International Semantic and FAIR Knowledge Graph Alliance (KGA)
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The International Semantic and FAIR Knowledge Graph Alliance (KGA)1) offers the following Knowledge Management education and training opportunities:
Working Groups
- SLS: Development of SousLeSens
- LOK: Knowledge Graphs for Large Language Models (LLMs)
- XAIR: Explainable-AI and Metadata
- KG-O-ML: Knowledge Graph for Machine Learning
- 1st KG-AI Summit 2024, April 19, 2024, Cranfield University, United Kingdom
Virtual Knowledge Graphs for making your data AI-ready
Decisions, decisions, decisions…
Decentralisation of federated Knowledge Graphs leveraging AI inference
Semantic Interoperability Challenge in Industry
Pathways to ontology adoption in industry and research
EMMO: A pluralistic ontology framework grounded in parthood, causation and natural sciences
Ontology-based Engineering supporting the conceptual design of Reconfigurable Manufacturing Systems in the aerospace industry
Green AI: Embracing the power of dataPanel Discussions:
Prioritising research gaps in ontologies and knowledge graphsCo-located Events:
KGA General Assembly 2024, Apr 18 (member-only event)
May 2024: SousLeSens: Demonstration, Tutorial and Launch of Working group (A Pre-ESWC Event)
Genesis of SousLeSens
Demonstration, Tutorial, and Discussion on the Working Group
Mar 2024: Unveiling the Future of AI with Knowledge Graph Alliance’s New Working Groups
Enhancing Machine Learning through Ontologies: Trust, Integration, and Performance in Emerging Technologies
The Large-Language Models, Ontologies, and Knowledge Graphs Working Group
SousLeSens – collaborative development and assessment of SousLeSens
Explainable-AI-ready data and metadata principles
IndustryPortal – maintenance, upgrade and synchronization of industrial ontology repository
Harmonised methodology of professional semantic KG development and maintenance
Chemical Transformation Process Ontology
Apr 2024: KGA General Assembly (member-only event; in conjunction with the KG-AI Summit)
Nov 2023: Knowledge Graph Alliance Inagural Day
Introductiory Session:
Thoughts From European Commission
OntoCommons Roadmap
Commons Toward Innovation
Introduction To KG-Alliance
KGA Activities RoadmapPanel Discussions:
Industrial Session
Inter-Organisational SessionProto-OKN NSF – Supplychain use case