Knowledge Management for Development (KM4Dev) 25th Anniversary Celebrations*

Knowledge Management for Development (KM4Dev) 25th Anniversary Celebrations*

The Knowledge Management for Development (KM4Dev) Gathering (aka meeting, workshop or forum) and Knowledge Management for Development Online Open Space (KM4DevOOS) are a series of face-to-face and virtual workshops organized by the Knowledge Management for Development Community (KM4Dev).

Conference History:

KM4Dev 25th Anniversary Celebrations, December 18, 2024 – December 17, 2025, Various venues / Virtual venues

    KM4DEV: Looking at 25 in 25!!, December 18, 2024, online
    KM4Dev’s 25th Anniversary Celebrations Kick-off Event & 2024 End-of-Year Party (incl. State of KM4dev in 2024 presentation & (experimental) KM4Dev quiz to look for the ‘Brain of KM4Dev 2024’)

    … TBD

KM4Dev meeting 2023, Mid-May 2023, Washington DC, USA / Virtual venue


KM4Dev 2Oth Anniversary Celebrations, July 2-3, 2020, Virtual event

Note: The KM4Dev Birthday Event was originally scheduled for July 3, 2020 at the International Institute of Social Studies (ISS), The Hague, The Netherlands, co-located with the European Association of Development Research and Training Institutes (EADI) International Institute of Social Studies (ISS) Conference 2020, 29 June – 2 July

Open Space virtual round-the-world conference, Jul 2-3

  • KM4Dev20Years: looking back at the community’s story
  • La gestion des connaissance dans le monde francophone et les défis spécifiques concernant l’Afrique
  • Lessons Learned from the World Bank Group: Nurturing Communities of Practice
  • Conversational Leadership: let’s practice and design this new field together!
  • ¿Cómo evaluamos la gestión del conocimiento en Amérca Latina y el Caribe?
  • How could a Knowledge Management perspective allow us to more effectively address political polarization as facilitators?
  • How to do Knowledge Management from scratch with Zero Budget – Wins and fails from the Case study of ActionAid International
  • Experience capitalization: how do we monitor and evaluate this approach?
  • Online collaboration, dialogue & interaction – what works in international development
  • KM4DEV 20 Years: The future of Knowledge Management & the KM4Dev Community

Pre-conference Knowledge Cafés (May 14 – Jun 25)

  • #7 Jun 25, 2020, 3:00 PM (Zürich time zone; GMT +2:00)
    Decolonization of Knowledge
  • #6 Jun 18, 2020, 3:00 PM (Zürich time zone; GMT +2:00)
    Promoting Knowledge Management for Organizational Learning
  • #5 Jun 11, 2020, 3:00 PM (Zürich time zone; GMT +2:00)
    Knowledge Management Strategies in Organizations (example: IFAD – International Fund for Agricultural Development)
  • #4 Jun 4, 2020, 3:00 PM (Zürich time zone; GMT +2:00)
    Organizational Learning and its linkages to Knowledge Management (was: Decolonization of Knowledge – postponed)
  • #3 May 28, 2020, 3:00 PM (Zürich time zone; GMT +2:00)
    Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships: Connecting across disciplines and communities to remedy siloed thinking
  • #2 May 21, 2020, 3:00 PM (Zürich time zone; GMT +2:00)
    On-line Collaboration
  • #1 May 14, 2020, 3:00 PM (Zürich time zone; GMT +2:00)
    Re-visiting the recent KM4Dev discussion on “What is the role of Knowledge Management in a time of crisis – with specific reference to the current coronavirus/Covid-19 pandemic?”

KM4Dev 2019 Community Meeting, September 27, 2019, Nairobi, Kenya

(In conjunction with the 1st African Knowledge for Development Partnership Conference, Sep 25-26)

KM4Dev 2018 Conversa – Encuentro KM4Dev Latinoamérica y el Caribe, September 19-21, 2018, Medellin, Colombia

Conference Theme: Aprende – Comparte – Inspírate: Gestión del conocimiento y aprendizaje para el desarrollo en Latinoamérica y el Caribe

