European Academy of Management Conference (EURAM Conference)*

European Academy of Management Conference (EURAM Conference)*

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The European Academy of Management Conference (EURAM Conference), incorporating a doctoral colloquium, is the annual event the European Academy of Management (EURAM), an european based community of engaged management scholars.

Conference History:

25th EURAM 2025 Conference, 22-25 June 2025, University of Florence, Florence, Italy

Conference Theme: Managing with Purpose – From Craftsmen to Artificial Intelligence: Bringing back Humanism into Management
(Host: University of Florence, Department of Economics and Management)

    22-25 June 2025, Labs & Conference; 22 June 2025, EURAM Labs; 21-22 June 2025, Doctoral Colloquium

    Conferene program TBD

24th EURAM 2024 Conference, 25-28 June 2024, University of Bath, Bath, United Kingdom

Conference Theme: Fostering Innovation to Address Grand Challenges
(Host: University of Bath, School of Management)

    Conference Theme Tracks:

    Special Interest Group (SIG) Tracks:
    ST06_04 – Inter-organizational networks and innovation
    ST06_07 – Open Innovation
    ST06_08 – Managing Creativity for Innovation: Design, Collaborative Spaces, and People
    T06_11 – From Science Management to Innovation Management: Science – Industry Relations and New Forms of Knowledge Transfer

    S01_04 – Wise-up to Succeed: Integration of games for practical wisdom of successors of European SMEs
    S06_05 – The legacy of Max Boisot in Innovation and Knowledge management research: knowledge articulation costs and social learning cycles

23rd EURAM 2023 Conference, 14-16 June 2023, Trinity College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland

Conference Theme: Transforming Business for Good
(Host: Trinity College Dublin, Trinity Business School)

    Conference Theme Tracks:

    Special Interest Group (SIG) Tracks:
    ST06_04 – Inter-organizational networks and innovation
    ST06_07 – Open Innovation
    ST06_08 – Creativity and Design for Innovation: Multidisciplinary perspectives, theories, and practices

    ST13_03 – CENA – Coopetition, Ecosystems, Networks and Alliances
    ST13_05 – Microfoundations of Strategy: Dynamic Capabilities and Knowledge Mechanisms

    S09_04 – Transforming Business for Good with Intangible Capital
    S12_01 – Big data and machine learning: A focus on online social networks

    Open labs and innovation management: The dynamics of communities and ecosystems

22nd EURAM 2022 Conference, 15-17 June 2022, Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften, Winterthur (Zurich), Switzerland

Conference Theme: Leading the Digital Transformation
(Host: Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW), School of Management and Law)

    Conference Theme Tracks:

    Special Interest Group (SIG) Tracks:
    ST06_04 – Inter-organizational networks and innovation
    ST06_07 – Open Innovation
    ST06_08 – Organising creativity for innovation: Multidisciplinary perspectives, theories, and practices
    ST06_11 – Innovation, Learning and Creativity in Organizations and the Public Sector

    ST13_03 – CENA – Coopetition, Ecosystems, Networks and Alliances
    ST13_05 – Microfoundations of Strategy: Dynamic Capabilities and Knowledge Mechanisms
    ST13_06 – Strategic Ambidexterity: solving the inherent managerial tensions between exploration and exploitation in innovative firms


21st EURAM 2021 Conference, 16-18 June 2021, Université du Québec à Montréal, Montréal, Canada Virtual venue

Conference Theme: Reshaping capitalism for a sustainable world
(Host: University of Quebec in Montreal, School of Business Science)

    Conference Tracks:
    INNOVATION SIG (Inter-organizational networks and innovation; Open Innovation; Organising creativity for innovation: Multidisciplinary perspectives, theories, and practices); STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT SIG (Coopetition, Ecosystems, Networks and Alliances; Microfoundations of Strategy: Dynamic Capabilities and Knowledge Mechanisms)

20th EURAM 2020 Conference, 4-6 December 2020, Trinity College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland Virtual venue

Conference Theme: The Business of Now: the future starts here
(Host: Trinity College Dublin, Trinity Business School)

    Note: The conference was scheduled for 10-12 June, the Doctoral Colloquium for 8-9 June 2020

