Queen’s University at Kingston (Queen’s)*
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The Queen’s University at Kingston (Queen’s University or Queen’s), formerly the Queen’s College at Kingston, has offered the following Knowledge Management education and training opportunities:
Smith School of Business
Graduate Degrees/Programs
- PhD Program (Concentration: Management Information Systems > Knowledge Management**)
Smith School of Business > The Monieson Centre for Business Research 2)
- Queen’s KM Forum (Industry Forum for Practicing Knowledge Managers; Est. in Nov 1999)
Knowledge Impact in Society Showcase (KSI Showcase)** 3)
The Knowledge Impact in Society Showcase (KSI Showcase) is organized as part of the Knowledge Impact in Society (KIS) project, a three-year, Eastern Ontario knowledge mobilization initiative, to connect rural economic development leaders and communities of rural Eastern Ontario with cutting-edge research.
- 2011 KIS Showcase, April 12, 2011, Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada
Conference Theme: New Horizons in Rural Economic Development- The Potential of Community-Academic Partnerships
– Economic Development Research in Rural Eastern Ontario – Past, Present & Future
Best Practices in Rural Business
– Building Rural Transportation
– Expanding Social Enterprise
Symposium: Sustainable Economic Development through Entrepreneurship
– Natural Resources-Based Entrepreneurship Profile – Deslaurier Custom Cabinets
– Manufacturing Entrepreneurship Profile – GT Machining
Panel Discussion:
– Rural Eastern Ontario – Building a New Generation of Entrepreneurs - 2010 KIS Showcase 2010, April 23, 2010, Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada
- Conference program n.a.
- 2009 KIS Showcase 2009, April 8, 2009, Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada
- Conference program n.a.
Knowledge Summit & Doctoral Consortium (fall conference)
The Knowledge Summit is an intimate, interactive event connecting a select group of business executives with leading experts on the knowledge economy. Exchange ideas, debate strategies and emerge with a sharper view of how innovation combined with strategic business decisions can foster economic growth. The Doctoral Consortium will provide Ph.D. students studying in the knowledge management field with the opportunity to present research, exchange ideas, and emerge with a refined research program.
- 5th Knowledge Management Doctoral Consortium 2006, November 11-13, 2006, Kingston, Ontario, Canada
- Papers n.a.
- Knowledge Summit 2006, June 2006, Kingston, Ontario, Canada
Conference Theme: Making Knowledge-Based Organizations a Reality (An invited symposium)- Conference program n.a
- 4th Knowledge Management Doctoral Consortium 2005, October 30 – November 1, 2005, Kingston, Ontario, Canada
- Papers n.a.
- 5th Knowledge Summit 2004, November 15-16, 2004, Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada
Conference Theme:- (CANCELLED?) Conference program n.a
Co-located Events:
3rd Knowledge Summit Doctoral Consortium 2004, Nov 14-15 - 4th Knowledge Summit 2003, October 16-17, 2003, Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada
Conference Theme:- (CANCELLED?) Conference program n.a
Co-located Events:
2nd Knowledge Summit Doctoral Consortium 2003, Oct 15-16 (Oct 17 wrap-up)Papers:
Managing Ontological Ambiguity: Extending The Knowledge Management Framework
Choice Of Knowledge Transfer Mechanisms And Difficulty Of Knowledge Transfer Within The Firm: An Inquiry To The Characteristics Of Knowledge
Enablers And Barriers For Individuals’ Willingness And Ability To Share Knowledge: An Exploratory Study
An Investigation Of The Reciprocal Relationship Between Knowledge Repositories And The Knowledge Management Practices Of Professional Groups
From Team To Organizational Knowledge: The Creation Of A Digital Option
Knowledge Management And Power
Transformational Leadership And High-Performance Work System Practices As Facilitators Of Knowledge Work Behaviors
Examining The Relationship Between External Knowledge Management And Performance