    Mapa interactivo: Nuestro conocimiento colectivo
    Espacio abierto rondas 1-3
    Reflexiones (1) del aprendizaje, (2) acerca de oportunidades, posibiles acciones colectiva
    Mini-talleres: Conceptos de Gestion de Connocimiento, Dinámicas de Gestion de Connocimiento, Herramientas de Gestion de Connocimiento

    Associated Events:

    2nd KM4DevOOS 2018, June 21, 2018

    (Co-organizer: Euforic Services)

    Session 1:
    Realization of Knowledge Management Strategic Value for SMEs in developing countries

    Session 2:
    Recreating physical knowledge sharing events as online events
    Dynamic, interactive and engaging webinars – experiences, experiments and ideas

    Session 3:
    Strategies for building a virtual community of practice at the early development phase
    Recreating physical knowledge sharing events as online events
    Knowledge sharing events (face-to-face and online) and knowledge sharing and learning in international development projects
    Gender and Knowledge Management
    Decolonising development knowledge
    Strategy to recruit passionate and pro-active Knowledge Management4Dev volunteers for various openings

    Session 4:
    Strategies for improving Knowledge Management4Nutrition
    Including learning moments into evaluation processes to support change
    Recreating physical knowledge sharing events as online events
    Knowledge sharing events (face-to-face and online) and knowledge sharing and learning in international development projects
    Dynamic, interactive and engaging webinars – experiences, experiments and ideas
    Virtual Twinning

    Session 5:
    Practical, real-world examples of how to take project-level learning and use it to inform technical practice areas and next-generation project design
    Organizational learning and change
    Strategy to recruit passionate and pro-active Knowledge Management4Dev volunteers for various openings

    Session 6:
    Intentional Learning Organizations & Knowledge Management

KM4Dev 2017 Harare Gathering, July 25–26, 2017, Harare, Zimbabwe

Workshop Theme: Learning from Invisible Communities of Practice: The role of informal actors and relationships in African food systems
(Co-organizers: Knowledge Transfer Africa; African Capacity Building Foundation)

    Learning visit: Mbare Informal Agricultural People’s market
    Experiences from Uganda
    Test-drive: Wenger-Trayner Value Creation Framework
    Story-telling: How the local Mbira music instrument is a conveyor of knowledge from generation to generation
    Open Space: How can the notion of Big Data and Social Media surface knowledge in Informal Agriculture markets?

    Associated Events:

    1st KM4DevOOS 2017, June 14, 2017

    (Co-organizer: Euforic Services)

    Session 1:
    Formats and tools to support peer coaching, and how facilitators can support this process

    Session 2:
    Strategies to integrate Knowledge Management into SDG/Agenda 2030?

    Session 3:
    Value framework for Communities of Practice; Navigating legacies in CoPs – old members, and then allowing new members to shape their own community
    Flip input-driven conferences and mindsets (input + Q&A + discussion) to conversation-driven conferences and networked mindsets
    Unpacking the term participation in development
    Sensitive political processes and learning: how to enable (organizational) learning when publishing is not possible?

    Session 4:
    KM4Dev core group : how can we improve?
    Flip input-driven conferences and mindsets (input + Q&A + discussion) to conversation-driven conferences and networked mindsets
    Unpacking the term participation in development
    Sensitive political processes and learning: how to enable (organizational) learning when publishing is not possible?
    How can you gauge people’s capacity and readiness to absorb new knowledge?
    M&E of Knowledge Management
    Local and regional Knowledge-hubs: how to get money for them, who could finance them, who could/ should host them/ where shall they be anchored
    Agenda Knowledge for Development, local knowledge, K4D Partnership
    Funds and training for members based outside the wealthier countries, and organisations

    …Sessions: 6, 7, 8

KM4Dev 2017 Seattle Gathering, April 6-7, 2017, Seattle, WA, USA

Workshop Theme: the heaven, the hell and the alternatives… Practical Experiences of the Application of Communities of Practice (CoPs)
(Organizer: Full Circle Associates, KM4Dev Community)

    Conversation Cafe – Where we stand with Communities of Practice
    Shift and Share: Cases and Stories
    Nine Whys and Wicked Questions: Harvest of patterns, insights and challenges
    Open Space: Dive deeper
    Summary and identification of ideas

    Post-event Workshop (Apr 7):
    Learning to make a difference: a framework

    Associated Events:

