Knowledge Management Jobs in Kenya

Abstract: Rationale of study – Most organisations in Kenya face challenges integrating the knowledge management function in their structures due to the lack of a clear understanding of what knowledge managers should do. Consequently, there currently exist varied, unpredictable and often shallow job descriptions associated with knowledge managers.
Methodology – The researchers conducted a functional analysis of knowledge management jobs in Kenya in an effort to establish the general job titles used to refer to knowledge management specialists, ascertain their position in the organisational structure, explore their job responsibilities and requirements, as well as understand any special requirements associated with knowledge management roles. Data was obtained through a content analysis of job advertisements carried in the Daily Nation and Standard, which are the leading newspapers in Kenya. Additional data was also obtained from online job advertisement platforms.
Findings – Most organisations in Kenya do not have a good understanding of what knowledge management specialists do. Consequently, existing knowledge management positions have ambiguous and diverse job descriptions and requirements.
Implications – The findings of this study can be used by organisations in Kenya to develop appropriate knowledge management job descriptions for knowledge management professionals. The findings may also be used by the relevant training institutions to develop and deploy relevant curricula to equip the potential knowledge management professionals with the requisite skills.
Originality – The researchers propose a model job description for knowledge management specialists which may be applied by organisations in Kenya and beyond.

Kwanya, T., Ogutu, J. Muthuri, E., Turandi, T,. Maina, E. and Omach, C. (2015) Knowledge management jobs in Kenya: a functional analysis. Regional Journal of Information and Knowledge Management, 1(1),20-38.

(cc) BY The Authors, published by The Regional Institute of Information and Knowledge Management.

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