International Scientific Conference “Information Science in the Age of Change”*
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The biennial International Scientific Conference “Information Science in the Age of Change” (Międzynarodowa Konferencja Naukowa “Nauka o informacji (informacja naukowa) w okresie zmian”, translated “Learning about information (scientific information) during the period of changes”), is organized by the Department of Information Studies at the Faculty of Journalism, Information and Book Studies of the University of Warsaw. The conference aims to diagnose of changes taking place in information science and its research field, as well as in the practice of information activities, identifying the most important contemporary directions of development in both these areas and assessing the scope of their representation in the education of information specialists.
Since 2013 the conference is organized in co-operation with or under patronage of the Polish Chapter of the International Society for Knowledge Organization (ISKO PL) among others.
Conference language is English and Polish. (Językiem konferencji jest angielski i polski.)
Conference History:
6th Information Science in the Age of Change 2023, 18-19 May 2023, University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland
Conference Theme: Science in the Face of Modern Times: Information Wars (Nauka wobec współczesności: Wojny informacyjne)
(Patronage: Polish Chapter of the International Society for Knowledge Organization; Polish Communication Association; …)
5th Information Science in the Age of Change 2019, 13-14 May 2019, University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland
Conference Theme: Digital Revolution – Today and Tomorrow: Infrastructure, Services, Users (Rewolucja cyfrowa – dziś i jutro. Infrastruktura, usługi, użytkownicy)
(Co-organizer: Polish Chapter of the International Society for Knowledge Organization; University of Warsaw Library)
Cultural Frames of Ethics and Challenges for Knowledge Organization
A New Approach to Institutional Knowledge Bases
Challenges of Information Infrastructure for Open Science and Academic Libraries
Data Curation in Academic Libraries: Part of the Digital Revolution?
Embedded Librarian in Higher Education for a Pedagogical Transformation
The Manifold Impact of Digital Technologies Upon the Economic Regime of Information as Resource and Commodity
International Sessions:
Issues in Knowledge Organization
Social and Philosophical Aspects of Modern Information Technology and Information Services Development
Issues in Information Users and Information Behavior
Digital Revolution in Libraries, Archives, and Museums
Issues in Information Literacy
Open Science and Access to Research Data
Polska sesje:
Media społecznościowe i użytkownicy nowoczesnej infrastruktury i usług informacyjnych (Social Media and the Users of Modern Information Infrastructure and Services)
Społeczne, prawne i etyczne aspekty usług informacyjnych (Legal and Ethical Aspects of Information Services)
Technologia informacyjna i jej społeczna recepcja (Information Technology and Its Social Reception)
Nauka o informacji – miejsce w systemie nauk, ewolucja przedmiotu i metod badań (Information Science: Its Place within the System of Sciences, Evolution of Its Research Subject and Research Methods)
Final Pannel Discussion
4th Information Science in the Age of Change 2017, 15-16 May 2017, University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland
Conference Theme: Innovative Information Services (Innowacyjne usługi informacyjne)
(Patronage: Polish Society of Scientific Information, Polish Chapter of the International Society for Knowledge Organization,…)
“Operational Usability” in Virtual Research Environments and Open Learning contexts
Documentation and Information Science: the forgotten origins of the French contribution
Social Influence and Information Evaluation
International Sessions:
Information Systems and Their Users
Polska sesje:
Innowacje w informacji naukowej (Innovations in Scientific Information)
Użytkownicy innowacyjnych usług informacyjnych (Users of Innovative Information Services)
Innowacyjne usługi informacyjne w archiwach (Innovative Information Services in Archives)
Nowe trendy w dyscyplinach informacyjnych (New Trends in Information Disciplines)
Innowacje w organizacji wiedzy (Innovations in Knowledge Organization)
Usługi informacyjne w gospodarce, ochronie zdrowia i kulturze (Information Services in Economy, Healthcare, and Culture)
3rd Information Science in the Age of Change 2015, 11-12 May 2015, University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland
Conference Theme: Information Science and Digital Humanities (Nauka o informacji a humanistyka cyfrowa)
(Patronage: Polish Chapter of the International Society for Knowledge Organization,…)
Information and knowledge management
Information tools and digital knowledge resources
2nd Information Science in an Age of Change 2013, 15-16 April 2013, University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland
Conference Theme: n.a.
(Co-organizer: Polish Chapter of the International Society for Knowledge Organization)
Digital Cultures and Universality in Knowledge Organization (KO)
Polska sesje:
Problemy i metody organizacji wiedzy (Problems and methods of knowledge organization)
1st Information Science in the Age of Change 2011, 4-5 April 2011, University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland
(5th Instytut Informacji naukowej i Studiów Bibliologicznych (IINISB) Scientific Conference)
Program n.a.