Knowledge Management Exchange Conference (KM Exchange)**
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The Knowledge Management Exchange Conference (KM Exchange) is a one-day conference created and organised by members of the Malaysia Knowledge Management Roundtable (MY KM Roundtable). This conference will bring you small group case study sharing sessions, peer assists, fishbowl discussions and lessons learnt around common Knowledge Management challenges and issues. It will be in a highly interactive and informal setting, to help you network and share among peers in Knowledge Management.
Conference History:
3rd KM Exchange 2021, 5-9 July 2021, Virtual venue
Conference Theme: Leveraging on Knowledge Management to Thrive in Pandemic Times
(Organizer: Securities Commission Malaysia; Co-organizer: Malaysia Knowledge Management Roundtable; International Society for Knowledge Organization: Singapore Chapter; Branded as ‘Virtual KM Exchange Week’)
The conference is branded as “Virtual KM Exchange Week”
Planning for Knowledge Management in a Post-COVID World (w. small group activities)
Virtual Mezze Masterclass: Developing and Testing Your Knowledge Management Strategy based on The Knowledge Management Cookbook and the ISO 30401 standard (w. small group activities): (1) Assessing your Knowledge Management strategy, (2) Developing your Knowledge Management strategy using the ISO 30401 standard and Chef’s Canvas as a guide
Case Study Cafe Cases:
Securities Commission Malaysia: Repositioning Knowledge Management in a Pandemic
BINUS University Indonesia (MIKE Award winner): Knowledge Management during the Pandemic
(CANCELLED) Bank of Ayodhya Thailand (MIKE Award winner): Empowering knowledge workers for innovation
US Department of Defense: Development of rapid Knowledge Management capability in a US Joint Task Force
National Sports Institute Malaysia: Getting started in Knowledge Management at ISN
Moscow Airport: Expertise management at Moscow Airport
Asian Development Bank: Developing a Knowledge Management Action Plan at ADB
PETRONAS: Critical knowledge identification at PETRONAS
Country Fire Authority Australia: Expertise management at CFA
Panel Discussions:
Women in Knowledge Management: Learnings and Insights from KM Exchange 2021 (w. small breakout groups)
2nd KM Exchange 2019, 4 April 2019, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Conference Theme: Managing Business Risk and Opportunity With Knowledge
(Organizer: Securities Commission Malaysia; Co-organizer: Malaysia Knowledge Management Roundtable)
Stories and strategies for organisations preparing to adopt Knowledge Management Standard ISO 30401
Case Study Cafe Cases:
Implementing lessons learnt at JKR
Improving knowledge sharing through the quality of document management at MTDC
Securities Commission Malaysia – Developing strategic Knowledge Management initiatives through a knowledge auditing process
Addressing challenges in intranet implementation in 4 Malaysian organisations
Zico Knowledge Services – Rolling out a consistent approach to Knowledge Management when different regional offices have different Knowledge Management needs
Implementing a Knowledge Sharing Platform and Processes at a Malaysian University
Knowledge mapping to develop an enterprise taxonomy for a European government agency
INCEIF – The process for developing an Islamic Finance Taxonomy
Case Study Cafe – Table Discussion Rounds 1-3
Case Study Cafe Debrief
Peer Assist Challenges:
When sexy social media tools threaten to cannibalise an established community of practice platform
What do you do in a Knowledge Management implementation when one key partner (IT) wants to move quickly, but another one (HR) wants to move slowly?
Peer Assist Table Discussions
Peer Assist Debrief
Malaysian Knowledge Management Benchmarking Survey – Briefing and Preview
Wrap up of the day – themes and ideas shared
Co-located Masterclasses:
Practical Application of Stories & Strategies from the KM Cookbook, Apr 5 @ International Islamic University of Malaysia (IIUM)
1st KM Exchange 2018, 5 April 2018, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Conference Theme: Showcasing Knowledge Management in Malaysia
(Organizer: International Centre for Education in Islamic Finance; Jabatan Kerja Raya Malaysia; Institut Sukan Negara; Straits Knowledge)
Case Study Cafe Cases:
Establishing a Knowledge-Based Organisation: Case of Bank Negara Malaysia
Cultivating Communities of Practice in Jabatan Kerja Raya Malaysia
Critical Knowledge Acquisition and Access through INCEIF Knowledge Repository (IKR)
Deploying a Knowledge Management Solution to 90,000 Across 70 Countries – Shell Malaysia
Lessons Learnt at Oil and Gas Company
From Taking Stock to Action Plan – Securities Commission Malaysia
Expedition to Leverage Knowledge in ISN – National Sports Institute of Malaysia
Building Capabilities in the Knowledge Management Team – Straits Knowledge
Break Out Case Study Table Discussion Rounds 1-3
Knowledge Management Self Assessment Exercise: assess your Knowledge Management capabilities and maturity
Peer Assist/ KM Clinic Challenges:
Common Challenges:
Getting and keeping leadership support – Shell
Organisation culture issue – Bank Negara Malaysia
Insufficient competencies or experience in the KM team – JKR
Lack of defined strategy and approach – Securities Commission
Inappropriate technology – Straits Knowledge
Difficulties in showing benefits of Knowledge Management to staff – Murni Shariff
Getting support from key stakeholders like IT and HR – JKR
Poor understanding of Knowledge Management among leadership and staff – INCEIF
Peer Assist Table Discussion Rounds 1-2
Fishbowl Expert Panel:
How to create enablers for Knowledge Management in Malaysian organization