Knowledge Management Consortium International (KMCI)*
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The Knowledge Management Consortium International (KMCI), formerly the Knowledge Management Consortium (KMC), a non-profit member-based professional association, now a training and research division of Executive Information Systems and the Center for the Open Enterprise, 1) resp., has offered the following Knowledge Management education and training opportunities:
- Knowledge Management Certification Board (KMCB)* 2)
- KMC/AIIM ANSI/ISO Knowledge Management Standard Committee
- Knowledge Management Certification Committee
- The Consortium is divided into two groups:
– Knowledge Management for the Business Community
– International Knowledge Management Science Society (IKMSS) - Chapters around the World*
- USA: Atlanta, Boston, Chicago, Connecticut, Dallas Texas, Dayton Ohio, Florida, Greater Washington Area, Green Bay Wisconsin, Huston, Milwaukee, New Jersey Chapter, New York, North Carolina, Pacific Northwest (Seattle), San Francisco (continued: KM Cluster San Francisco Bay Area & Silicon Valley), Tampa Chapter, Twin Cities (Minnesota)
- Canada: Montreal (continued: KM-GC-Montréal), Toronto
- Others: Australia (continued: actKM Forum), Brazil, Caribbean, Germany, Hong Kong, India, Mexico (Asociación de Administración del Conocimiento e Innovación (Addcoin)), Singapore, South Africa, United Kingdom
- Virtual chapter @ YahooGroups
- The New Knowledge Management: A Generational Shift (training conference), March 20, 2002, Arlington, Virginia, USA 3)
Topic: Managing Information, Knowledge, and Documents for the Enterprise-
The New Knowledge Management (TNKM)
The New Knowledge Management (TNKM) and Portal Progress: Luncheon KeynotePresentations:
Valuing Knowledge Claims for Decision Making
On Eliminating Errors
Techniques of The New Knowledge Management (TNKM): Story-Telling, CoPs, Group Decision-making, Simulation, Value Network Analysis
Individual and Group Learning in the Intelligent Complex Adaptive Systems (ICAS) Organization
How Communities Create: IT and Communities of PracticePanels:
Keys to The New Knowledge Management
How Do You Do It? Methodology for The New Knowledge Management (TNKM) - Enterprise Intelligence World Summit**
(The Annual Knowledge Management World Summit and Exposition or the Annual KMCI Conference)
The Enterprise Intelligence World Summit is an executive forum discussing the foundations of the Knowledge Economy. The summit will focus on strategies for the intelligent enterprise, overcoming cultural resistance, understanding technological challenges, and learning from leading organization’s best practices in knowledge management, business intelligence, intellectual property, collaboration and strategic planning. Loaded with networking opportunities, this is the premier meeting place to brainstorm with industry leaders on strategies for developing the intelligence enterprise!- 3rd Enterprise Intelligence World Summit, December 2-5, 2001, Orlando, Florida, USA
Conference Theme: Enhance Corporate Decision Making Through Integrated Knowledge Sharing Practices-
Pre-conference Workshops (Dec 2): Creating a Performance-Based Framework to Determine the Value of Information Assets; Evidence with a Byte – Computer Discovery for Information Managers; Threat Warning Intelligence for the Knowledge-Rich Enterprise; Collaboration for the Distributed Virtual Team; The Knowledge Management End Game: Innovation; Personal Knowledge Management (PKM) for Enterprise Inelligence; Sharpen Your Knowledge Management Skills: A Hands-On Challenge (CANCELLED); The Convergence of Portals and EAI in the Intelligent eEnterprise (CANCELLED); Converting Knowledge to Value through CRM (CANCELLED)
- 2nd Enterprise Intelligence World Summit, February 19-22, 2001, Orlando, Florida, USA
Conference Theme: Evolve into a Whole System to Obtain Excellent Business Results-
Pre-/Post-conference Workshops (Feb 19/22): Sharpen Your Knowledge Management Skills: A Hands-On Challenge; Personal Knowledge Management (PKM) for Enterprise Intelligence; The Convergence of Portals and EAI in the Intelligent eEnterprise; Enterprise Application Integration for Enterprise Intelligence; Converting Knowledge to Value through CRM
Note: the 2nd Enterprise Intelligence Conference was scheduled for December 2000
- 1st Enterprise Intelligence World Summit, December 6-8, 1999, Orlando, Florida, USA
The Annual Knowledge Management World Summit and Exposition
Conference Theme: Survive and Thrive in the New Knowledge Ecomomy
- 3rd Enterprise Intelligence World Summit, December 2-5, 2001, Orlando, Florida, USA
- Extreme Innovation Conference, May 8-10, 2000, Washington, D.C. 4)
An Enterprise Innovation Management Conference - (planned) KM 2000™ (Future – KM 2001™ KM 2002™ KM 2003™, etc)
Chapter meetings
- Asociación de Administración del Conocimiento e Innovación
Abr 2001: Prácticas de Administración del Conocimiento en Proyectos
Mar 2001: El Rol del Factor Humano ante la Economía de Información
Feb 2001: Balanced ScoreCard: Tablero de Control Organizacional
Ene 2001: Modelos de CreatividadNov 2000: Cómo Desarrollar un Enfoque Estratégico en la Administración del Conocimiento
Oct 2000: El Ejecutivo Digital: Colaboración para la Acción
Ago 2000: Mapas Mentales en un Click !
