Ontotext Knowledge Graph Forum*

Ontotext Knowledge Graph Forum*

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The Ontotext Knowledge Graph Forum, organized by Ontotext and partners, is an event that addresses the entire spectrum of business applications of knowledge graphs and the technology partner ecosystem needed to deliver those. The forum brings together clients, partners, and independent semantic technology experts to share their experience with knowledge graph development and application.
With presentations, live panel discussions, and networking opportunities, the Knowledge Graph Forum aims to give you perspectives, knowledge and ideas about how to approach your enterprise data challenges with graph technology.

You will hear about:

  • Knowledge graph capabilities, vision, value, and differentiation
  • Vertical use cases for enterprise knowledge graphs across Financial Services & Publishing; Life Sciences & Healthcare; Manufacturing, Energy & Infrastructure
  • The value of graph technology for the enterprise

Conference History:

3rd Knowlege Graph Forum 2023, November 14–16, 2023, Virtual venue

Conference theme: Turn Complexity Into Competitive Advantage

    How Knowledge Graphs Empower Data Fabric and Data Mesh

    You Cannot Get To The Moon On a Bike!
    Product Portfolio and Roadmap updates
    Riding the Databricks wave with hybrid Knowledge Graphs
    Cyber security & asset vulnerability – a solution running at customers, on top of Corporate Memory & GraphDB
    Benchmarking graph data processing … and evolving graph database standards
    Enterprise Intelligence Applications in the Private Equity Industry
    Revolutionizing Knowledge Graph-Based Application Development with LinkedLifeData Inventory
    Healthy Scores, Healthy Graphs: Hanami’s Approach to Knowledge Integrity
    The past, present, and future of GraphDB documentation: Aligning documentation with user goals.
    Combining the flexibility of Knowledge Graphs with the power of Semantic Tagging – The Enterprise PowerPack
    Generative AI and Personalization at Scale: How Knowledge Graphs Enable Context and Eliminate Hallucinations of Large Language Model Powered Applications
    Semantic Models – The brains behind explainable and trustworthy data-driven business decisions
    Graphite Knowledge Studio: Harnessing the Power of the Human-in-the-Loop
    Unleashing Conversational Excellence: Harnessing the Power of Knowledge Graphs and Large Language Models for the Perfect Match.
    Perfect Memory’s Cognitive Asset Management – How to provide business users the ways to action the Knowledge graph efficiently?
    Graph Use Cases for Data-Driven Decisions: Risk Mitigation & Content Personalization
    Graph Building with Text Analytics
    Strategically Approaching Graph Technologies: Understanding the Bigger Picture of RDF and LPG
    Case study: Policy Enforcement Automation With Semantics
    Real time data capture into Knowledge Graphs; challenges and solutions in a life sciences context
    Leveraging the Power of Knowledge Graphs, LLMs, and ML to Turbocharge Sales Growth
    Knowledge Graph Embeddings in the Industry
    From Legislation to Calculation
    Why You’re Not Ready for Knowledge Graphs!
    Unveiling the value of the Ontotext Knowledge Graph and LLMs in Marketing
    Jump Start Your Knowledge Graph with GIST!

    Panel Discussions:
    What opportunities does LLM technology create for data and business strategies?
    Leading use cases in Finserv
    How can organizations streamline and speed up Knowledge Graph implementation of enterprise semantic applications?

2nd Knowlege Graph Forum 2022, September 26-29, 2022, Virtual venue / Basel (Switzerland), New York Cíty (USA)

    Note: Basel (Sep 28), New York (Sep 29), Virtual (Sep 26-29)

    Technology Ecosystem: (Sep 26, virtually)
    Knowledge Graph Sweet Spots & What Does It Take to Penetrate the Mainstream
    Ontotext Portfolio Updates
    GraphDB 10.2 – an Easy Ride for the Beginner or the Seasoned Veteran
    Data Integration Patterns in Knowledge Graph Building with GraphDB
    Ontologies, Knowledge Graphs, and Semantic Classification
    Knowledge Democratization in the Enterprise
    PoolParty – the most complete semantic middleware platform
    Low-Code Knowledge Graph and Decision Automation with eccenca Corporate Memory

