Filed in: Universidad Politecnica de Valencia

Congresso Ibérico de la International Society for Knowledge Organization (Congreso ISKO-Ibérico)*

Knowledge Management conferences| Knowledge Management education & training worldwide

El Congreso Ibérico de la International Society for Knowledge Organization (Congreso ISKO-Ibérico o Congreso ISKO España-Portugal) , se propone como un espacio privilegiado para el diálogo y la reflexión de las nuevas necesidades y tendencias de la organización conocimiento, mostrando experiencias y soluciones viables y sostenibles, capaces de dar respuesta a los diferentes desafíos y

International Conference on Technology, Knowledge and Society*

Knowledge Management conferences| Knowledge Management education & training worldwide

The International Conference on Technology, Knowledge and Society, formely branded as “Technology Conference”, organized by the Common Ground Technology, Knowledge & Society Research Network, is addressing a range of critically important themes in the various fields that address the complex and subtle relationships between technology, knowledge and society. Main speakers include some of the leading