
International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (EKAW)*
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The biennial International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (EKAW), formerly the European Knowledge Acquisition Workshop (EKAW) series 1), is concerned with all aspects of eliciting, acquiring, modeling and managing knowledge, and its role in the construction of knowledge-intensive systems and services for the semantic web, knowledge management, e-business, natural language processing, intelligent information integration, etc.
EKWA is held alternately with K-CAP – the International Conference on Knowledge Capture.
Of Special “Knowledge Management” interest:
- Conference Themes:
- 2012: Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management that matters
- 2002: Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management: Ontologies and the Semantic Web
- 2000: Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management: Methods, Models, and Tools
- Workshops:
- 2024: Workshop on Knowledge Management for Numerical Modeling, Measurement & Simulation (KNUMS)
- 2022: Knowledge Management for Law (KM4LAW)
- 2014/2016: International Workshop on Educational Knowledge Management (EKM)
- 2004: Application of Language and Semantic Technologies to support Knowledge Management Processes (LSTKM); Knowledge Management and Semantic Web
- 2002: Knowledge Management through Corporate Semantic Webs (OMAS)
- 2000: Common Approaches in Knowledge Management
- Sessions:
- 2002: Knowledge Management
- 2000: Knowledge Management & E-Commerce
- 1997: Knowledge Management
- Invited Talks:
- 1999: Knowledge Management and Reengineering
- 1997: Collaborative Knowledge Management: Building Organizational Memory through On-line Knowledge Work
Conference History:
24th Int’l Conference EKAW 2024, November 26-28, 2024, Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Special Conference Theme: Knowledge in the Age of Language Models (LMs)
(Host: Human-Centered Data Analytics Research Group, CWI National Research Institute for Mathematics and Computer Science, Dutch Research Council; Digital Humanities Research Lab, KNAW Humanities Cluster)
Pre-conference Workshops:
KNUMS – First Workshop on Knowledge Management for Numerical Modeling, Measurement & Simulation
X-TAIL – eXtraction and eXploitation of long-TAIL Knowledge with LLMs and KGs
ELMKE – Workshop on Evaluation of Language Models in Knowledge Engineering
K-MiN – First Workshop on Structured Knowledge in Newsrooms
Pre-conference Tutorials:
Conversational Knowledge Capture Using the KNOW Ontology
MUHAI – Enabling Meaning and Understanding in Human-centric AI
Tutorial on Creating and Accessing Knowledge Graphs for Action Parameterisation
Semantic Knowledge Modeling – Ontologies & Vocabularies
Conference Sessions:
Knowledge Validation
Knowledge Acquisition and Completion
Language Models
Natural Language Processing
Domain Specific Knowledge Graphs
Is the Search Engine of the Future a Chatbot?
An hitchhiker’s guide to Ontology
23rd Int’l Conference EKAW 2022, 26-29 September 2022, Free Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Bolzano, Italy / Virtual venue
Special Conference Theme: Ethical and Trustworthy Knowledge Engineering
(Host: Research Centre on Knowledge and Data (KRDB), Faculty of Computer Science, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano)
Note: Free virtual attendance to selected presentations only
Pre-conference Workshops:
Knowledge Management for Law (KM4LAW)
1st Workshop on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency in Misinformation Management (MisFAccT) (CANCELLED)
Pre-conference Tutorials:
Trends in Terminology Generation and Modelling
Conference Sessions:
Conference Topics:
Knowledge Engineering and Acquisition
Knowledge Management and Governance
Ethical and Trustworthy Knowledge Engineering
