Multimedia University (MMU)
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The Multimedia University (MMU), formerly the Telekom University (UniTELE; Malay: Universiti Telekom) and the Institute of Telecommunication and Information Technology (ITTM), offers the following Knowledge Management education and training opportunities:
Undergraduate Degrees/Programs
Faculty of Business (FOB)1)
- Bachelor of Business and Knowledge Management (Hons)**2)
- Bachelor of Knowledge Management (Hons)**2)
Faculty of Management (FOM)
- Bachelor of Economics (Hons) Knowledge Economy**
Faculty of Computing and Informatics (FCI)3)
- Bachelor of Information Technology (Hons) Knowledge Engineering**
Graduate Degrees/Programs
Faculty of Business (FOB)1) / Faculty of Management (FOM)4) ( Graduate School of Management (GSM)* Centre of Excellence for Knowledge and Innovation Management (CEKIM)5))
- FOB/FOM | Master of Business Administration (by coursework) (Specialization area: Knowledge Management)6)
- FOB/FOM | Master of Philosophy (Management) (by research) (Research area: Knowledge Management (Sub-clusters: Soft Knowledge Management, Knowledge Management Systems, Community & Disaster))
- FOB/FOM | Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) (Management) (by research) (Research area: Knowledge Management (Sub-clusters: Soft Knowledge Management, Knowledge Management Systems, Community & Disaster))
- FOM | Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) (mixed mode: by coursework and dissertation) (research field: Knowledge Management)**
Faculty of Creative Multimedia (FCM) ( Knowledge Management (Postgraduate) Centre7))
- Master of Science Creative Multimedia (by research field: Multimedia Knowledge Management (was: Knowledge Management))
- Masters of Knowledge Management with Multimedia (by coursework)** 6)
- Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) Creative Multimedia (by research) (Research field: Multimedia Knowledge Management (was: Knowledge Management))
- i-knowmedia Centre of Excellence*7)
Faculty of Management (FOM)
- Centre of Excellence for Knowledge and Innovation Management (CEKIM)
Knowledge Management Special Interest Groups: Soft KM, KMS, Community & Disaster
Faculty of Creative Multimedia (FCM)
- Knowledge Management (Postgraduate) Centre*7)
Special Interest Groups: KMSoft SIG
Faculty of Creative Multimedia (FCM) > Knowledge Management (Postgraduate) Centre*7)
- Jan 2008: Gurteen Knowledge Cafe: How do we create enthusiasm and buy-in for Knowledge Management in our organizations and motivate ourselves as Knowledge Management practitioners? (in partnership with the Multimedia University (KM Centre), the Gurteen Knowledge Community and KM Talk)
- Knowledge Fair (Pasar Ilmu)
- Mar 2002: #1 eLearning Colloquium
- Oct 2002: #2 Knowledge Fair: Learning Management Systems Colloquium
- Jul 2004: #3 The Future of e-Learning in Malaysia: Sustainability for the Present & Challenges for the Future
- Nov 2004: #4 From the Fountain of Knowledge, Let’s Drink to Success: Sharing Best Practices and Success Stories
- Aug 2005: #5 Life Long Learning – The Journey Begins Here
- Apr 2006: #6 KM4SMEs – Knowledge Management for SMEs: SME Going Beyond the Horizon
- Aug 2003: Knowledge Management Interns Showcase 2003
- Apr 2003: Knowledge Management: The Story So Far
- Apr/Aug 2002: Knowledge Management Workshop
- Jul 2002: Design Workshop on “Knowledge Workplace” with Interface Design Students
Faculty of Creative Multimedia (FCM) > Knowledge Management (Postgraduate) Centre*7)
- Short Courses
- Knowledge Management Awareness (History and Concepts of Knowledge Management & Knowledge Management Applications)
- e-Knowledge Management
- k-Project Management
- Organizational Learning
- Learning Theories and Strategies
- Strategic Knowledge Management (including Knowledge Management roadmap)
- e-Learning in Organization
- Jun 2004: Knowledge-based e-Learning Training Course for MAS: Knowledge Management Course
- Jul 2004: Academic Leadership Programme lectures: Risk and Knowledge Management – The Leadership Issue; Knowledge Management – The Key to Risk Management
MMU Cnergy (Unitele Multimedia Sdn Bhd) Short Courses
BMS 005 Essentials of Enterprise Knowledge Management (2 days)
CSM20 Knowledge Management
Knowledge Management
Knowledge Worker in the New Economy
Strategies for Knowledge Developments in the Knowledge Economy
Emerging Issues in the Knowledge Economy
Faculty of Creative Multimedia (FCM) > Knowledge Management (Postgraduate) Centre*7)
- (International) Knowledge Management Conference, 21-22 February 2006, Suan Dusit Rajabhat University, Bangkok, Thailand
Conference Theme: Knowledge Management in Institutes of Higher Learning
(Co-organizer: Suan Dusit Rajabhat University)-