    Conference Tracks:
    INNOVATION SIG (Inter-organizational networks and innovation; Knowledge, learning and innovation in cross sector collaborations; Open Innovation; Organising creativity for innovation: Multidisciplinary perspectives, theories, and practices); ORGANISATIONAL BEHAVIOUR SIG (Knowledge Sharing and Diversity); STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT SIG (Coopetition, Ecosystems, Networks and Alliances; Microfoundations of Strategy: Dynamic Capabilities and Knowledge Mechanisms)

19th EURAM 2019 Conference, 26-28 June 2019, ISCTE – Instituto Universitário de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal

Conference Theme: Exploring the Future of Management: Facts, Fashion and Fado
(Host: ISCTE – Instituto Universitário de Lisboa, Business School)

    Conference Tracks:
    ENTREPRENEURSHIP SIG (Knowledge Management and Knowledge Transfer in Start-ups and SMEs); INNOVATION SIG (Knowledge, Learning, and Innovation in Cross-Sector Collaborations; Open Innovation; Organizing Creativity for Innovation: Multidisciplinary perspectives, theories, and practices); ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR SIG (Knowledge Sharing and Diversity); STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT SIG (Microfoundations of Strategy: Dynamic Capabilities and Knowledge Mechanisms; Collaborative Strategies: Coopetition, Networks and Alliances)

18th EURAM 2018 Conference, 19-22 June 2018, University of Iceland, Reykjavík, Iceland

Conference Theme: Research in Action – Accelerating knowledge creation in management
(Host: University of Iceland, School of Business)

    Pre-conference Workshops:
    Research in Action – Accelerating Knowledge Creation LAB

    Conference Tracks:
    INNOVATION SIG (Knowledge, Learning, and Innovation in Cross-Sector Collaborations; Open Innovation; Organizing Creativity for Innovation: Multidisciplinary perspectives, theories, and practices); STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT SIG (Microfoundations of Strategy, Dynamic Capabilities and Knowledge Mechanisms; Collaborative Strategies: Coopetition, Networks and Alliances)

    Sharing Economy: Spontaneous order of P2P Interactions and Exchanges; Social Innovation, Public Engagement and Participative Democracy: From Knowledge Creation to Social Engagement; Advancing Knowledge in Corporate Governance: The Role of Research Methodology

17th EURAM 2017 Conference, 21-24 June 2017, Strathclyde University, Glasgow, Scotland

Conference Theme: Making Knowledge Work
(Host: Strathclyde University, Business School)

    Pre-conference Workshops:
    Effective Knowledge Work: Challenges and Experiences LAB

    Conference Tracks:
    INNOVATION SIG (Knowledge, Learning, and Innovation in Cross-Sector Collaborations; Open Innovation; Organizing Creativity for Innovation: Multidisciplinary perspectives, theories, and practices); ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR SIG (Knowledge Sharing and Organisational Culture); STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT SIG (Corporate Strategy: Managing Knowledge within and across Mergers, Acquisitions and Alliances; Microfoundations of Strategy: Dynamic Capabilities and Knowledge Mechanisms; Knowledge Management and Sustainable Corporate Growth in Different Collaborative Environments); LOCAL CONFERENCE COMMITTEE SPONSORED (Making Education and Knowledge Work for Firms and Practitioners)

    Philosophy of Management in Practice: Knowledge, Governance and Legitimacy

16th EURAM 2016 Conference, 1-4 June 2016, Université Paris-Est Créteil & Université Paris Dauphine, Paris, France

Conference Theme: Manageable Cooperation?
(Host: Université Paris-Est Créteil, Business Management Department)

    Pre-conference Workshops:
    Innovate with the Practitioners Lab: Paradoxes of collaborative innovation (May 31)

    Conference Tracks:
    INNOVATION SIG (Knowledge, Learning, and Innovation; Open Innovation; Organizing Creativity for Innovation: Multidisciplinary perspectives, theories, and practices); ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOUR SIG (Rethinking (Open) Collaboration? Distributed Networks, Open Innovation and Open Source as Emerging Organizational Models; Collaborative Strategies: Coopetition, Networks and Alliances; The Paradox of Exploitation and Exploration: Social Network Theory Explanada); STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT SIG (Microfoundations of Strategy, Dynamic Capabilities and Knowledge mechanisms); DEVELOPMENT WORKING GROUPS (Democratizing Learning and Development through Art-Based Mediation)

