International Conference on Communities and Technologies (C&T)*

International Conference on Communities and Technologies (C&T)*

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The biennial International Conference on Communities & Technologies (C&T or ComTech) is the premier international forum for stimulating scholarly debate and disseminating research on the complex connections between communities – both physical and virtual – and information and communication technologies.

C&T is an affiliated conference of the European Society for Socially Embedded Technologies (EUSSET), an institute of the Social Computing association. In the past it was coordinated by the International Institute for Socio Informatics (IISI).

Don’t mix up this conference series with the one of the same name organized by the World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology (WASET). WASET is a predatory conference organizer and publisher.

Conference History:

12th C&T 2025, July 21-23, 2025, University of Siegen, Siegen, Germany

Conference Theme: Approaching the Future, Embarcing the Past
(Host: Chair of Business Informatics and New Media, University of Siegen)

    Conference program TBD

    Bottom-up movements…
    Diverse communities and their relationships to technology
    Classical Design Principles in Modern Technology
    Crowdfunding collective and civic intelligence
    Community owned and operated technology
    Civic problem-solving
    Support of community processes
    Support of community processes
    Development and support of the Communities & Technologies community

11th C&T 2023, May 29 – June 2, 2023, Lahti, Finland

Conference Theme: Humanization of Digital Technologies
(Host: User-centred Design Research Area, Software Engineering Department, School of Engineering Science, Lappeenranta-Lahti University of Technology)

    Venturing into the forest of things: arts-based encounters

    Conference Sessions:
    Theories and frameworks to understand Communities and technologies in Practice
    Grassroots Community Action and technology supported social innovation
    New Technologies for Communities’ Health
    Novel Evaluation Frameworks to advance C&T research and practice
    Beyond Human Communities and Technologies Research and Practices
    Communities and Technologies Research in Urban Contexts
    Theoretical and Speculative Perspectives on Communities and Technologies
    Learning by Doing – Lessons learned from case studies and projects with communities and technologies

    Discussion Panels:
    Are we all leaders while working in digital communities ?

    Pre-conference Workshops: (May 29-30; Venue: LUT University)
    Critical Deliberative Democracy Tech: Questions, Tensions, Norms and Directions for Working with Institutions, Communities and Technologies to Scale Up Democratic Innovations
    Exploring energy citizenship at a community (CANCELLED)
    Digital Green and Blue Space. The potential of digital engagement to connect with urban green and blue spaces
    Designing the City: Challenges and Opportunities in Digital Public Service Design
    1st workshop on exploring disruptive technologies from the local community perspective
    Co-Creation Practices and Technologies for Open Urban Planning

    Doctoral Colloquium (May 29; CANCELLED)

10th C&T 2021, 21-25 June 2021, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA Virtual venue

Conference Theme: Wicked Problems in the Age of Tech (working title: Communities of Action, Emerging Technologies, and Wicked Problems)
(Host: Technology and Social Change Group, Information School, University of Washington; Center for Communications and Civic Engagement, Communications Department, University of Washington)

    Revealing the “Big Lie”: Collaborative Data Science for Rapid Response to Online Disinformation; Beyond Coded Bias: Data Rights as Human Rights

    Paper Sessions:
    Communities & Technologies in a Pandemic; Civic Engagement; Special Topics; Social Media; Community and Collaboration; Sustainable Communities; Food and Agriculture; Poster Session

    Pre-conference Learning Day (Jun 20):
    Seattle facing Wicked Problems (panel); Animating Climate Campaigns (workshop); Design Fiction for Smart Cities (workshop); Moving Forward with Communities & Technology (talk)

    Pre-conference Workshops (Jun 21-22):
    Understanding, Promoting, and Designing for Sustainable Appropriation of Technologies by Grassroots Communities. Towards a new wave of technological activism; Facilitating Data Inclusion and Empowerment through Arts-Based, Creative and Playful Approaches; Ethical Future Environments: Smart Thinking about Smart Cities means engaging with its Most Vulnerable; Doctoral Colloquium