The Paradox Of Inter-Organizational Learning Between Culturally Diverse Partners: A Research Proposal - 3rd Knowledge Summit 2002, October 17-18, 2002, Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada
Conference Theme: Knowledge Leadership and Learning: Leveraging Canada’s Knowledge Resources- Presentations:
Knowledge Leadership and Learning: Setting the Agenda
Knowledge Leadership and Strategy
Leadership in a Knowledge Based Organization
Knowledge MattersDiscussion Sessions:
The Human Side of Knowledge Leadership and LearningCo-located Events:
1st Knowledge Summit Doctoral Consortium 2002, Oct 16-17Papers:
Knowledge Management Systems Success: An Assessment Model for Project-Based Knowledge Repositories
Trust and Knowledge Management
Models of Intellectual Capital Valuation: A Comparative Evaluation
Topical Review of Knowledge Management Curriculum Programs
Understanding information brokering and the role of technology
The Impact of Technology Adoption and Knowledge Management on the Market Orientation of Organizations
Evaluating the Effects of Organizational Learning Processes on Healthcare Outcomes
Why people are willing to share knowledge: An open-source account - 2nd Knowledge Summit 2001, October 9-10, 2001, Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada
Conference Theme: Innovation and Economic Growth: Canada faces the 21st Century- Presentations:
Innovation: Canada’s Major Challenge
Innovation and Economic Growth in CanadaPanel Sessions:
How to address the challenges of innovating in turbulent timesWorking Sessions: (group work w. plenary session)
Creating an Action Plan - 1st Knowledge Summit 2000, October 10-11, 2000, Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada
Conference Theme: Creating Wealth in the Knowledge Economy (Official KBE Centre’s launch event; By invitation only)- Presentations:
Creating Competitive Advantage in the Knowledge Economy
Creating Customer Value in the Knowledge EconomyPanel Sessions:
Approaches to Maximizing Intellectual CapitalWorking Sessions: (group work w. plenary session)
Creating an Action Plan
Knowledge Roundtable (spring conference)
- 5th Knowledge Roundtable 2005, April 20-22, 2005, Kingston, Ontario, Canada
Roundtable Topic: Knowledge Transfer and Management in Healthcare: Quality, Safety, Accessibility and Affordability – Finding the Balance- Keynotes: (1)
…Discussion Sessions: (5)
…Presentation on KGH’s wireless system
- 4th Knowledge Roundtable 2004, May 5-7 2004, Kingston, Ontario, Canada
Roundtable Topic: e-Learning: From Practice to Profit- Keynotes:
A new vision of e-learning designPresentations:
Why E-learning is Important to CanadaUnlocking Human Potential – leveraging technology for learning
Technology in Learning
E-learning in Canada
The STRATX-Online virtual classroom
E-learning: Factors Impacting Outcomes and Performance The Elephant in the Quad: The rise of the online degree market and its likely impact on post-secondary educationCareer Building through e-learning
E-learning Practices: The Evolution of e-learning in Bell Canada
Framework for e-learning Strategy RenewalMetrics, A Pragmatic and Contrarian View
…n.a. - 3rd Knowledge Roundtable, April 16-17, 2003, Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada
Roundtable Topic: Customer Knowledge Management (CKM)- Agenda n.a.
- 2nd Knowledge Roundtable, March 4-5, 2002, Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada
Roundtable Topic: Health Care & Knowledge Management: Building Bridges to Better Patient Care- Presentations:
The Challenges of Managing the Knowledge Base in Health Care
The New Imperative in Health Care: Knowledge ManagementDiscussion Sessions:
Knowledge Management Practices: Perspectives from Practitioners
Health System Perspectives on Knowledge Management Practices
Perspectives on Knowledge Management Practices and Technologies - 1st Knowledge Roundtable, March 12-13, 2001, Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada
Roundtable Topic: From .com to .profit (E-Commerce Research Program)- Agenda n.a.