    KM4Dev 2017 Geneva Open Space, 2 April, 2017, Geneva, Switzerland

    Workshop Theme: Knowledge Management for Development, towards a Knowledge Sharing Society
    (In conjunction with the Global Partnership Conference: Knowledge for Development, 3-4 Apr; Organizer: United Nations Joint Inspection Unit, Knowledge Management Austria, KM4Dev Community)

    Open Space Sessions:
    Organizations Knowledge Retention
    Systematic Tacit Knowledge Transfer: Tools/Tips That Work
    Knowledge Sharing and Communities of Practice – Do They Need Each Other?
    Africa Knowledge Sharing Case: Acteurs du savoir – KM4Dev Dakar coP
    Impact of Definitions (Knowledge-Information) for Practical Knowledge Work
    Agenda Knowldge for Development and Knowledge Cities
    The Future of Knowledge Brokering in International Development
    Last Mile Knowledge
    Knowledge Management, Learning, Agenda 2030: What Changes?
    Strategizing for Knowledge Management and Becoming a Learning Organization
    Internal Knowledge Management
    Where We Are, Where We Go? What About Next Generation?
    Measuring Impact of Knowledge Products
    How to Measuere Knowledge Management Success
    Creating a Demand for Knowledge
    Future of km4Dev
    Knowledge and Data or Knowledge vs Data

KM4Dev 2016 Vienna Day, October 15, 2016, Vienna, Austria

Workshop Theme: The Future of Knowledge Management for Development
(In conjunction with the Knowledge Cities World Summit (Theme: Knowledge for Development), Oct 12-13, and the Global Knowledge for Development Summit, Oct 14; Organizer: Knowledge Management Austria; KM4Dev Community)

    Re-cap and discussion of the KCWS and K4D Summit: Implications for KM4Dev

    Open Space Session: (market, rounds, outcomes sharing, and initiatives) Melissa Bator’s study of KM4Dev
    Facilitating KM4Dev
    What next?
    Knowledge cities
    Knowledge republic
    Knowledge Development Goals
    Regional/local KM4Dev

KM4Dev 2014 Bonn Workshop, July 8-9, 2014, Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik, Bonn, Germany

Workshop Theme: Knowledge for Development (K4D): Galvanizing Opportunities of a Promising Theme for Improved Development Cooperation
(Organizer: Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik; Knowledge, Technology and Innovation Group, University of Wageningen; KM4Dev Community)

    Daily Themes:
    Setting the scene – Policy – Funder – Broad trends in development and K4D; Innovate ways of improving development cooperation by using lessons from K4D

    Why knowledge matters
    World Bank’s policy of putting knowledge first: The state of the art
    International development cooperation from a complex adaptive systems perspective

    How do SDC Networks comply with the high expectations regarding knowledge development in cooperation? Conclusions of an evaluation after 5 years of practice
    The scientific use of fragmented narrative: Making Sense of Complexity
    The context, challenges and promises of ICT development in Africa
    Do global science networks matter for development? – Experiences of the Humboldt Foundation
    15 years of KM4Dev: An analysis of past debates and future directions

    Podium discussions:
    Organizational knowledge management

    World Café
    KM4Dev Open Space
    KM4Dev program: The context of development and knowledge (to be determined by the participatory process)

KM4Dev 2013 Seattle Workshop, July 29-31, 2013, Seattle, WA, USA

Workshop Theme: Stocktaking on knowledge management for development
(Organizer: Full Circle Associates, KM4Dev Community)

    A little introduction to KM4Dev History
    Finding Interest and Interesting Intersections

    World Cafe:
    Taking stock: If we had to re-invent Knowledge Management today, what would we do differently? A World Cafe on lessons learnt and future opportunities

    Open Space Sessions:
    Open Access as a mechanism for global knowledge sharing
    Measuring Knowledge Management Learning before, during and after
    Top 3 most valuable tools and tactics for Knowledge Management
    Integration of Knowledge Management and Monitoring & Evaluation
    Poster making session
    Capturing Lessons Learned
    What are some examples of changes in institutional culture as a result of Knowledge Management strategies?
    Concerns about big data: to which level do we need to be concerned
    Complexity Session
    Which strategies have we used in the past (and can we use in the future) to get funders to support the integration of Knowledge Management and M&E for learning?
    What does/should a Knowledge Management strategy look like?
    Connecting backwards: Link with education or how to plant sharing & collaboration in culture
    Where are we going with Knowledge Management? What are some signs that things are going well?
    Developing a Knowledge Management Strategy
    Can relationships and systems thinking help us understand KM4Dev?
    When are communities of practice a good idea?
    Experience Capitalization
    Work-life balance: finding calm in the chaos

