KM Insider (KMI) offers the following Knowledge Management education and training
International Knowledge Management Conference and Award KM4D*
The International Conference on Knowledge Based Management (KM4D), formerly the International Conference on Knowledge Management (KM4D) and the Knowledge for Development Partnership Meeting in Iran, is a 1 day conference held in conjunction with the International Award on Knowledge-Based Management (KM4D) Award Ceremony (the award is also known as the KM4D International Knowledge Management Award
Treffpunkt | WISSEN (TW)*
Der Treffpunkt | WISSEN (TW), das Nezwerktreffen von WBI Wissensmanagement, ursprünglich der Treffpunkt.Wissensmanagement, informiert darüber, welches Potential eine transparente und gut organisierte Wissensbasis für die Zukunftsfähigkeit von Unternehmen hat und wie ein Einstieg erfolgreich gelingt. Das Treffen bietet Keynotes, Erfolgsbeispiele aus der Praxis, vertiefende Themen-Sessions sowie eine Podiumsdiskussion & Networking.
Formal and non-formal Knowledge Management education in Russia
Abstract: The article is devoted to the identification of key features of training specialists in knowledge management and systematization of information sources available to them. The relevance of the subject is related to the growing need for managerial personnel, capable of organizing work with knowledge at the enterprise in order to achieve competitive advantages.
eGain Corporation
eGain Corporation, formerly eGain Communications Corporation, offers the following Knowledge Management education and training