Jul 2000: ¿Realmente se puede Administrar el Conocimiento?
Jun 2000: Knowledge Discovery en los Portales Inteleligentes de Segunda Generacion
May 2000: Ciclo de Pensamiento: Instrumento Basico para la Adminsitracion del Conocimiento
Abr 2000: Transferencia de Conocimiento mediante Estrategias de Colaboracion
Feb 2000: Como Integrar el Conocimiento y la Innovación en la Estrategia de la Empresa
Ene 2000: Aprendizaje Organizacional Ciclo de KolbDec 1999: Conocimiento es Futuro: Las Nuevas Tendencias de los Negocios (propuesta)
Oct 1999:
Sep 1999:
Annual Members Meeting
– December 17, 2002, MIT Faculty Club, Cambridge, MA
– December 14, 2001, MIT Faculty Club, Cambridge, MA
– December 2000
– October 13-15, 1998, Chicago, IL (first annual meeting at the KMExpo)
KMC/AIIM ANSI/ISO Knowledge Management Standard Committee meetings
– April 12-15, 1999, Atlanta, GA (at the AIIM Conference, exact date to be determined)
– January 28-29, 1999, Washington D.C. (1st meeting; Conquering the Knowledge Management Tower of Babel: Knowledge Management as a Multidisciplinary Science and Applied Science)
KMC(I) Institute 5)
Certificate Courses
- Certificate of Completion in Knowledge and Innovation Management (CKIM) (public, online, in-house)
- Theoretical Foundations of Knowledge Management: the Gateway Workshop
- Knowledge Management Strategy and Case Studies
- Knowledge Management Methodology: K-STREAM and Its Core Tools, Part One
- Knowledge Management Methodology: K-STREAM and Its Core Tools, Part Two
- K-STREAM, Knowledge Claim Dynamics, and Wrap-up
- Advanced (online) Certificate of Completion in Knowledge and Innovation Management (CKIM-A)
- take five additional elective workshops (see Seminars & Workshops)
- (Team-taught) K-STREAM (Knowledge Management Strategy and Methodology) Certificate Program (public, In-house)
- Theoretical Foundations in Knowledge Management
- Knowledge Management Strategy and Methodology – K-STREAM
- KMCI Certificate Program Workshop for Knowledge Management Tools, Techniques and Methodology**
- KM101 A survey course for Knowledge Management
- KM102 Sociology of Knowledge Within an Organization
- KM103 Computer-Based Technology
Certification Courses** 6)
- Certified Knowledge and Innovation Manager (CKIM)** – Commercial (Level 1 (1 week workshop), Level 2 (2 weeks workshop), Level 3 (3 weeks workshop))
- Module 1: The Present State of Knowledge Management and Key Issues (Level I)
- Module 2: The Knowledge Life Cycle, Innovation, Knowledge Management, and Meta-Knowledge Management (Level I and Level II)
- Module 3: Knowledge and Knowledge Management Process and Outcome Metrics (Level I and Level II)
- Module 4: Knowledge Management Process Methodology, (Level I and Level II)
- Module 5: Knowledge Management Information Technology Applications (including Portal Coverage) and Software Tools, (Level I and Level II)
- Module 6: Wrap-up and Review (Level I and Level II)
- Module 7: The Future of Knowledge Management, (Level II) and Various specialized modules, (Level III)
- Certified Knowledge Manager (CKM)**
– Level 1 (1 week workshop), Level 2 (2 weeks workshop), Level 3 (3 weeks workshop) - Certified Knowledge Manager (CKM)** – Government
- Certified Knowledge Management Professional (CKMP)
- Certifed Knowledge Management Technologist (CKMT)
- Certified Knowledge Management Engineer (CKME)**
- Certified Knowledge Environment Engineer (CKEE)**
- Certified Innovation Environment Engineer (CIEE)**
- Certified Innovation Manager (CIM)**
- Certified KM / KMCI Instructor (CKMI)**
Semianrs & Workshops
Face to face Seminars & Workshops
- 2008ff
The New Knowledge Management: Knowledge Management Concepts and Strategy
The Open Enterprise - 2005-2007
The New Knowledge Management: Knowledge Management Concepts and Strategy
Riskonomics: Reducing Risk by Killing Your Worst Ideas
Knowledge Leadership
Principles of Pragmatic Knowledge Management
The Open Enterprise - CKIM Workshops
