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Sustainability in the Information & Knowledge Management Curriculum
Abstract: The study aims to answer the research question of how to integrate sustainability into information and knowledge management curriculum and course design, and what kind of opportunities and challenges relate to this curriculum development. The empirical study was conducted in the Finnish university that holds the Degree Programme in Information and Knowledge Management.
Knowledge and Innovation Management Practices and Collaborative Transformation Forum (KIMPACT Forum)
- In conjunction with the MENA, Southeast Asia and Global Most Innovative Knowledge Enterprise (MIKE) Award Ceremonies
Society 5.0 Knowledge Managers Curriculum
Abstract: When “quality being everyone’s business” coincides with the reality of a disruptive work environment, critical self-evaluation becomes an essential tool to ensure accountability. Academics who design curricula and their tuition offering have a certain degree of freedom in what and how they teach. However, academics need to be consciously discerning, yet inclusive, about
Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM)*
The Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM; English: Putra University Malaysia), formerly the Universiti Pertanian Malaysia (UPM; English: Agricultural University of Malaysia)1), College of Agriculture Malaya, and the School of Agriculture, has offered the following Knowledge Management education and training