National Taiwan University (NTU)
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The National Taiwan University (NTU; Chinese: 國立臺灣大學), formerly the Taihoku Imperial University, offers the following Knowledge Management education and training opportunities:
College of Liberal Arts
Certificate Courses
Department and Graduate Institute of Library and Information Science
- Knowledge Management Certificate 1)
College of Management
Department of Business Administration
- 4th International Knowledge Management in Organizations Conference (KMO 2009), June 23-24, 2009, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan
Conference Theme: Knowledge Management and Service Science
(co-organized with Staffordshire University)
Department of Information Management
- 1st International Conference on Knowledge Management in Asia Pacific (KMAP 2004)2), 7-8 December 2004, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan
Conference Theme: Knowledge Management in the Global Environment: The Roles of Culture, Industry and Government in Fostering a Knowledge Society