    Poster fair

    KM4Dev Community Orientation & Meeting
    Learn One, Teach One

KM4Dev 2011 Rome Workshop, September 30, 2011, International Fund for Agricultural Development, Rome, Italy

Workshop Theme: (1) Future of KM4dev and (2) Face to Face Fun, Sharing and Learning
(In conjunction with the Second Global AgriKnowledge Share Fair, Sep 26–29; Organizer: International Fund for Agricultural Development, KM4Dev Community)

    Introduction to the community

    Open Space on KM4dev community
    Open Space on broader KM4dev topics

    KM4Dev Challenges Tournament

    Pre-workshop Events:
    KM4Dev Core group meeting (Sep 29)
    Annual Meeting “pre-cooking” conversations (online, Start: Sep 7)

KM4Dev 2010 Cali Workshop, May 27-28, 2010, International Center for Tropical Agriculture, Cali, Colombia

Workshop Theme: Knowledge Management for Development in Latin America
(In conjunction with the Latin America and Caribbean Knowledge Fair, May 25-27; Organizer: International Center for Tropical Agriculture; KM4Dev Community)

    The Latin America and Caribbean Knowledge Management Community: Who we are, what we do, what we will do jointly (KM stories and experiences, LAC KM network map)

    Knowledge Management learning Labs (open space)

KM4Dev 2009 Brussels Workshop, October 6-8, 2009, Brussels, Belgium

Workshop Theme: Knowledge Sharing / Knowledge Management in a World Of Change

    Note: The 2009 gathering was originally planned to be organized in South Africa.

    World Cafe:
    Knowledge Sharing / Knowledge Management in a World of Change

    Thematic huddles: Key areas where KM/KS can have a positive impact
    Agricultural landscape (AgHuddle); Water and Sanitation (WASHuddle); Climate Change Huddle;
    Health/HIV-AIDs Huddle (CANCELLED); Gender Huddle; Local economic development Huddle; Education and Learning (eduHuddle); Cross-Domain Cooperation (academia, practice and policy) Huddle; Wiki Huddle

    Hands-on Social Media workshops (start capturing report outs from huddles on some social media)
    What do we do with what we have surfaced – weaving and integration

    Open Space Sessions:
    Business Models for Learning Communities
    Complexity and the Cynefin Framework
    Blogging session
    Graphic Recording
    Knowledge Management / Knowledge Sharing In and Out of Research
    Knowledge Sharing Curriculum
    Monitoring and Evaluation of Knowledge Management initiatives: How do we know if what we are doing is making any difference?
    Overpopulation: worry or taboo?
    Setting-up a Regional/Local KM4Dev Communities of Practice
    Strategies for Changing Culture of Information Use
    UN Agency Cooperation in Knowledge Management

    KM4Dev community business meeting

    Pre-workshop meetings: (Oct 5)
    IKM-Emergent francophone discussion
    Francophone KM4DEV CoP discussion

KM4Dev 2008 Almada Workshop, 18-21 June 2008, Lisbon (Almada), Portugal

Workshop Theme: Topics of Current Interest in Knowledge Management for Development

