaboration Systems for Open Innovation; Collaborative Modelling; Creativity in Teams and Organizations; Cross-Organizational and Cross-Border IS/IT Collaboration; Measuring the Effectiveness of Collaboration Technologies; Processes and Systems for Collaboration Support; Social Networks and Collaboration; Knowledge Discovery for Managerial Decision Support; Mobile Business: Modeling and Simulating Knowledge, Enterprise, and Service Networks; Social Networking and Communities
HICSS-42 2009, January 5-8, 2009, Waikoloa, Big Island, Hawaii, USA
- KMS Mini-tracks:
Knowledge Flows: Knowledge Transfer, Sharing and Exchange in Organizations; Knowledge Management for Creativity and Innovation; Knowledge Management Implementation and Other Issues; Knowledge Management/Organizational Memory Success and Performance Measurements; Knowledge Management Tools, Technologies, Mashups, and Design Approaches
Other Mini-tracks:
Advances in Teaching and Learning Technologies; Collaborative Modeling; Concepts, Methods, and Tools for Collaborative IS Development; Creativity in Teams and Organizations; Cross-Organizational and Cross-Border IS/IT Collaboration; Designing Collaboration Processes and Systems; Measuring Collaborative Technologies and Processes; Mobile Technologies and Collaboration; Social Network; Social Software; Knowledge Discovery for Managerial Decision Support; Knowledge Discovery for Rapid Response (KD4RR); Social Networks and Virtual Worlds for Work, Learning and Play
HICSS-41 2008, January 7-10, 2008, Waikoloa, Big Island, Hawaii, USA
- KMS Mini-tracks:
Knowledge Management Implementation and Other Issues; Knowledge Flows: Knowledge Transfer, Sharing and Exchange in Organizations; Knowledge Management for Creativity and Innovation; Knowledge Management/Organizational Memory Success and Performance Measurements; Knowledge Modeling; Supporting Distributed Cognition in Knowledge Management Systems; Technological Aspects of Knowledge Management
Other Mini-tracks:
Advances in Teaching and Learning Technologies; Collaboration Issues in Cross-Organizational and Cross-Border IS/IT; Designing Collaboration Processes and Systems; Measuring Collaborative Technologies and Processes; Mobile Technologies and Collaboration; Social Networks and Collaboration; Knowledge Discovery for Managerial Decision Support; Software Agents and Semantic Web Technologies; Knowledge Discovery; Virtual Communities
HICSS-40 2007, January 3-6, 2007, Waikoloa, Big Island, Hawaii, USA
- KMS Mini-tracks:
Philosophy and Ethics in Knowledge Management; Knowledge Management for Multi- and Crossdisciplinary Research Projects; Knowledge Flows: Knowledge Transfer, Sharing and Exchange in Organizations; Knowledge Management/Organizational Memory Success and Performance Measurements; Modeling Knowledge Intensive Processes; Social and Distributed Cognition in Knowledge Management Systems; Technological Aspects of Knowledge Systems
Other Mini-tracks:
Advances in Teaching and Learning Technologies; Collaboration Issues in Cross-Organizational and Cross-Border IS/IT; Collaboration Support for Joint Modeling and Simulation; Cross-Cultural Issues in Collaboration Technology; Designing Collaboration Processes and Systems; Mobile Technologies and Collaboration; Social Cognition and Knowledge Creation Using Collaborative Technology; Knowledge Discovery for Managerial Decision Support; Software Agents and Semantic Web Technologies; E-Government Information and Knowledge Management; Data and Knowledge Management in Health Care; Virtual Communities
HICSS-39 2006, January 4-7, 2006, Kauai, Hawaii, USA
- KMS Mini-tracks:
Ethics of Knowledge Management; Knowledge Flows: Knowledge Transfer, Sharing and Exchange in Organizations; Knowledge Management/Organizational Memory Implementation and Other Issues; Knowledge Mobilization and Enterprise Coordination Capability; Knowledge Networks and Distributed Knowledge Systems; Philosophical Foundations of Knowledge Management Research
Other Mini-tracks:
Advances in Teaching and Learning Technologies; Collaboration Issues in Cross-Organizational and Cross-Border IS/IT; Collaboration Support for Integrated Modeling and Simulation; Cross-Cultural Issues in Collaboration Technology; Designing Collaboration Processes and Systems; Measuring the Effectiveness of Collaboration Technologies; Mobile Technologies and Collaboration; Modeling Knowledge Intensive Processes; Semantic Web and Software Agent Technologies; Data and Knowledge Management in Health Care; Online Communities in the Digital Economy
Can you let me know when registrations for the conference in Hawaii in Jan 2019 open
(KMedu Hub Note: Replied by eMail on Apr 10, 2018 – Boris)