Strategic Industry Research Foundation (SIRF)*
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(sample pages: training, university, community, conference)

The Strategic Industry Research Foundation (SIRF)1) has offered the following Knowledge Management education and training opportunities:
SIRF Roundtables
SIRF Knowledge Management Roundtable Victoria / Tasmania (KMrt VIC/TAS) / 2006-20162)
- Common Interest Working Groups (CIWG)
- Creating a Culture of Knowledge Sharing
- Collaboration (was: Social Software/virtual collaboration, in collaboration w. RMIT)
- Strategy and implementation
- Intranets and portals
- Library, information management & taxonomy
- Enabling technology including web 2.0 and enterprise 2.0 (was: Knowledge Management Enabler – Technology)
- Organisational development, learning and development and workforce planning for success (was: Workforce Planning for Changing Workforces)
- Business processes
- Knowledge Exiting and Keeping Technical Knowledge
- Stakeholder Engagement
- Google Wave
SIRF Knowledge Management Roundtable New South Wales (KMrt NSW) / 2007-2014*
- Common Interest Working Groups (CIWG)
- Explore/Exploit Metrics
- Knowledge Sharing Culture – Strategy
- Knowledge Sharing Culture – Immediate Needs
SIRF Industrial Maintainance Roundtable (IMrt)
- Common Interest Working Groups (CIWG)
- Knowledge Management in Maintenance
- Roundtable (KMRt) Meetings: Full day Roundtable with presentations from industry leaders and practioners
- Common Interest Workgroup (CIWG) Meetings & Site Tours: CIWGs topics are proposed at each Roundtable Meeting and confirmed as per Member interest after each Roundtable.
(International Specialist Workshops, Training Courses)
SIRF Knowledge Management Roundtable Victoria / Tasmania (KMrt VIC/TAS)
- Feb-Jun 2016: KM 101 Training Course – Practical introduction to Knowledge Management Approaches, Tools & Methods3)
- Sep 2015: Dinner with Collaboration expert Michael Sampson
- May 2015: Masteclass: Conducting Knowledge Audits
- Oct 2012: Value network analysis workshop with Verna Allee
- Nov 2010: Expertise Mapping Masterclass
- Oct 2010: Gurteen Masterclass: Lessons Learnt meets Risk Management; Root Cause Analysis Masterclass
- Mar 2010: Masterclass /workshop: How to stimulate creative thinking, skills and environments
SIRF Knowledge Management Roundtable New South Wales (KMrt NSW)*
- Jun 2016: Masterclass: User Adoption Strategies
- Oct 2012: Value network analysis workshop with Verna Allee
- Feb 2010: MasterClass: Conversational Series: Innovation, Collaboration, Governance & Culture
- National Forum