    Open Space Sessions: (Jun 19-20)
    KS Workshop and Toolkit for all
    Knowledge Sharing and Learning in Monitoring and Evaluation
    Calling all KM4Dev techies!
    Playing with Complexity
    Personal Learning through Social Media Tools
    Words for Change
    “Learning4Change” instead of “KM4Dev”?
    Knowledge Management in low connectivity countries: Western Africa – working with local partners in gender and agriculture
    How to create a real virtual online community?
    Overcoming cultural and language barriers for effective knowledge sharing?
    Creating a knowledge framework in a large organisation
    Ensuring Sustainability of Knowledge Management Strategies
    Teaching Ravens to Fly Under Water
    Teaching Ravens to Samba: Creating Knowledge Management culture witin organisations
    Making sense of Sister/Brother communities and networks
    Fears in Sharing
    Exit interviews – or how to capture 30 years of Roger’s experience in development cooperation?
    Taking Learning from conferences and meetings to those who could not be there
    Thinking about what the KM4Dev CoP wants to be
    The KM4Dev Joint Trip Report
    Setting up and maintaining Community of Practice
    Knowledge as a Right
    Linking ICT4D networks
    Professional Development for Knowledge Managers
    Working Alone (but together)
    Net-Map method
    How to assess needs
    Mobile phones, audio wiki, etc.
    Semantic Profiling and Social Networking
    Mainstreaming good practices from bottom up and vice versa in large organizations
    Using mobile phones for knowledge sharing
    Experimenting with the Learning Alliance approach on KM4Dev implementation

    WrapUp & KM4Dev Core Group Meeting (Jun 21)

    Pre-Workshop Event: (Jun 18)
    Introduction to KM4Dev

KM4Dev 2007 Zeist Workshop, 18-20 June, 2007, Zeist, Netherlands

Workshop Theme: Work on Collaborative Knowledge Management / Knowledge Sharing and Organizational Leaning Projects

    Collaborative KM/KS and organizational leaning projects:
    Knowledge Management Benchmarking
    Social bookmarking:
    Capacity Building and Training in Knowledge Sharing and Management: The Knowledge Expedition Approach
    Developing basic capacity development framework for KM4Dev: a complementary track to the Knowledge Expedition
    Creating frameworks for knowledge management in pilot development projects
    Community in Business, exploring (self-)financing models for “communities” that use web2.0 tools
    A network of CoPs as main structure to develop and share knowledge in a bilateral development agency?
    Develop a wiki-based book/resource on wiki practices in development
    Hands-on experimentation with technologies for communities and networks and evaluate/recommend them for specific uses/users

    Open Space Sessions:
    Graphic Facilitation
    Creating a KS Resource
    Communities of Practice in Development Contexts

Knowledge Management for Development Forum (KM4Dev Forum 2007), February 8–9, 2007, Asian Development Bank, Manila, Philippines

Forum Theme: Strengthening Knowledge Networks for Development: Understanding Issues, Facing Challenges, and Seizing Opportunities
(Organizer: KM4Dev Community; Knowledge Management Center, Regional and Sustainable Development Department, Asian Development Bank)

    Managing the “Knowledge Trap”: Challenges and Opportunities for Development Agencies in Asia
    Innovation and Intellectual Capital Management Set the Agenda: The Most Admired Knowledge Enterprise (M.A.K.E.) Methodology

    Plenary Discussions:
    High-level Forum Meeting’s panel: Experiences, practices, and challenges on knowledge management for development

    Poster Session:
    Knowledge Management Practice Stories

    Organizational Knowledge Assessment (OKA)
    Approaches in Knowledge Sharing
    Sharing of Good Practices on Knowledge-based Development (KBD) for the Poor
    The Knowledge Fairs for Development
    Storytelling and Behavioral Change
    The Last Mile of Knowledge Networking

    Open Space Session: What’s an ideal strategic future for Knowledge Management in development? How can we get there?
    Asian Knowledge Management
    Knowledge sharing among competing agencies
    Engaging NGOs and civil society on Knowledge Management
    Educating the youth on Knowledge Management
    Embedding Knowledge Management to doing business
    … A total of 22 open space sessions

KM4Dev 2006 Brighton Workshop, July 10-12, 2006, University of Sussex, Brighton, UK

Workshop Theme: Knowledge, Learning and Change in International Development
(Organizer: KM4Dev Community; Institute for Development Studies, University of Sussex)

    Knowledge and Learning: (Day 1)
    Learning, Knowledge and Change: Three contrasting perspectives
    Knowledge Cafe: Exploring three questions over lunch in the KM4Dev Cafe
    Plenary Session: Change, Learning and Knoweldge in International Development
    Working Groups: Knowledge and Learning as Facilitators of Change
    – Reality, expectations, management, fear
    – Rebel Group: Who are we accountable to?

