Filed in: FernUniversität in Hagen

“Knowledge Management” Track @ Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS)

Abstract: This paper presents an overview and history of the knowledge management (KM) research community at the Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS). This community began as a minitrack in HICSS-27 and has since evolved into full track status with the name Knowledge, Innovation, and Entrepreneurial Systems for HICSS-50. The purpose of this

How to get a PhD in Knowledge Management?

Weblogs | Knowledge Management education & training worldwide

Abstract: I received the following query: “I have a total nine years of work experience in knowledge management. I have worked in consulting, IT, and the finance sector in knowledge management, presales and social media. I have worked on several knowledge repositories, user behavior, Web 2.0 technology, search technologies and open

GfWM KnowledgeCamp (GKC)*

Knowledge Management conferences| Knowledge Management education & training worldwide

Das GfWM KnowledgeCamp (GKC), Quasi-Nachfolger des GfWM-Forums Wissensmanagement auf der CeBIT (2006-2008) und einem nicht realisierten GfWM-Symposium (2005), ist ein BarCamp zum Thema Wissensmanagement im deutschen Sprachraum, das seit 2009 von Mitgliedern der Gesellschaft für Wissensmanagement e.V. (GfWM) an verschiedenen Orten in Deutschland (2015 und 2016 auch in Österreich) organisiert wird.