Creative Economy Seminar Series
- May 2010: The rural creative economy: Agenda for research
Apr 2010: The creative economy: Rural policy implications
Mar 2010: The creative economy In Ontario: A Prince Edward County case example
Feb 2010: The rural creative economy: Issues and challenges
Jan 2010: The creative economy: Fact and fiction
Knowledge Exchange Seminars (interactive, multidisciplinary lunchtime seminar; successor of the Knowledg Cafe)
- Mar 2011: Enabling Innovation – How Rural Areas Can Optimise their Economic Futures – A UK Perspective
Sep 2010: Intellectual Capital
Jan 2010: Using a community before going it alone: Incubating institutions and entrepreneurial occupations
Dec 2009: How common knowledge impacts the effectiveness of knowledge management processes: Insights from empirical studies
Nov 2009: Green phoenix: How green energy investments can renew old manufacturing regions; Human capital and leadership
Oct 2009: Knowledge processed through a model in order to enhance performance; A model of the tacit knowledge lifecycle for decision-making: From creation to utilization
Sep 2009: The diffusion of knowledge inside the organization
Jun 2009: The Economics of Entrepreneurship and Innovation
May 2009: Research centres and knowledge: The good, the bad and the ugly
Apr 2009: The industrial city in transition: A cultural and environmental inventory of greater Saint John
Mar 2009: Social entrepreneurs in journalism
Feb 2009: Knowledge translation in healthcare research
Jan 2009: Multimodal Knowledge Sharing Networks: A Research Agenda
Dec 2008: The alignment of business and knowledge strategies and structures
Nov 2008: The Harris Centre, Knowledge mobilization, Regional development
Oct 2008: Political economies of knowledge, with an example
Sep 2008: Individual, group, and organizational learning; A knowledge management perspective
May 2008: Knowledge Sharing in Charities
Apr 2008: A New View of Knowledge Management
Mar 2008: Social Networking in Corporate Environments
Feb 2008: Using IT To Support the Discovery of Novel Knowledge in Organizations
Jan 2008: PELA (Prince Edward/Lennox & Addington Community Futures Development) Research on Physician Recruitment; Mobilizing Knowledge: From Knowledge to Action
Dec 2007: Knowledge Management Capability and the Role of Information Technology
Nov 2007: The Firm’s Assets and Their Measurement; Every User Tells a Story
Oct 2007: Leadership: Knowledge Management by a New Name?; Measuring the Value Added of Management: Management’s Dark Matter
Sep 2007: Socialization in Open Source Software Communities: A Symbolic Interactionist Perspective
May 1, 2007: Repertory Grids and Narrative Inquiry (Overview & Workshop)
Mar 2007: Urban Spaces: Real, Virtual, Possible; Overview: Knowledge Value-Added (KVA) & Leveraging Knowledge Assets: Knowledge and Value Added
Feb 2007: Learning Styles
Jan 2007: How do we Succeed at Organization Innovation? And Co-ordinate our Problem-Solving Capabilities?; Championing the Innovation Process – and Developing our Leadership for Innovation and Change
Fulbright Scholar Lecture/Seminar Series
- Oct 2009: Knowledge management and business intelligence: Resource competitors or synergistic forces?
Apr 2008: Concepts and knowledge typologies that underpin the seperate segments of the knowledge management (KM) field
Feb 2006: When Knowledge-Based Enterprises Collaborate: Building Complex Infrastructures for Interorganizational Information Sharing
Speaker Series
- Apr 2004: Developing knowledge management/human capital strategies
Apr 2003: Successfully introducing new technologies
Feb 2003: How organizational culture influences knowledge management initiatives
Nov 2002: The blogging phenomenon: What the Internet may have to teach corporate managers
May 2002: Ggroup-to-individual Transfer of Learning
Jan 2002: Knowledge Based Theory of the Firm
Oct 2001: Knowledge Management: View from the Field
Jan 2001: E-commerce jurisdiction and international issues surrounding e-commerce (E-Commerce Research Program speaker series)
Oct 2000: The Knowledge-Based Economy: Facts and Theories
Sep 2000: Larry Prusack on topics such as connectivity, visibility of knowledge, localism and time and space
(CANCELLED) Nick Bontis: Assessing Knowledge Assets: A Review of the Models Used to Measure Intellectual Capital
Apr 2000 (1st): Total Value Creation: a new approach of assessing value within knowledge-based enterprises
- Jun 2009: Knowledge Mobilization and Grant Proposal Writing: A Researcher’s Guide
- Weekly 1 hour Knowledge Café (2001-2006; successor. Knowledge Exchange Seminar series)
- Impact of Knowledge Mobilization Discovery Workshops (part of the two-year Impact of Knowledge Mobilization in Rural Economic Development project)
Nov 2011 – Jul 2012: 11 Workshops in 11 cities - Knowledge Impact in Society Discovery Workshops (part of the Knowledge Impact in Society (KIS) project)
2008-2009: 15 Workshops
Queen’s KM Forum Meetings
- May 2001: Current issues in knowledge management (with CEST Knowledge Management Forum from the UK in Toronto)
- Mar 2000: Creating and Facilitating Communities of Practice
- Nov 1999: Exploring the possibility of creating a regular forum for practicing knowledge managers