Abstract: A few years ago in Canberra’s Public Sector Informant I wrote an article called ‘The ideal knowledge manager’. In it I addressed the challenge of finding staff able to work as knowledge managers or as part of a KM team. I suggested then that librarians and information professionals had a head start in
Knowledge Management Competencies: Is Certification The Way To Go?
Abstract: How does a knowledge manager acquire the appropriate competencies in a professional, structured way? Knowledge management novices often look to certification programmes to give the necessary assurance, and there is no shortage of providers to step up to the mark. But to evaluate the merits of certification programmes, we really need to have
Institutional Researchers as Knowledge Managers
Abstract: Using concepts from Davenport and Prusak’s “Working Knowledge” and other recent research on knowledge management, this article discusses the processes through which institutional knowledge is created, managed and transferred throughout the university and ways in which institutional researchers can improve these processes. A special emphasis is placed on the need to strengthen the
Design & implementation of a simulation game for teaching knowledge management
Abstract: Knowledge management is a discipline that has rapidly gained attention from both practitioners and academics over the last decade. However, the number of simulation games designed for knowledge management education has been limited. This is largely due to the emerging nature of knowledge management, whose domain the established gaming and simulation community
Nanyang TU’s interdisciplinary graduate program in knowledge management
Abstract: Designing an interdisciplinary graduate program in knowledge management requires a good understanding of knowledge processes and the ability to differentiate between information management and knowledge management. Given the complexity of knowledge and the nature of its existence, there is a need for graduate programs to go beyond information management and include in