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The Open Research Society (ORS) has offered the following Knowledge Management education and training opportunities:
- World Summit on the Knowledge Society (WSKS)**
The World Summit on the Knowledge Society (WSKS) is an international attempt to promote the dialogue for the main aspects of the Knowledge Society towards a better world for all. The summit will bring together Academics, People from Industry, Policy Makers, Politicians, Government Officers and active citizens to look at the impact of Information Technology, and the knowledge-based era it is creating, on key facets of today’s world: the state, business, society and culture.- (CANCELLED?) 6th World Summit on the Knowledge Society (WSKS 2013), June 19-21, 2013, Aveiro, Portugal
- Conference Program n.a.
- 5th World Summit on the Knowledge Society (WSKS 2012), June 20-22, 2012, Rome, Italy
- “Knowledge” Papers:
An Ontology-based Framework for Knowledge Capitalization in Communities of Practice of E-learning
Collaborative Knowledge Processing
Learning in Knowledge Society: the different roles of VLEs & PLEs
Using analytical network process for assessing the degree of readiness of Iranian Small-to-Medium Sized Enterprises for successful knowledge management implementation
An Equivalent Architecture of Learner’s and Instructor’s Knowledge through the Matching of Intended Learning Outcome
A process for Knowledge Management in Communities of Practice of E-learning based on the SECI model
A model to measure the contribution degrees of the organization’s processes for Knowledge Management
The Knowledge Intervention Integration Process: a Process-oriented View to Enable Global Social Knowledge Management
Mining Performance Knowledge in User Logs
How Individual Implicit Knowledge Sharing Impact on Team Performances in e-Learning Project? : The Case of HKNet - 4th World Summit on the Knowledge Society (WSKS 2011), September 21-23, 2011, Mykonos, Greece
- “Knowledge” Papers:
Paper Wrapping, Based on Knowledge about Face Connectivity among Paper Fragment
Intellectual Capital Management in SMEs and the Management of Organizational Knowledge Capabilities: An Empirical Analysis
Current Trends and Difficulties in Knowledge-Based e-Health Systems
PRIOR-W&K: A Collaborative Tool for Decision Making in the Knowledge Society
Using a Crowdsourcing Knowledge Base to Support the Sustainability and Social Compromise Skill in Computer Science Engineering Studies
Collaborative Consensus and Knowledge Creation: Computer-Mediated Methodology for Sign Language Studies
Computer Science Teachers’ In-service Training Needs and Their Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge
Guideline to Select Knowledge Elicitation Techniques
Social Networking in Higher Education: A Knowledge Convergence Platform
An Ontology-Driven Case Study for the Knowledge Representation of Management Information Systems
Integrating Knowledge Engineering and Data Mining in e-commerce Fraud Prediction - 3rd World Summit on the Knowledge Society (WSKS 2010), September 22-24, 2010, Corfu, Greece
- “Knowledge” Papers:
Generic Competences for the IT Knowledge Workers: A Study from the Field
Knowledge Services for Knowledge Workers
PRIOR-WK&E: Social Software for Policy Making in the Knowledge Society
ICT-Supported Education: Learning Styles for Individual Knowledge Building
Semantically Enriched Tools for the Knowledge Society: Case of Project Management and Presentation
Knowledge Management through the Equilibrium Pattern Model for Learnin
A Web-Based Learning Information System Resource and Knowledge Management
Building a Web-Based Knowledge Repository on Climate Change to Support Environmental Communities
Crucial Barriers of Knowledge Society
Ontology-Based Gap Analysis for Technology Selection: A Knowledge Management Framework for the Support of Equipment Purchasing Processes
‘Ethos’ Enabling Organisational Knowledge Creation
Overcoming Interoperability Weaknesses in e-Government Processes: Organizing and Sharing Knowledge in Regional Development Programs Using Ontologies
The Knowledge Society: Refounding the Socius
Information Logistics for Incomplete Knowledge Processing
Knowledge-Based Approach in Research Projects and Programs Evaluation
Aggregation Procedure Based on Majority Principle for Collective Identification of Firm’s Crucial Knowledge
Is Accessibility an Issue in the Knowledge Society? Modern Web Applications in the Light of Accessibility
Organizational Knowledge Capitalization Based on Product Patterns and Web 2.0 Technology
Knowledge Base Methods of Obtaining Preference of Dental Patients
Managing Research Portfolios in the Knowledge Enterprise: A University Spin-Out Case Study - 2nd World Summit on the Knowledge Society (WSKS 2009), September 16-18, 2009, Chania, Crete, Greece
- “Knowledge” Papers:
A Mediating Algorithm for Multicriteria Collaborative Knowledge Classification
Knowledge Modeling for Educational Games
Innovation Management in the Knowledge Economy: The Intersection of Macro and Micro Levels
Knowledge Artifacts Modeling to Support Work and Learning in the Knowledge Society
Educatronics, New Technologies and Knowledge Society: A Critical Approach
Educational Accountability and the Global Knowledge Society – What Can We Learn from the EU Experience?