    Learning as a social practice: (Day 2)
    Learning as a social practice: what happens when people engage in learning processes?
    Case studies:
    – Learning Alliances – comparing the effectiveness of this methodology in 4 different contexts
    – Making Explicit Practitioners’ Theories about how change happens
    – KT4D – Knowledge Transfer for Development
    Stories About Our Practice
    – Our Village – Amader Gram = Project objectives
    – Learning Alliances
    – Change models matter: A rice harvester in the Phillippines
    Small group reflection and discussion
    Knowledge Expeditions Initiatives workshop

    Wiki and Dgroup Sessions
    KM4Dev Core Team Meeting

    Open Space Sessions: (Day 3)
    Knowledge Flows: HQ – Regions – the Field
    Knowledge (& Knowledge Management), Learning (& Organizational Learning) & Change
    Knowledge, Power and Development
    Making the case for Knowledge Management and Organizational Learning: Is it necessary? And if so, how?
    Knowledge surveys – Questions to be asked within organisations
    KM4Dev Journal
    Creative workshop for 2007
    Web 2.0 and KM4Dev
    Workshopping in the Knowledge Management way
    M&E for Knowledge Management
    What’s Happening with Knowledge Management in Multilateral and Bilateral Development Agencies?

KM4Dev 2005 Geneva Workshop, June 20-21, 2005, International Labour Organization, Geneva, Switzerland

Workshop Theme: Culture and Knowledge Sharing: Making the Invisible Visible
(Organizer: KM4Dev Community; International Labour Organization)

    Knowledge and culture – can there be global solutions to worldwide problems?

    Sharing Styles, Learning Styles and Participatory Styles
    Visual Mapping
    Corporate Oral History as a KS Technique: Cultural Observations and Practical Lessons
    Leading Diversity
    Crossing Cultures: Learning Exchanges
    Introduction to the World Cafe method

    Topical Sessions:
    Education; Health; Informal Economy; Gender and Culture

    Future Needs of the KM4Dev Community
    World Café: Culture, Knowledge, Knowledge Sharing and Knowledge Managemen
    Learning Exchange Sessions
    Flash mob discussion groups

    Launch of KM4Dev Journal

    Side events:
    Knowledge Fair on the Informal Economy, Jun 8-16

KM4Dev 2004 Washington Workshop, June 24-25, 2004, World Bank Institute, Washington, DC, USA

Workshop Theme: Knowledge Sharing for Development: A Learning Activity
(Organizer: Bellanet, Global Development Network, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit, United Nations Development Programme, United States Agency for International Development, World Bank)

    Short presentations with small group exercises:
    Building Blocks/Stumbling Blocks of Knowledge Sharing
    Communities of Practice in Development
    Knowledge Sharing and Knowledge Capture Methodologies: Peer Assists, After Action Reviews and Storytelling
    Knowledge Sharing Strategies

KM4Dev 2003 Amsterdam Workshop, September 19, 2003, Amsterdam, Netherlands

Workshop Theme: Transforming and sustaining inclusive development communities: an evidence-based approach
(In conjunction with the International Conference on Communities and Technologies (C&T), Sep 19-21)

    Communitis of Practice

    Communities: some approaches and case studies
    – Social Capital In Networks And Online Communities: the LEAP IMPACT community
    – Network Mapping Tools for Civil Society
    – Communities of practice: Gender and cultural issues
    Peer Assist Session: some cases
    – iTrain online
    – Starting up virtual knowledge communities
    – Sustaining a community during organisational change
    Research perspectives: inclusion through development communities
    – IT solutions for mass poverty in India
    – Characteristics of building a virtual community for international women academics: the ViFu
    Practitioners perspectives: inclusion through development communities
    – Multi-stakeholder networking for health information development
    – ICT and Changing Geometry of Information Flows within Communities
    – Focusing on diversity to enrich a community of practice: the case of the CGIAR

KM4Dev 2003 Kathmandu Workshop, July 16-18, 2003, Kathmandu, Nepal

Workshop Theme: Human Development Issues in South Asia: Identifying Practical Knowledge Sharing Approaches
(Organizer: Bellanet, South Asia Partnership Nepal & Canada)