- Theoretical Foundations of Knowledge Management: the Gateway Workshop
- Knowledge Management Strategy and Case Studies
- Knowledge Management Methodology: K-STREAM and Its Core Tools, Part One
- Knowledge Management Methodology: K-STREAM and Its Core Tools, Part Two
- K-STREAM, Knowledge Claim Dynamics, and Wrap-up
- 2001-2004: Professional Development Program (PDP)**
- Type 1 — Introductory
- Type 2 — Specialized
- Type 3 — Professional (4 areas X 3 competency levels)
Areas: Basic, Intermediate and Advanced
Competency levels: General area (1): Knowledge Management Strategy and Knowledge Capital; General area (2): Human Capital and Organizational Learning; General area (3): Structural Capital, Organizational Memory and Knowledge Management Tools; Foundational area (4): Knowledge Management Systems and Meta-knowledgeIntroductory Level: Knowledge Management Concepts, Tools and Methods KM102 (1-day course); Managing Best Knowledge Management Practices KM103 (1-day course); Developing Inquiring Organizations KM104 (1-day course); Introduction To Knowledge Management Workshop KM110 (3-day course)
Executive Briefings: Knowledge Management Concepts, Tools and Methods KM302 (summary of 1-day course)
Specialized Courses: Sustainable Innovation KM402: (2-day course); Knowledge Management Tools and Methods KM404; Advanced Technologies for Knowledge Management KM405 (1-day course); Approaching Enterprise Knowledge Portals KM406 (3-day course); Approaching Enterprise Knowledge Portals KM408 (5-day course); Building Enterprise Knowledge Portals – A Methodology KM410 (5-day course)
Certificate Program Workshop KM602
- 2000: KMCI Certificate courses
- KM101 A survey course for Knowledge Management
- KM102 Sociology of Knowledge Within an Organization
- KM103 Computer-Based Technology
- 1998-1999
Knowledge Management and Selling Knowledge Management to your Organization SM (One Day Seminar)
Enterprise Knowledge Portal Class
Distance Learning Workshops
- Coming
– Knowledge Management, Balanced Scorecards and Adaptive Scorecards
– Knowledge Management and Information Technology
– Enterprise Knowledge Portals and Knowledge Management
– Knowledge Management Teams: What Kinds of Skills Do You Need?
– Knowledge Management and Knowledge Retention in Organizations
– Critical Morality: Developing Objective Knowledge about Facts and Values - 2007ff
– Riskonomics: Reducing Risk by Killing Your Worst Ideas
– Risk Intelligence Metrics
– The Open Enterprise: A Strategic Vision for KM
– What Is Knowledge?
– How Is Knowledge Made?
– Knowledge Management, Measurement, and Metrics
– Selecting Knowledge: Killing One’s Worst Ideas through Fair Critical Comparison
– Critical Rationalist Knowledge Management
– Knowledge Management and Sustainable InnovationCKIM Certificate Courses
– Theoretical Foundations of Knowledge Management: the Gateway Workshop
– Knowledge Management Strategy and Case Studies
– Knowledge Management Methodology: K-STREAM and Its Core Tools, Part 1
– Knowledge Management Methodology: K-STREAM and Its Core Tools, Part 2
– Knowledge Management Methodology: K-STREAM and Wrap-up, Part 3 - 2000-?
– Knowledge Portals
– Physical Space Design and Knowledge Management
– Software Tools Knowledge ManagementKM
– Social Network Engineering
– Applying Economic Models and Simulation
– eKnowledge and eCommerce
– Knowledge Management Concepts
– About Knowledge Management Certification
– Knowledge Management Case Studies
– Knowledge Management Program/Project Management
– Calculating ROI for Knowledge Management Programs/Projects
– Estimating Knowledge Management Programs/Projects
– Knowledge Environment Auditing and Benchmarking
– Legal and Ethical issues in Knowledge Management
- Feb 2021: Using Criticalism in Knowledge Management
(JGBS-JSiE Guest Lecture organized by the Jindal Global University’s Global Business School and Centre for Social Innovation + Entrepreneurship)