9th C&T 2019, 3-7 June 2019, Vienna University of Technology, Vienna, Austria

Conference Theme: Transforming Communities
(Host: Centre for Informatics & Society, Vienna University of Technology)

    Technology is Driving the Future, But Who Is Steering?; New Technologies, Old Dogmas: Why We Need to Ignite Our Ethical Imagination; Communities and technology in a fragmented society

    Paper Sessions:
    Shifting Cultural, Political Relations; Mediating Representations; Case Study Community Track; Heritage and Future; Grassroots Innovative Practices; Learning & Creative Practices; Caring about Difference; Innovative Organizing;

    Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Lunch

    Pre-conference Symposia (Jun 4):
    Symposium Digital Cities

    Pre-conference Doctoral Consortium (Jun 3) – CANCELLED?

    Pre-conference Workshops (Jun 3-4):
    Doctoral Consortium; W1: Civic Data Literacies for Bottom-up Data Innovation; W2: Collective Consciousness. What could this mean and how do we research and design (with) it?; W3: Thinking Outside the (Tool) Box: Exploring Empowerment Through the Design and Use of ; W4: Critical Making With and for Communities; W5: Artful Integrations of Infrastructures by Community-Based; W6: Technology at/of the border: a workshop about stories and experiences; W7: Because nothing is more normal than diversity: Implementing diversity in HCI education; W8: Mobility Transformation: What does mobility mean in the future?

8th C&T 2017, 26-30 June 2017, Université de Technologie de Troyes, France

Conference Theme: Technology for the Common Good
(Host: Informatics and Information Systems Department, Technologies for Cooperation, Interaction, and Knowledge, in Collectives (Tech-CICO) research group, Université de Technologie de Troyes)

    Three Challenges for Politics and Technology Development: Organizational Complexity, Virtuality, and Design Values

    Paper Sessions:
    Technology for Community Issues; Health Communities; Impacts; Civic Hacking; Online and Offline Communities; Emergency Technology and Community; Connections; Technologies in Communities; Appropriate Research and Design

    Pre-conference Doctoral Consortium (Jun 26)

    Pre-conference Workshops w. Makerspace (Jun 26-27):
    WS 1: 3D Printing/Digital Fabrication for Education and the Common Good; WS 2: Ethics for the ‘Common Good’: Actionable Guidelines for Community-based Design Research; WS 3: Embracing Diversity with Help of Technology and Participatory Design (EDTPD 2017); WS 4: Civic Intelligence in an Uncertain and Threatening World; WS 5: Collaborative Economies: From Sharing to Caring; WS 6: Digital Cities 10: Towards a Localised Socio-Technical Understanding of the ‘Real’ Smart City; WS 7: Designing Participation for the Digital Fringe; WS 8: Participatory Design, Beyond the Local; WS 9: Solutions for Economics, Environment and Democracy (SEED); WS 10: Understanding and Supporting Emergent and Temporary Collaboration across and beyond Community and Organizational Boundaries; [CANCELLED] WS 11: Infrastructuring Smartness and/or Enhancing Communities? A Workshop for Engaging the ‘Smart’ Vision Critically; WS 12: Refugees & HCI Workshop: The Role of HCI in Responding to the Refugee Crisis

7th C&T 2015, 27-30 June 2015, University of Limerick, Limerick, Ireland

(Host: Department of Computer Science and Information Systems, University of Limerick)

    Information Systems from Control to Control? (Or Perhaps Something Else…); n.a.; Towards a new technology of community

    Paper Sessions:
    Design and Design Issues; Urban Communities; Rural Communities; Local Communities; Volunteer communities

    Panel discussion

    Pre-conference Doctoral Consortium (Jun 28)

    Pre-conference Workshops (27-28 Jun):
    CulTech2015: Cultural Diversity and Technology Design; Digital Cities 9; Data, profiling and communities; Cultural Heritage Communities: Technologies and Challenges; Connected Sustainability: connecting sustainability-driven, grass-roots communities through technology; Encouraging Collective Intelligence for the Common Good: How Do We Integrate the Disparate Pieces?

