National University (NU)*
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The National University (NU), an affiliate of the National University System (NUS), has offered the following Knowledge Management education and training opportunities:
School of Business and Management (SoBN) > Department of Accounting, Finance and Economics1)
Graduate Degrees/Programs
- Master of Science in Knowledge Management (online)2)
- 2007-2009 Core Requirements: (12 courses, 54 quarter units)
BKM 600 – Knowledge Management for Business Strategies
BKM 610 – Managerial Support Systems, DSS and ESS
BKM 615 – Knowledge Audits and Managing Knowledge Gaps
BKM 620 – Knowledge Integration, Transfer, and Sharing
BKM 630 – Knowledge Repositories and Integration Methods
BKM 650 – Enterprise Telecommunications and Global Collaboration
LED 604 – Change and Adaptation within Organizations
LED 602 – Developing and Implementing Groups and Teams
BKM 670 – Knowledge Management Design and Development
BKM 680 – Prototyping and Deployment using Project ManagementBKM 690A – BKM Research Project – Proposal
(Prerequisite: completion of 7 core courses)
BKM 690B – BKM Research Project – Implementation
(Prerequisite: BKM 690A)