Social and Cognitive Aspects of Knowledge Engineering
Knowledge Discovery
Applications in specific domains
The QLever SPARQL engine
A shift in our research focus: from knowledge acquisition to knowledge augmentation
Knowledge for the era of accelerated discovery
22nd Int’l Conference EKAW 2020, 16-18 September 2020, Free Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Bolzano, Italy Virtual venue
Special Conference Theme: Ethical and Trustworthy Knowledge Engineering
(Host: Research Centre on Knowledge and Data (KRDB), Faculty of Computer Science, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano; In conjunction with the Bolzano Summer of Knowledge (BOSK 2020) – A Month of Knowledge in September 2020)
Note: The conference was originally scheduled for 16-20 September 2020,
Pre-conference Workshops: (Sep 16)
Joint Ontology WOrkshops (JOWO) – w. FOIS and ICBO workshops; 5th International Workshop on Ontology Modularity, Contextuality, and Evolution (WOMoCoE); Workshop on Scalable Knowledge Graph Engineering (SKALE)
Preferences: Representing, Reasoning & Ethics; Fact Checking and Knowledge Graphs; Integrating human expert knowledge and NLP tools for real-world applications
Co-located events:
International Conference on Formal Ontology in Information Systems (FOIS); International Conference on Biomedical Ontologies (ICBO); 5th Interdisciplinary School on Applied Ontology (ISAO); 6th Joint Ontology Workshops (JOWO); 2020: International Workshop on Semantic Web and Ontology Design for Cultural Heritage (SWODCH); 27th International Symposium on Temporal Representation and Reasoning (TIME), etc
21th Int’l Conference EKAW 2018, 13-16 November 2018, Inria Nancy – Grand-Est, Nancy, France
Special Conference Theme: Knowledge and Artificial Intelligence
(Host: Institut national de recherche en informatique et en automatique, Nancy – Grand-Est)
Pre-conference Tutorials: (Nov 12)
Learning from knowledge graphs; Catching up with ontological engineering To git-commit and beyond
Pre-conference Workshops: (Nov 12)
Doctoral Consortium; Symbolic methods for data-interlinking
Conference Sessions:
Alignments and Graph Partitioning; Knowledge Engineering; Network and Knowledge Graphs; Knowledge Discovery; Applications; Knowledge Representation and Reasoning; Queries and SPARQL
Incomplete Knowledge and Collective Decision Making; Guess What You Don’t Know: Towards an Evolutionary Epistemology of Ontology Learning; Entity-centric information access for high-end semantitc applications; The Discovery of Spatial Knowledge from Images and Language
20th Int’l Conference EKAW 2016, 19-23 November 2016, University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy
(Host: University of Bologna, Department of Computer Science and Engineering)
Pre-conference Tutorials: (Nov 19-20)
Modeling, Generating and Publishing knowledge as Linked Data; Mapping Management and Expressive Ontologies in Ontology-Based Data Access
Pre-conference Workshops: (Nov 19-20)
Doctoral Workshop; International Workshop on Educational Knowledge Management (EKM); Workshop on Legal Knowledge and the Semantic Web (LK&SW); First Drift-a-LOD Workshop: Detection, Representation and Management of Concept Drift in Linked Open Data; 13th OWL: Experiences and Directions Workshop and 5th OWL reasoner evaluation workshop
Conference Sessions:
Querying and managing data; NLP and multilinguality; Ontologies, schemas and ontology evaluation; Entity detection, matching and evolution; Learning and evolving ontologies and mappings; Crowdsourcing and recommendation; Ontology engineering; Applications of machine learning; Information extraction and knowledge acquisition; Poster & Demo
Towards an Embedded Theory of Truth; From data to knowledge: trust and ethics in symbiotic AI/human systems; How much are our representations of knowledge influenced by our languages?