Capitalizing Knowledge in Communities of Practice of e-Learning: Ontology-Based Community Memory
Defining Malaysian Knowledge Society: Results from the Delphi Technique
New Forms of Managerial Education in Knowledge Society
Managing Project Landscapes in Knowledge-Based Enterprises
Understanding Organizational Learning via Knowledge Management in Government-Link Companies in Malaysia
A Generic Core Knowledge Management Process: Locating Crucial Knowledge
Applying IT Governance Concepts and Elements to Knowledge Governance: An Initial Approach
The Concept of Embodied Knowledge for Understanding Organisational Knowledge Creation
An Extended Model of Knowledge Governance
Assessing the Value Dimensions for Customers in Knowledge Intensive Business Services
An Interactive Medical Knowledge Assistant
Elaborating a Knowledge Management Plan: A Multi-actor Decision Process
Scouting for Drivers of the European Knowledge Society: The Role of Social Participation
Operationalising the Sustainable Knowledge Society Concept through a Multi-dimensional Scorecard
Extending Static Knowledge Diagrams to Include Dynamic Knowledge
Developing e-Business Capabilities to Bridge the Knowledge Divide in Mediterranean Countries - 1st WorldSummit on the Knowledge Society (WSKS 2008), September 24-26, 2008, Athens, Greece
- “Knowledge” Papers:
Inclusive Social Tagging: A Paradigm for Tagging-Services in the Knowledge Society
Eye Knowledge Network: A Social Network for the Eye Care Community
Human-Centric Design of Percipient Knowledge Distribution Service
Modelling an Environmental Knowledge-Representation System
User Information Satisfaction with a Knowledge-Based Virtual Community: An Empirical Investigation
Supporting Effective Monitoring and Knowledge Building in Online Collaborative Learning Systems
Approaches to Knowledge Management in Greek Firms
An on Demand Business Context to Improve Software Development Process Based on Business Knowledge
Organizational Knowledge Sources Integration through an Ontology-Based Approach: The Onto-DOM Architecture
Knowledge-Intensive Interactive Systems Design in Cultural Context
Significant Learning Communities – A Humanistic Approach to Knowledge and Human Resource Development in the Age of the Internet
Wisdom Networks: Towards a Wisdom-Based Society
The Knowledge Society Agenda in Romania: From Experts’ Vision to Public Perception
A Framework for the Knowledge Society Ecosystem: A Tool for Development
Bottleneck of Knowledge Society
Emergent Innovation and Sustainable Knowledge Co-creation A Socio-epistemological Approach to “Innovation from within”
Knowledge Management and eLearning in Professional Development
Knowledge, Knowledge Security, and Meta-knowledge
Learning to Invent: Let the New Knowledge Come
King Saud University Drive toward the Knowledge Society: A STOPE View
Metadata and Knowledge Management Driven Web-Based Learning Information System
The Organizational Value of Tacit Knowledge Derived from Parenting
Assessing Enterprise’s Knowledge Management Maturity Level
A Critical Review of the Impact of Knowledge Management on Higher Education
The Project Manager as Knowledge Creator and Communicator Analyzed with the Help of the Theatre Metaphor for Conscious Experience
Software Engineering 2.0: A Social Global Repository Based on Semantic Annotation and Social Web for Knowledge Management
Knowledge Agent Theory and Its Autopoietic Characteristics for Authentic Knowledge Management
Framing Knowledge: Global Youth Culture as Knowledge Society (Research in Progress)
Looking at the Knowledge Economy: Some Issues on Theory and Evidence
- (CANCELLED?) 6th World Summit on the Knowledge Society (WSKS 2013), June 19-21, 2013, Aveiro, Portugal
- (CANCELLED?) 1st International Conference on Knowledge Management, Intellectual Capital, Human Resource Management, Organizational Learning and E-Learning (KNOW-TECH), 1-3 June, 2011, TBD
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