    Knowledge sharing
    – Introduction
    – Cases: UNDP, PANOS
    Before, During & After Learning
    – Overview
    – Peer Assist
    – After Action Review
    The role of technology
    – Overveiw
    – Case: Sri Lankan Peace Process
    Communities of Practice
    – Overview
    – Activities on CoPs
    – Peer Assists

    Open Space:
    Introduction to Open Space
    Brainstorming: Regional Cooperation – Human Development in South Asia
    Birds-of-a-Feather discussions: (break-out groups, reports, and reflection)
    – Individualistic/Lack of Regional feeling; Self Centered
    – A Question of Identity?!
    – Different level of Resources
    – Exploiting Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) and Voices of Marginalized Community
    – Gender and Human Development
    – Inter Country Conflict in the Region (Regional Imbalance of Power)
    – Lack of Co-ordination among the organizations
    – LACK of Co-ordination among the Countries
    – National Interest Overrules Regional Interests
    – Political Instability

    Knowledge Fair (30 minute sessions)

KM4Dev 2003 Ottawa Workshop, May 12-13, 2003, International Development Research Centre, OT, Canada

Workshop Theme: Knowledge Management and International Development: Knowledge Sharing in Communities of Practice and in Globally Distributed Organizations & Networks
(Sponsors: Bellanet, Canadian International Development Agency, United Nations Development Programme, Academy for Educational Development, World Bank)

    Daily Themes:
    Theme: Experiences in Communities of Practice; Sharing Knowledge in Globally Distributed Organizations & Networks

    Communities of Practice: establishing a common language, examining leading edge issues
    Peer Assists on Communities of Practice / Thematic Network issues
    Report back from the Peer Assists
    My ‘One insight’ / ‘One thing that I will apply’

    After Action Review (AAR) Style Presentations: Sharing Knowledge in Globally Distributed Organizations & Networks
    Brainstorming: Sharing Knowledge in Globally Distributed Organization & Networks – issues, questions and possibilities
    Birds-of-a-Feather discussions (break-out groups, reports, and reflection)

    Talking object / After Action Review for the workshop

KM4Dev 2002 The Hague Workshop, November 13-14, 2002, International Service for National Agricultural Research, The Hague, Netherlands

Workshop Theme: Knowledge Management Initiatives: Experiences of Development Agencies
(Sponsors: Bellanet, Institute for International Cooperation and Development, International Service for National Agricultural Research)

    Asking the Right Questions – The start of the KM4DEV FAQ
    Understanding Knowledge Management in the Context of Development?
    Providing Knowledge Management as a Service

    KM Peer Assists:
    – The Drylands Development Initiative – Nairobi
    – Knowledge Management and Networks
    – Knowledge Management at UNFPA

    Organisational Experiences (After Action Review style presentations)
    – Knowledge Management at the World Bank
    – Working with the CGIAR in Africa
    – UNDP SURF for Central and East Africa
    – Review of Knowledge Management at 4 Development Agencies
    – Knowledge Management at CIDA

    Birds of a Feather Sessions: Techniques, Tools, Tips

    After Action Review for the workshop

KM4Dev 2002 African Workshop, May 29-31, 2002, Universidade Eduardo Mondlane, Maputo, Mozambique

Workshop Theme: Knowledge Management (KM) and International Development: Knowledge Management Champions in Africa
(Organizer: Bellanet, Universidade Eduardo Mondlane)

    Keynotes w. Table Discussions:
    The relevance and importance of Knowledge Management to African Institutions

    Presentations w. Breakout groups/Table Discussions:
    Communities of Practice
    Before, During, and After Learning
    Knowledge management and Technology – What works, what doesn’t
    Getting Buy-in
    Knowledge Management within the Department of Communications of South Africa (no breakouts?)

