Malaysian Institute of Management (MIM)*
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The Malaysian Institute of Management (MIM; Malaysian: Institut Pengurusan Malaysia) has offered the following Knowledge Management education and training opportunities:
Certification Courses
- MIM-IKMI Blended Certified Knowledge Manager(eCKMTM) Programme** 1)
- Certified Knowledge Manager (CKMTM) Programme** 1)
- Advanced Knowledge Management Essentials** 1)
(2 days + eLearning; aka Implement Grass Root Knowledge Management = Theme 1 of the Certified Knowledge Manager (CKM) programme)
- MIM Knowledge Management Conference/Forum**
The MIM Knowledge Management Conference/Forum marks the start of the Advanced Knowledge Management Essentials and the Certified Knowledge Manager programmes organised by MIM over the next five days.Conference History:
- MIM Knowledge Management Conference 2007, 8 May 2007, Selangor, Malaysia
Conference Theme: Enhancing Business Growth & Profitability Through Knowledge Management
(jointly organised by the Malaysian Institute of Management and The Media Shoppe)- Keynotes:
Enhancing Organisational Performance Towards Business Profitability
Personal Knowledge ManagementPresentations:
The Knowledge Management Buzz SessionPost-conference KMI Training:
Advanced Knowledge Management Essentials Seminar (May 9-12)
Certified Knowledge Manager Programm (May 9-13) - 1st MIM Knowledge Management Forum 2006 (MIM KM Forum), 3 November 2006, Selangor, Malaysia
(jointly organised by the Malaysian Institute of Management and The Media Shoppe)- Half-day forum: (Nov 3)
Knowledge Management Methods – How to Create a Learning OrganizationPost-conference KMI Training:
Advanced Knowledge Management Essentials seminar (Nov 4-5);
Certified Knowledge Manager programm (Nov 4-8)
- MIM Knowledge Management Conference 2007, 8 May 2007, Selangor, Malaysia