15th EURAM 2015 Conference, 17-20 June 2015, Kozminski University, Warsaw, Poland

Conference Theme: Uncertainty is a GREAT opportunity
(Host: Kozminski University, Department of Accounting)

    Conference Tracks:
    INNOVATION SIG (Open Innovation; Organizing Creativity for Innovation: Multidisciplinary perspectives, theories, and practices; Knowledge, Learning, and Innovation); STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT SIG (Micro-foundations of Strategy, Dynamic Capabilities, Knowledge, and Ambidexterity)

14th EURAM 2014 Conference, 4-7 June 2014, University of Valencia, Valencia, Spain

Conference Theme: Waves and Winds of Strategic Leadership for Sustainable Competitiveness
(Host: University of Valencia, Faculty of Economics)

    Conference Tracks:
    KNOWLEDGE & LEARNING SIG (Knowledge & Learning General Track); INNOVATION SIG (Organizing creativity for innovation multidisciplinary perspectives, theories, and practices; Open innovation: Methods, tools, barriers, competencies, and measurements )

13th EURAM 2013 Conference, 26-28 June 2013, Galatasaray University, Istanbul Turkey

Conference Theme: Democratising Management
(Host: Galatasaray University, Department of Management)

    Conference Tracks:
    KNOWLEDGE & LEARNING SIG (Knowledge and Learning General Track; More than Meets and Greets: Exploring the Temporary and Spatial Dimension of Organised Events as Sites of Knowledge Exchange, Learning and Innovation (General Subtrack organised in conjunction with the Innovation SIG); Dynamic Capabilities: Theoretical Approaches and Practical Applications; Governance of Organisational Competences in International Business (Joint track with International Management SIG); The Best Things in Life are Cheap and Simple: How Organisations are Managing their Knowledge); INNOVATION SIG (Open Innovation (Open Innovation and HRM; Open Innovation in High-Technology Industries; Open Innovation in Services); Organising Creativity for Innovation)

12th EURAM 2012 Conference, 6-8 June 2012, Erasmus University, Rotterdam, The Netherlands

Conference Theme: Social Innovation for Competitiveness, Organisational Performance and Human Excellence
(Host: Erasmus University, Rotterdam School of Management)

    Conference Tracks:
    KNOWLEDGE & LEARNING SIG (Knowledge and Learning General Track; Dynamic Capabilities: Theoretical Approaches and Practical Applications; Understanding Knowledge and Learning Management in an Information Super Rich and Culturally Diverse World); INNOVATION SIG (Open Innovation)

11th EURAM 2011 Conference, 1-4 June 2011, Estonian Business School, Tallin, Estonia

Conference Theme: Management Culture in the 21st Century
(Host: Estonian Business School, Department of Management)

    Conference Tracks:
    KNOWLEDGE & LEARNING SIG (Knowledge & Learning Management General Track; Dynamic capabilities: theoretical approaches and practical applications; Organizational ambidexterity: extending theory with qualitative approaches; Absorptive capacity: organizational learning concepts beyond established debates); INNOVATION SIG (Collaborative networks and knowledge sharing in open innovation environments; Organizing creativity for innovation: Multidisciplinary perspectives, theories, and practices)

10th EURAM 2010 Conference, 19-22 May 2010, University of Tor Vergata, Rome, Italy

Conference Theme: Back to the Future
(Host: University of Tor Vergata, School of Economics)

    Conference Tracks:
    INNOVATION SIG (ICT enabling Collaboration, Innovation and Knowledge Sharing: emerging “open” phenomena, organizational models and technological tools; Organizing creativity for innovation: Multidisciplinary perspectives, theories, and practices); KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT SIG (Rethinking the Strategic Imperative of Organizational Learning Practices – Absorptive Capacity from a Process and Network Perspective)

9th EURAM 2009 Conference, 11-14 May 2009, University of Liverpool, Liverpool, United Kingdom

Conference Theme: Renaissance & Renewal in Management Studies
(Host: University of Liverpool, Management School)