    Telling Stories Session:
    Introduction to Storytelling workshop
    Stories focused on experiences from participants’ institutions

    An African Community of Practice on Knowledge Management?
    After Action Review for the workshop

KM4Dev 2001 Asia Workshop, 18-20 September, 2001, M.S. Swaminathan Research Foundation, Chennai, India

Workshop Theme: Knowledge Sharing for International Development: Asia Workshop
(Organizer: Bellanet; Sponsors: Canadian International Development Agency, UK Department for International Development, Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, International Fund for Agricultural Development, World Bank)

    Introduction to Knowledge Management
    Fostering Leadership and Culture
    Techniques for Capturing Learning: Peer Assists, After Action Reviews, and Learning Reviews
    Technology as an Enabler
    Communities of Practices and Knowledge Networks

    Knowledge Network Case Studies w. Peer Assists/Break-out discussion:
    ENRAP, Honey Bee Network, SEWA, PANTLEG

    Cutting Edge Issues and the Main Challenges in Knowledge Management for International Development

    Implementing Knowledge Management Strategies

    Knowledge Fair (participants hosted breakout-sessions)

    Thematic Group Sessions: (Preparation, reports, and plenary discussion)
    Strategy / Purpose; Buy-In / Momentum; Leadership / Power; Sustaining / Resourcing; Language / Culture; Methods / Tools

    Interactive Session – Learning Objectives

    After Action Review for the workshop

KM4Dev Organizations 2000 European Workshop, June 26-28, 2000, University of Sussex, Brighton, UK

Workshop Theme: Knowledge Management for Development Organizations: Strategies, Policies, and Technologies
(Co-organizer: Bellanet, Canadian International Development Agency, UK Department for International Development, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammernarbeit, Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, University of Sussex (Institute for Development Studies))

    Note: The workshop is also known as Knowledge Management Conference

    Daily Conference Themes:
    Purpose and Strategy; Accessing Knowledge; Leadership and Culture

    The Development of Knowledge Management and why it is important (interactive keynote)
    Knowledge Management case experience in the World Bank

    Defining purpose and strategy (Overview, Case Study, Table group discussion)
    Knowledge resource mapping (Overview, Case Stuies, Open plenary exchange)
    Communities of Practice (Introduction, Case study, Table discussions)
    Knowledge collection/codification approaches (Overview, Case Study, Table group discussion)
    Access Enablers: Technology, Facilitation, Others (Overviews, Technology Case study)
    Creating a Supportive Culture for Knowledge Management (Overview, Case study, Boundaries)

    Preliminary views on next steps for Knowledge Management in the development community (informal participants’ groups)
    Fostering leadership of and for Knowledge Management (panel session)
    – Getting Leadership and Organizational buy-in
    – What is a Chief Knowledge Officer

KM4Dev Organizations 2000 Washington Workshop, February 2-4, 2000, Benton Foundation, Washington, DC, USA

Workshop Theme: Knowledge Management – Implications and Applications for Development Organizations
(Co-organizer: Bellanet, Benton Foundation, Canadian International Development Agency, International Development Research Centre)

    Conference Themes:
    Understanding Knowledge; Defining Your Organization’s Knowledge Business & Strategic Purpose; Managing the Knowledge Structure & Process; Building a Knowledge Culture & Momentum; Fostering Knowledge Management Networks

    THEME: Understanding Knowledge: (keynotes)
    Knowledge Management in international development organizations
    Knowledge Management at the World Bank

    THEME: Defining Your Organization’s Knowledge Business & Strategic Purpose
    Strategic purpose of Knowledge Management: international development organizational business models
    Guidelines on setting purpose: do’s & don’ts
    Taking a Knowledge Inventory in Your Organization
    Designing your Knowledge Strategy
    International development community experience: knowledge strategy selection & implications (Inter-American Development Bank, World Bank)
    Knowledge Strategy Decision (debrief Overnight Analysis, learning)

    THEME: Managing the Knowledge Structure & Process
    Creating your Knowledge Acquisition and Sharing Strategy
    Communities of Practice (3 Cases)
    Strategies for Virtual Collaboration
    Developing the Enabling Infrastructure for a Knowledge Management Approach in Your Organization

    THEME: Building a Knowledge Culture & Momentum
    Maps, Models, and Metaphors: Leadership for a Knowledge Culture
    Enabling Technology
    – Overview
    – The Role of Technology
    – Virtual Collaboration: Methods for Mission
    – Fostering Knowledge Management networks in the international development community
    Knowledge Process Stewardship
    – Introduction, overview
    – Management framework, organizational structure, taxonomy, and quality control
    People Skills and Development
    – Introduction, overview
    – Human Resource practices related to Knowledge Management

    THEME: Fostering Knowledge Management Networks: (plenary exchange)
    Fostering Knowledge Management Networks in the international development community

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