19th Int’l Conference EKAW 2014, 24-28 November 2014, Linköping, Sweden
(Host: Linköping University, Database and Web Information Systems Group)
Pre-conference Tutorials: (Nov 24-25)
K4D: Managing and sharing knowledge in rural parts of the world; Language Resources and Linked Data
Pre-conference Workshops: (Nov 24-25)
Doctoral Consortium; International Workshop on Visualizations and User Interfaces for Knowledge Engineering and Linked Data Analytics (VISUAL); International Workshop on Educational Knowledge Management (EKM1); 6th International Workshop on Acquisition, Representation and Reasoning about Context with Logic (ARCOE-Logic); 3rd International Workshop on Semantic Web Enterprise Adoption and Best Practice (WaSABi, CANCELLED)
Conference Sessions:
Knowledge and Data Integration; Semantics; Knowledge Engineering: Applications; Ontology: Usage and Visualization; Reasoning, Inference and Search; Knowledge Extraction and Learning; Knowledge Engineering: Methods; Linked Data; Demos and Posters
Ontology Design Patterns for Large-Scale Data Interchange and Discovery; Ontology engineering for and by the masses: are we already there?; Concepts in motion
18th Int’l Conference EKAW 2012, 8-12 October 2012, Galway City, Ireland
Conference Theme: Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management that matters
(Host: National University of Ireland Galway, Digital Enterprise Research Institute)
Pre-conference Tutorials: (Oct 8-9)
Formal Concept Analysis; Linked Science 2012 (TOLSCI2012); Data Modeling and Knowledge Engineering for the Internet of Things; The Web of Data for E-Commerce in Brief; Semantic Content Management with Interactive Knowledge Stack
Pre-conference Workshops: (Oct 8-9)
Doctoral Symposium; 1st International Workshop on Debugging Ontologies and Ontology Mappings (WoDOOM); Capturing and Refining Knowledge in the Medical Domain (K-MED); Intelligent Exploration of Semantic Data (IESD); Ontology Engineering in a Data-driven World (OEDW); Semantic Web and Information Extraction (SWAIE)
Conference Sessions:
Position Papers; Research Papers; Natural Language Processing; Linked Data; Ontology Engineering and Evaluation; Social and Cognitive Aspects of Knowledge Representation; Applications of Knowledge Engineering; Posters & Demos
From Ontologies to Web Ontologies: Lessons learned from Conceptual Modeling for the WWW; Building Enterprise Ontologies: Report from the trenches…; Practical Semantics In The Pharmaceutical Industry – The Open PHACTS Project
17th Int’l Conference EKAW 2010, 11-15 October 2010, Gulbenkian Foundation, Lisbon, Portugal
Conference Theme: Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management by the Masses
(Host: Instituto de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computadores: Investigação e Desenvolvimento em Lisboa)
Pre-/Post-conference Tutorials: (Oct 11/15)
Ontology Learning from Folksonomies; Implementation of Large Scale Knowledge Infrastructures in Organisations Using Semantics; Knowledge Acquisition from Social Networking Sites – Liberate the Potential for Developing Intelligent Applications
Pre-/Post-conference Workshops: (Oct 11/15)
Context, Information and Ontologies (CIAO); Personal Semantic Data (PSD); Open Knowledge Models (OKM); Ontology Quality; Reuse and Adaptation of Ontologies and Terminologies; Knowledge Injection into and Extraction from Linked Data (KIELD)
Conference Sessions:
Knowledge Engineering; Knowledge Acquisition; Collaboration in Knowledge Engineering; Knowledge Engineering: Patterns; Social Aspects / Tagging; Semantic Web / Web of Data / Linked Data; Ontology Evolution / Refinement; Knowledge Access; Annotation / Retrieval / Natural Language Processing; Short Paper Pecha Kucha; Poster & Demo Session
Invited Takls:
New Frontiers for Knowledge Engineering and Management: Embedding Knowledge Technologies in Everyday’s Devices; Social Media and Attention; Using Linked Data to describe the natural world
16th Int’l Conference EKAW 2008, 29 September – 3 October 2008, Acitrezza, Catania, Italy
Conference Theme: Knowledge Engineering: Practice and Patterns
(Host: National Research Council, Institute for Cognitive Science and Technology, Semantic Technology Laboratory)
Pre-conference Tutorials: (Sep 29)
NeOn Methodology: how to build ontology networks?; From shallow to deep natural language processing – a hands-on tutorial
Conference Sessions:
Knowledge Patterns and Knowledge Representation; Matching Ontologies and Data Integration; Natural Language, Knowledge Acquisition and Annotations; Ontologies; Search, Query and Interaction; Posters & Demos
Panel Discussions:
Semantic Technology Industry Panel
Knowledge Patterns; Computational Semantics and Knowledge Engineering; Principles for Knowledge Engineering on the Web; Towards Semantic Search (Industry Panel)
15th Int’l Conference EKAW 2006, 2-6 October 2006, Podebrady (near Prague), Czech Republic
Conference Theme: Managing Knowledge in a World of Networks
(Host: University of Economics Prague, Department of Information and Knowledge Engineering)
Pre-/Post-conference Tutorials: (Oct 2/6)
Human Language Technology (HLT) for Knowledge Acquisition for the Semantic Web; Ontology Design Patterns
Pre-/Post-conference Workshops: (Oct 2/6)
Imperfect Knowledge Modeling (CANCELLED); Ontology Evolution and Multimedia Information Extraction (BOEMIE)
Conference Sessions:
Knowledge Discovery; Ontology Mapping and Evolution; Knowledge Acquisition; Semantic Search; User Interfaces; Semantics from Networks and Crowds; Applications; Ontology Learning; Ontology Engineering; Posters & Demos
Invited Talks:
Learning, Logic, and Probability: A Unified View; Whose knowledge? Whose questions? Whose answers? Conflicting Preconceptions for Knowledge Intensive Systems; Information and influence in social networks
14th Int’l Conference EKAW 2004, 5-8 October 2004, Whittlebury, UK
Conference Theme: Engineering Knowledge in the Age of the Semantic Web
(Host: University of Southampton, School of Electronics and Computer Science; The Open University, Knowledge Media Institute)
Post-conference Tutorials: (Oct 8)
Introduction to Ontology Development and the Protégé-OWL Environment
Post-conference Workshops: (Oct 8)
Application of Language and Semantic Technologies to support Knowledge Management Processes (LSTKM); Core Ontologies in Ontology Engineering; Knowledge Management and Semantic Web
Conference Sessions:
Ontologies: Mappings and Translation; Ontologies: Problems and Applications; Ontologies: Trust and E-learning; Ontology Maintenance; Applications to Medicine; Portals; Knowledge Acquisition; Web Services and Problem Solving Methods; Search, Browsing and Knowledge Acquisition; Posters & Demos
Invited Talks:
13th Int’l Conference EKAW 2002, 1-4 October 2002, Sigüenza, Spain
Conference Theme: Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management: Ontologies and the Semantic Web
(Host: Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, Ontology Engineering Group)
Pre-conference Tutorials: (Sep 30)
Ontology-Based Information Integration (CANCELLED); Formal Concept Analysis; Formal Ontological Analysis and Conceptual Modeling
Pre-conference Workshops: (Sep 30)
Evaluation of Ontology-based Tools (EON); Ontologies for Multi-Agent Systems; Knowledge Management through Corporate Semantic Webs (OMAS)
Conference Sessions:
Knowledge Acquisition; Knowledge Management; Ontologies; Semantic Web
Invited Talks:
Understanding the Semantic Web Layer Cake; Machine Learning and Information Extraction: Lessons and Challenges; Keynote 3 n.a.