    Conference Tracks:
    Knowledge Renewal in Social Networks; Open Models in knowledge intensive sectors: Free/Open Source Software and beyond; Organisational learning: Creating capability through building belief; Sensemaking and Storytelling; The Aesthesis Project: Art and Knowledge in Management and Organizational Life

8th EURAM 2008 Conference, 14-17 May 2008, University of Ljubljana & IEDC-Bled School of Management, Ljubljana & Bled, Slovenia

(Host: University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Economics)

    Conference Tracks:
    Intra-organizational knowledge and learning networks: In search for empirical research; Knowledge management and intellectual property rights

7th EURAM 2007 Conference, 16-19 May 2007, HCE Paris, Paris, France

Conference Theme: Current Management Thinking: Drawing from Social Sciences and Humanities to Address Contemporary Challenges
(Host: École des hautes études commerciales de Paris, Strategy and Business Policy Department)

    Conference Tracks:
    Open Innovation; Knowledge Leadership: How to Overcome the “Carrot-and-Stick” Paradigm? ; Managing and Learning to Collaborate

6th EURAM 2006 Conference, MAY 17-20, 2006, BI Norwegian School of Management, Oslo, Norway

Conference Theme: The nature and qualities of management research in Europe
(Host: BI Norwegian School of Management, Department of Leadership and Organizational Behaviour)

    Conference Tracks:
    Concepts And Practices Of Organisational Learning: Is There Still Life In The “Old Dog”?

5th EURAM 2005 Conference, May 4-7, 2005, Technical University Munich, Munich, Germany

Conference Theme: Responsible Management in an Uncertain World
(Host: Technical University Munich, Business School)

    Conference Tracks:
    Knowledge Management; Strategic Heterogeneity, Knowledge Dynamics and Performance; Managing the Production of Academic Knowledge

4th EURAM 2004 Conference, 5 – 8 May 2004, St. Andrews, Scotland, United Kingdom

Conference Theme: Governance in Managerial Life
(Host: University of St Andrews, Department of Management)

    Conference Tracks:
    Strategic Capabilities and Knowledge Transfer Within and between Organisations; Strategy and Management in Knowledge-Based Organisations; Strategy for value creation through knowledge, innovation and design

3rd EURAM 2003 Conference, April 3-5, 2003, Università Bocconi, Milan, Italy

Conference Theme: Managing through variety: The European style?
(Host: Università Bocconi, SDA Bocconi School of Management)

    Pre-conference Workshops:
    Doctoral students pre-conference activity (Session: Knowledge and Strategy; Apr 2)

    Conference Tracks:
    New forms of leadership based upon more knowledge, technology and innovation focused organizations; Strategy and Management in Knowledge-Based Organisations; Strategic capabilities and knowledge transfer within and between organizations; Variety in Collaboration

2nd EURAM 2002 Conference, 9-11 May 2002, University of Stockholm, Stockholm, Sweden

Conference Theme: Innovative Research in Management
(Organizer: Stockholm School of Entrepreneurship; o-organizer: Scandinavian Academy of Management)

    Conference Tracks:
    Managing Knowledge (Managing the Knowledge-based Firm; Organizational Learning and Knowledge Management; Living Knowledge: Knowledge of Knowledge; Knowledge and Time: Contextualizing the Dynamics of Knowledge Work; Knowledge, Collaboration and Innovations)

EURAM 2001 Founding Conference, 19-21 April 2001, University of Navarra, Barcelona, Spain

Conference Theme: European Management Research: Trends and Challenges
(Host: University of Navarra, IESE Business School)

    Conference Tracks:
    Knowledge Management in Organizations (Knowledge Management in Specific Context; Impact of Knowledge Management on Managerial Studies; Conditions for Knowledge Development) Strategic Networks and Alliances (Alliances, Learning, and Technological Innovation; Alliances and Performance; Networks and Innovation)
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One Reply to “ European Academy of Management Conference (EURAM Conference)*”

  1. Please send invitation to the European College of Business and Technology, Sri Lanka. I am the director of the college.

    Ameerdeen Mohamed Asmy

    (KMedu Hub Note: Replied by eMail on Apr 14, 2023 – Boris)

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