6th C&T 2013, 1-2 July 2013, Munich, Germany

(Host: Fakultät für Informatik, Technische Universität München; Institut für Technik Intelligenter Systeme, Universität der Bundeswehr München)

    Social Product Development; Learnings from open product development for internal innovation processes;

    Paper Sessions; Posters Session

    Pre-conference Doctoral Consortium (Jun 30)

    Pre-conference Workshops (29-30 Jun):
    Large-Scale Idea Management and Deliberation Systems; Defining the Research Agenda for Information Management and Systems: Supporting Sustainable Communities with Smart Media and Automated Systems; Digital Cities 8; Exploring Urban Spaces in the Web 2.0 Era (ExS 2.0); Pervasive Participation (PerPart 2013)

5th C&T 2011, 29 June – 2 July 2011, Brisbane, Australia

(Host: Urban Informatics Research Lab, Queensland University of Technology)

    Inscribing Community by Design: Reflecting on Older People and Participation; The Challenge of Designing Local Engagement for Networked Communities

    Social Media for Increased Resilience and Safety: Technology to Help Communities Cope with Disasters

    Paper Sessions:
    Motivating & Social Media; Exploring & Engaging; Work & Collaboration; Networks & Knowledge; Identity & Sharing

    Pre-conference Doctoral Consortium (29 Jun)

    Pre-conference Workshops (29-30 Jun):
    Making Sense of Twitter: Quantitative Analysis Using Twapperkeeper and Other Tools; Ethnographic Fiction and Speculative Design: Supporting Community Participation in the Development and Implementation of New Technologies; Food(ing): Between Human-Computer and Human-Food-Experiences; Digital Cities 7: Real World Experiences; Doctoral Colloquium; 4th International Workshop on Semantic Ambient Media Experience (SAME 2011); Organizations and Social Network Sites; Government and Citizen Engagement

4th C&T 2009, June 25-27, 2009, Pennsylvania State University, Pennsylvania, USA

(Host: College of Information Sciences and Technology, State College, Pennsylvania State University)

    The legacy and future of ‘community’ in NSF; From Digital Campus to Connected Community; Knowledge Reuse and Novelty In Community Settings; Mozilla: Working with Community

    Paper Sessions:
    Community Knowledge; Support and Raport; Social Capital; Activism; Socio-technical Tools; Development and Regulation; Reuse; Communities of Practice; Placed Community; Social Networking; Privacy and Personalization; Demo Session

    Making Social Participation a Priority; Community technology to support geographically-based communities; What’s the Paradigm? Why Communities and Technologies? Is Civic Intelligence One Answer?

    Pre-conference Doctoral Consortium (Jun 24)

    Pre-conference Workshops (Jun 24):
    NodeXL: Social Network Analysis and Visualization tools for Social Media; Digital Cities 6: Concepts, Methods and Systems of Urban Informatics; Online Social Networks to Support Community Collaboration

    Pre-conference Tutorials (Jun 24):
    Designing from theory: Mining the social sciences as a basis for designing online communities

3rd C&T 2007, June 28-30, 2007, East Lansing, Michigan, USA

(Host: College of Communication Arts & Sciences, Department of Telecommunication, Information Studies and Media et al., Michigan State University)

    Illustrating Digital Traces: Visualizations of patterns generated by computer-mediated collective action systems; The Life, Times and Tribulations of Slashdot; Agents and Faces: The Reliability of Online Signals

    Paper Sessions:
    Top Paper Session; Measuring Online Community Structure and Dynamics; Facilitating Community; Analyzing Behavior in Online Communities; Technology and Collaboration in Online Communities; Knowledge, Practice, Technologies, and Community; E-Government and Approaches to Community Design; Social Networks, Communities, and Technologies; Communities, Technologies and Bridging Social and Economic Divides