12th Int’l Conference EKAW 2000, 2-6 October 2000, Juan-les-Pins, France
Conference Theme: Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management: Methods, Models, and Tools
(Host: Institut national de recherche en informatique et en automatique, Sophia-Antipolis)
Pre-conference Workshops: (Oct 2)
Ontologies and Texts; Common Approaches in Knowledge Management
Conference Sessions:
Knowledge Modelling Languages and Tools; Ontologies; Knowledge Acquisition from Texts; Machine Learning; Knowledge Management & E-Commerce; Problem-Solving Methods; Knowledge Representation; Validation, Evaluation and Certification; Methodologies; Demos
Invited Talks:
The New Technologies of the Web; Semantic Precision for Web-based Interoperation
11th EKAW 1999, 26-29 May 1999, Dagstuhl Castle, Germany
(Host: University of Karlsruhe, Institute of Applied Informatics and Formal Description Methods)
Workshop Sessions:
Co-located Workshops: (May 25)
International Workshop on Ontological Engineering on the Global Information Infrastructure
Invited Talks:
Knowledge Management and Reengineering; Knowledge Navigation in Networked Digital Libraries
10th EKAW 1997, 15-18 October 1997, Sant Feliu de Guíxols, Catalonia, Spain
(Host: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Artificial Intelligence Research Institute)
Workshop Sessions:
Knowledge Management; Ontologies; Design and Planning; Problem-Solving Methods; Ripple-Down Rules and Verification; Knowledge Acquisition from Text; Posters
Working Groups:
The status of the ongoing Sisyphus III project; Sisyphus IV Project/Experiment; Ontological Engineering Initiative (KA)2 Initiative
Invited Talks:
Collaborative Knowledge Management: Building Organizational Memory through On-line Knowledge Work; The DARPA Project on High Performance Knowledge Bases (HPKB)
9th EKAW 1996, 14-17 May 1996, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, England
Focus: Advances in Knowledge Acquisition
(Organizer: University of Nottingham, Artificial Intelligence Laboratory)
Workshop Sessions:
Theoretical and General Issues; Eliciting Knowledge from Textual and Other Sources; Data Mining; Group Elicitation; Planning
Working Groups: (Discussions)
Sisyphus III experiment
8th EKAW 1994, 26-29 September 1994, Hoegaarden, Belgium
Focus: A Future for Knowledge Acquisition
(Host: Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Artificial Intelligence Laboratory)
Workshop Sessions:
Knowledge Modelling Frameworks; Generic Components; Methodology; Integrating Knowledge Acquisition and Machine Learning; Generic Components: Ontologies; Generic Components: Methods; Methodology; Knowledge Formalisation; Posters & Demos; Position Papers
Working session/groups
Special Contibitions:
On Networking, Computation, and Communication; Babies and Bathwater; Knowledge Acquisition by Human Scientist
Co-located Events: (Sep 25)
Sisyphus meeting
7th EKAW 1993, 6-10 September 1993, Toulouse & Caylus, France
Focus: Knowledge Acquisition for Knowledge-Based Systems
(Host: University Paul Sabatier, CNRS-IRIT)
Workshop Sessions:
Problem Solving Models (Building Steps; Support Tools; Comparison of Approaches); Life Cycle and Methodologies (Refinement; Methodologies; Workbenches; Elicitation Techniques)
Introductory Papers:
Modeling and Extending Expertise; Knowledge Acquisition in Dynamic Systems: How Can Logicism and Situatedness Go Together?
Co-located Events:
Closed workshop in Caylus
6th EKAW 1992, 18-22 May 1992, Heidelberg & Kaiserslautern, Germany
Focus: Current Developments in Knowledge Acquisition
(Host: University of Kaiserslautern, Department of Computer Science; German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence; IBM Germany, Scientific Center)
Workshop Sessions:
Technology Transfer; General Modelling Approaches; Knowledge Formalization and Automated Methods; Elicitation and Diagnosis of Human Knowledge; Practice and Experiences of Knowledge Acquisition
5th EKAW 1991, 20–24 May 1991, Crieff, Scotland, United Kingdom
4th EKAW 1990, 25-29 June 1990, University of Amsterdam & Zeist, The Netherlands
3rd EKAW 1989, 3-7 July 1989, Paris, France
2nd EKAW 1988, 19-23 June 1988, Sankt Augustin, Germany
1st EKAW 1987, 2-3 September 1987, University of Reading, Reading, United Kingdom