Southern Cross University (SCU)
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The Southern Cross University (SCU), formerly the Lismore Teachers’ College, offers the following Knowledge Management education and training opportunities:
Faculty of Business, Law and Arts > School of Business and Tourism 1)
Graduate Degrees/Programs
- Advanced Diploma in Business Management (Specialisation: Knowledge Management)** 2)
- Master of Business Administration (online; Specialisation: Information and Knowledge Management)
- Master of Project Management (online; Specialization: Information and Knowledge Management)
- PhD in Organizational Change Management (online/oncampus; Research area: Knowledge Management)** 3)
Gnibi College of Indigenous Australian Peoples 4)
Undergraduate Degrees/Programs
- Bachelor of Indigenous Knowledge (online/oncampus)
- Bachelor of Indigenous Knowledge with Honours (oncampus)
Graduate Degrees/Programs
- Graduate Diploma of Indigenous Knowledge (online/oncampus)**
- Master of Indigenous Philosophies (by Research area: Indigenous Knowledge)**
- Doctor of Indigenous Philosophies (online/oncampus; Research area: Indigenous Knowledge)