Moving Towards a k-Universities: The Multimedia University Experiences; Knowledge Management in the Global Economy ; Online Education – Knowledge Management Challenges; High Educational Institution – A New Mode for the Initiative Adaptation to Knowledge Management (guest speaker)Presentations:
Impact of Knowledge Management in IHL
Perspectives of Knowledge Management
Ontology Based Language Translation
Managing Knowledge Transfer among Academic Staff of Institutions of Higher Learning (IHL): Lessons from Public Universities in Malaysia
An Integration of Total Quality Management (TQM) and Knowledge Management (KM) Models for Thai Communities Knowledge Management Systems
Element and Principle of Design as a Visual Presentation Guideline For Lecturers Who Have Non Design Background
The Utilization and ICT Readiness for Supporting Knowledge Management in Thailand s Universities
Establishing a method of measurement towards developing quality information in a Knowledge Management System
The Process and Management of Archiving of Alpha Design Fundamental Projects from Analog Works to Digital Form
Analysis of Knowledge Management (KM) Impact in Higher Learning Institution
Environmental Knowledge Management “Waste Reduction”
Constituents for Incorporating Learning Companion into Peer Instruction
Knowledge Management In Indian Higher Education : Perspectives And Challenges
Impact of Cultural Barriera on the Effectiveness of Knowledge Management in Thailand
Strategic Management and Strategic Decisions
Evidence of Effective Knowledge Management System in Providing Quality Education
Competitive Effectiveness in Higher Educational Institution
Corporate Innovation: Achieving Superior Profitability
Antecedents to Knowledge Transfer in Higher Education: Effective Teaching
Managing Knowledge through a Web Portal: Does Information Quality Matter in Users Satisfaction
Relationship Between Job Stress, Organizational Commitment and Work Performance
Knowledge Sourcing Practices in Higher Education Institution: A Malaysian Case Study
Development of Efficient Knowledge Management Composite Indicators
The Globalization Process: An Integrated Framework
Knowledge Management Via University – Industry Collaborative Partnerships: The University Teknologi MARA Experience
Knowledge Management
The Developing of Computer-base Information Systems Project as an Initiative of Knowledge Management
The Initiative Knowledge Management Project for Senior Project at ASIAN University
Knowledge Externalization Using Concept Mapping
The Big Five Personality and Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace
Revisiting Knowledge Creation: An Explorative Discussion on Syllabus Development
The Implementation Knowledge Management to Develop Competitive Advantage of Thai Commercial Banks
Impact of National Culture on Management Practices : A Study of Thais Firms
Knowledge Transfer Systems in Film and Animation Department at Multimedia University
Relationship between Explicit and Tacit Oriented Knowledge Management Strategy and Firm Performance : A Study of SMEs in Thailand
Outsourcing Strategies in Thailand
Knowledge, Information and Communication Technology Strategic Planning Methodology for Malaysian Public Institution of Higher Education : A Study
About the Growth of Knowledge
Management Practices of Thai Family Business and Multinational Enterprises in Thailand : A Comparative Study
Raising Intellectual Capital: A Case -Study in Knowledge Worker Motivation
Strategic Information Systems Planning among Public Institutes of Higher Learning in Malaysia
Effect of Franchisor Motivation, Competitive Advantage, Service Quality and Relationship on Franchisee Performance, Satisfaction and Commitment
Knowledge Sharing among Undergraduate Students in a Group Context
Reflections on Teaching Foreign Beginners Chinese Phatic Language
Sales Person Behavior, Service Quality and Customer Loyalty
Knowledge Management in a University Environment Relevance of University Library and Librarians
The Congruence Mixture of L1 to Motivation in L2 Learning
Corporate Rebranding and the Study of Giant Brand Repositioning in Thailand
Using Digital Photography as a Tool in Delivering Knowledge of Basic Design Elements in the Teaching and Learning of Design Fundamental Classes
An Ontological Approach in Higher Learning Institute Strategic Planning
Does e-Branding Affect Consumer Pruchasing Decision?
E-Learning for Knowledge Management of Computer Aided Design
Towards Building Unified Ontology for Semantic Web in Institute of Higher Learning
Impact of Customer Relationship Management on Brand Equity
Quality of Service in the Health Care Industry : A Comparison Between Private and Public Hospitals in Thailand
Faculty of Management (FOM) > Centre of Excellence for Knowledge and Innovation Management (CEKIM)
- Jun 2014: Visit to Knowledge Management Centre of Bank Negara
- Mar 2014: Visit by UNITEN’s Knowledge Management Research Centre
- MMM 2012: National Security Council, KMS for Disaster