Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey (Rutgers University)*
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Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey commonly referred to as Rutgers University (Rutgers or RU), formerly the Rutgers University, Rutgers College, and the Queen’s College, has offered the following Knowledge Management education and training opportunities:
School of Communication and Information (SC&I) 1)
Graduate Degrees/Programs
Professional Development Studies
- Post-MLIS Certificate: Knowledge Management**
- Required Courses:
535 Competitive Intelligence (Pre-req. 530 Principles of Searching or equivalent)
557 Database Design and Management (Pre-Requisite: 550 Information Technology for Library and Information Science Agencies or equivalent)
574 Knowledge Management in OrganizationsElectives (select 3):
511 Research Methods
534 Records Management
580 Knowledge Structures in the Information Professions
581 Social Informatics
Department of Library and Information Science
- Master of Library and Information Science (Specialization: Knowledge Management)**
- Required Specialization Courses:
535 Competitive Intelligence
557 Database Design and Management
574 Knowledge Management in OrganizationsSpecialization Electives: (choose at least 3)
511 Research Methods
534 Records Management
580 Knowledge Structures and the Information Professions
581 Social Informatics
… Special topics, independent studies, field studies, and Wise Courses
Department of Communication
- Master of Information (Specialization: Knowledge Management)**
- Required Specialization Courses:
535 Competitive Intelligence
557 Database Design and Management
574 Knowledge Management in OrganizationsSpecialization Electives (3):
511 Research Methods
534 Records Management
520 Organizing Information
570 Management of Libraries and Information Centers
554 Information Visualization
… Special topics, independent studies, field experience and WISE courses - Master of Communication and Information Studies (Focus Area: Knowledge Management)**
- Core Courses (12 credits)
Communication and Society
Communication Research
Organizational Communication
Mediated CommunicationPick Set Course (3 credits)
Knowledge Management in OrganizationsElective Courses (18 credits)
Communication Studies
Knowledge Management
Media Studies
Media Studies: Theory and Practice
Persuasion and Advocacy
Advanced Communication Analysis
… internships, practicum, and courses outside of MCISCapstone Seminar
MCIS Colloquium