    Connected Lives: ICTs in Everyday Life; Enabling Communities – and Research on Communities – with Cyberinfrastructure

    Pre-conference Workshops (Jun 28):
    BOF – Between Ontologies and Folksonomies: Tools and Architectures for Managing and Retrieving Emerging Knowledge in Communities; Past, Present, and Future Impacts of Communication Technologies on Healthcare Communities; Digital Cities 5: Urban Informatics, Locative Media and Mobile Technology in Inner-City Developments; Studying Interaction in Online Communities: From Data Sources to Research Results; Communities of Practice in Highly Computerized Work Settings; ICT for Business Clusters in Emerging Markets; The paradox of communication: Towards a society of inattention?; Memory practices in computer-mediated communities: a research methods workshop; Public Practices, Social Software: Examining social practices in networked publics; Coaching community leaders on community cultivation and technology integration; Implicit Online Communities

2nd C&T 2005, 13-16 June 2005, University of Milano Bicocca/ University of Milano, Milan, Italy

(Host: Department of Computer Sciences, Systems and Communication, University of Milano Bicocca; Civic Informatics Laboratory, Department of Computer Science, University of Milano)

    Note: Conference venue is the University of Milano Bicocca, workshops venue the University of Milano

    Invited Talks:
    Socio-technical challenges in designing 21st cyberinfrastructure to enable networks in communities

    Paper Sessions:
    Local Communities; Virtual Communities; Knowledge Communities; Scientific Communities (and innovation); Real Life Experiments; Systems; Aural communities and mobile technologies

    Bridging Across Community Borders: Challenges for Socio-Technical Interventions

    Pre- and Post-conference Workshops (Jun 13, 17-18):
    Communities and Disasters: The Role of Community Informatics; Design for Large-Scale Digital Communities; Developing and Sustaining Free/Open Source Software (F/OSS) Applications For, By and With Communities; Design of relevant novel scenarios: applications to foster mobile communities; Learning Communities in the era of Ubiquitous Computing; Development and sustainability of online business communities; Communities Vs Networks, as the extremes of a continuum of social containers for innovation; Sustaining Community: The role and design of incentive mechanisms in online systems; Collaboration, cooperation, transaction in various communities: Exploring differences and commonalities; Community technology/research engagement: Searching for common ground; Narrative and Context in Online Settings – a Communities of Practice Perspective; Communities and Technologies from a Constructivist Point of View; Digital Cities: the Augmented Public Space

    Conference Tutorials (Jun 15):
    The past, present, and future of Knowledge Manangement

1st C&T 2003, 19-21 September 2003, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

(Host: Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)

    Invited Talks:
    The Networked Future of Communities; Cities, technologies, communities – the case of Amsterdam; Communities of practice: reflections of the zeitgeist

    Features of Communities of Practice; Networked communities; Knowledge sharing within work communities; Community and Civic engagement; Social Capital and communities; Communities and knowledge utilization and identification; Problems in On-line Communities; Learning and Communities

    From Here to Where? The Future of Communities and Technologies

    Pre-conference Workshops (Sep 19):
    The Role of Online Community Spaces in Shaping Virtual Community Interactions; Ubiquitous and mobile computing for educational communities; Phase change in a community of practice; Knowledge Sharing Under Distributed Circumstances; Digital cities as local information and communication infrastructures: experiences and challenges; Transforming and sustaining inclusive development communities: an evidence-based approach (KM4Dev workshop); (Bridging the gap between research and practice) !CANCELLED!; The ambiguous role of information and communication technology in regional inter-firm clusters; Open source software movements and Communities; Community Informatics; ICT-Industrial communities; Information & Communication Technology in rural communities – is the Net working?

    Pre-conference Tutorials (Sep 19):
    Social Capital as a way to manage knowledge

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