    Panel Discussion: Stump the Graph Expert

    Manufacturing, Aerospace, AECO: (Sep 27, virtually)
    Smart Flow of Information for the Transport Infrastructure
    How Knowledge Graphs are Bridging the Gap Between Industries
    Transparency Energy Knowledge Graphs for Energy Traceability
    Next-generation CPQ tooling for sales enablement
    Beyond Ro-Bots – Total Process Automation – an Edge Device Management Story
    Potentials and advantages of Knowledge Graph based Conversational AI in Manufacturing & Industry! Examples, Use Cases, Best Practises
    Decentralized Semantic Data Management and Querying
    Knowledge Graphs as game changer in technical communication

    Panel Discussion: Top Knowledge Graph Use Cases in Industry

    Life Sciences & Healthcare: (Sep 28, live in Basel and virtually)
    Re-imagining PV with cutting edge AI based solution “Talosafe”
    Identifying Key Opinion Leaders using Graph Analytics
    Revolutionize customer experience by tapping into a renewable source of customer insights through customer knowledge graph
    Ontotext LinkedLifeData inventory – accelerator for building comprehensive FAIR knowledge graphs
    Preclinical Discovery Knowledge Graph
    Swiss Personalized Health Network (SPHN) – Spotlight on efficient integration of health-related data
    Buiding a semantic capability stack to support FAIR knowledge graphs at scale
    AI powered Target Discovery Solution

    Panel Discussion: TBD

    Financial Services & Publishing: (Sep 29, live in NYC and virtually)
    How Knowledge Graphs and Graph Databases Take Your Data Further
    The Business Case for Data Management
    Leveraging value chain mapping methodologies acrross multiple industries
    Knowledge Graphs are Worthless, Knowledge Graph Use Cases are Priceless
    From a Property Graph to Standard Knowledge Graph – the Why, the How and the Happily Ever After
    Sentinel One – Your Tool for AML in the Crypto World
    Harmonizing Content Publishing Practices Using a Semantic Approach: A WebMD Provider Services Use Case
    Making Knowledge Management Clickable with KM Portals
    Success Stories – Applications and Benefits of Knowledge Graphs in the FSI

    Panel Discussion: Top Knowledge Graph Use Cases in Financial Services

1st Knowledge Graph Forum 2021, October 26-27, 2021, Virtual venue

Conference Theme: Technology Ecosystem and Business Applications

    Plenary Presentations:
    Future Proof Your Organization: Build a Knowledge Graph!
    Knowledge Graphs: Added Value, Applications and Platform Capabilities
    Graph as a Foundational Technology Stack for the 2020s
    Technology Ecosystem: Updates and Roadmap
    Wikidata – The Open Knowledge Graph that Everyone Can Edit and Use
    Experience Report: Building the Foundations for a Capital Markets Knowledge Graphs

    Stream Presentations:

    Semantic Metadata Management with Poolparty
    GraphDB on the Kafka Conveyor Belt
    Data linking with Corporate Memory
    Setting Up a Knowledge Graph in Minutes (by Data Language)
    Collaborative Graph Management and Exploration Using Metaphactory’s Low-Code Approach
    Semantic Knowledge Organization Systems
    Knowler: The Intelligent Search Engine that Provides the Right Knowledge, to the Right People, at the Right Time (by NTT Data)
    Knowledge Graphs in the Financial Services Industry
    Talk to Your Graph
    Reconciliation Server Demonstration Against Wikidata (by Ontotext)
    Graph Path Search with GraphDB

    LinkedLifeData Inventory – Generate Value from your Knowledge Graph in Days (by Ontotext)
    Building Federated FAIR Knowledge Graphs Based on a Scientific Interoperability Hub
    Unlocking the Value of Structured Data: Inspec Analytics Case Study
    Semantic AI Technologies: Real-Life Use Cases for Media, Sports, Banking and More
    Smart Buildings Enabled by Knowledge Graphs
    Energy Knowledge Graphs to Facilitate Evolution of the European Energy Market
    The Power of Knowledge Graph to Manage Messy Identity Data
    Text Analysis with Ontotext Platform
    Customer 360 and its Applications, a Case Study (by Enterprise Knowledge)
    Enterprise Knowledge Graph for Mission-Critical Run-the-Bank Use Cases
    Practical Ontology Development and Mapping – the Legal Entity Dataset

    Panel Discussions:
    Delivering and Scaling Knowledge Graph Solutions

    Networking & Expo

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