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HealthNet Nepal1) has offered the following Knowledge Management education and training opportunities:


  • International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (ICIKM 2008), March 27-29, 2008, Kathmandu, Nepal
    Conference Theme: Information and Knowledge Management in a Connected World: A Challenge for the Developing Countries
    (Co-organizer: HealthNet Nepal; Central Library, Tribhuvan University)

      ICIKM 2008 is to bridge the knowledge gaps between the developing and the developed countries in the field of information and knowledge management, and the conference will aim to strengthen the academic collaboration and strategic alliances in the development of information and knowledge management across the world in digital form. The conference will provide an international forum for sharing of information, experiences and ideas among researchers, educators, practitioners and policy makers from a variety of disciplines such as Library and Information Science, Computer Science, Archival and Museum studies and Knowledge Management. A galaxy of international and national experts in the field is expected to enrich the forum.

      Pre-conference Workshops :
      Workshops on Building Digital Libraries using the Open Source Software:
      – Greenstone Digital Library (GSDL) Workshop (Mar 24-26)
      – Open Journal System (OJS) and Open Conference System (OCS) Workshop (Mar 24-26)
      – KOHA (Integrated Library System) Workshop (Mar 21-23)

      Keynotes: (2)
      Digital Libraries as Instant Knowledge Bases: The Experience of Global Memory Net

      Potential and Challenges in Developing Digital Libraries in Nepal (invited talk)
      Resolution for development of digital libraries in Nepal

      TECHNICAL SESSION: Digital Libraries and Library Automation

      Invited Talks:
      Dizitization of Libraries: some Indian Initiatives
      A Knowledge Management Perspective on Outsourcing

      Contributed Papers:
      Digital Library application and trends in Nepal and future
      Challenges to Establish Digital Library in Academic Institutions of Nepal
      Digital Library of Nepal Health Research Council: Initiatives and Problems
      Role of Nursing Library in Providing E-learning Services in Nursing Education
      Digitization of Local Content: a panacea to achieve Millennium Development Goals
      Digitisation of Special Libraries in India: With Special Reference to Indira Gandhi National Centre for Arts (IGNCA) Library
      Creating Digital Repository by Using GSDL: Review and Analysis
      Planning and Development of Digital Library using GSDL Software at NIPFP Library
      Digital Libraries in Knowledge Management: Opportunities and Challenges in Library Services
      A framework for incorporating human factors in information system integration

      TECHNICAL SESSION: Digital Libraries and Knowledge Management

      Invited Talks:
      Inquire into Intellectual Capital Reporting: A Content Analysis Approach
      Role of Knowledge Professional in Knowledge Management: Indian Scenario (KMedu relevant)

      Contributed Papers:
      Role of knowledge portals in library information service
      Cochrane Collaboration and The Cochrane Library
      Application of Digital System for Conventional Knowledge Management
      Knowledge management in the parliament of Nepal: through a user’s perception
      Developing knowledge professionals in knowledge society and elearning — asian countries’ perspective (KMedu relevant)
      Information and knowledge management in the era of globalization
      Challenges and opportunities in Knowledge Management
      Algorithm in the particle tracking velocimetry using self organizing maps
      Internet based library as KM solution: A diversified business enterprises approach

      TECHNICAL SESSION: Innovation in Information and Communication Technology

      Invited Talks:
      A Zero-budget Strategy for Innovation and ICTs’ Promotion in Pakistani Libraries: The Case of Pakistan Library Automation Group (PakLAG)
      Information and Library Science, Universiteit Antwerpen Running through the labyrinth OR efficient information retrieval through the WWW

      Contributed Papers:
      Utilization of Internet Information for Research: With special reference to selected Universities in Andhra Pradesh
      Information Technology the Essential Hardware Knowledge for Library Professionals
      Indexing and Information Retrieval
      Knowledge-based IT Infrastructures and its role
      Library Consortia: A Network Centric Information System
      Library automation system in government libraries in Nepal: a case study of Ministry of General Administration (MoGA)
      Converting CDS/ISIS database records to KOHA
      Digital Libraries and Society
      History of library in Nepal
      Digital Library vs. Digital Divide: Impact on Each Other in Nepal
      Organisational learning: role of knowledge management
      An Algorithm for Evaluating Risk of Knowledge Management Projects

      TECHNICAL SESSION: Virtual Libraries

      Invited Talks:
      Online Journal Publishing: Global Issues
      Infancy of Tools in the Identification of Native Knowledge Assets

      Contributed Papers:
      Usability testing: study of three WEB OPACS from three different countries
      Visual Topic Maps Layer between Document Collections and Learning Material
      The roles of e-journals, e-books, and open access publishing in Libraries
      The Problems of Resource Sharing in Sri-lanka : the case among Scientific and Technical Libraries
      Concepts, issues and design of virtual library in mathematics: problem and prospects of virtual library in Bangladesh.
      Knowledge Management Implementation: Modeling the CSFs
      Development of an integrated model to control noncommunicable diseases at a workplace setting
      Does h-index comply with Journal Impact Factor?
      Publication trends, key papers and highly cited authors in knowledge management: a comparison of developed and developing countries
      Building the Knowledge-based Society – Digital Library (DL), Information & Knowledge Sharing, Management’s Key role

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