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(sample pages: training, university, community, conference)
iknowma (Australia) and iknowma USA has offered the following Knowledge Management education and training opportunities:
Knowledge Management Institute of Australia (KMIA)1)
Diploma Courses
- Advanced Diploma in Business Management (Specialization: Knowledge Management) (3
6months)2)- Module 1 Strategic Knowledge Management (Southern Cross University)
Module 2 How to Perform Knowledge Management
Module 3 Tools & Techniques for Knowledge Management Implementation
Specialty Topics in Knowledge Management - Integrated Knowledge & Project Management Competency Program3)
- IKPMC01 Integrated Knowledge and Project Management Competency Diploma (in Project Management) Program (6 months)4)
- IKPMC02 Advanced Integrated Knowledge and Project Management Competency Program
- Registered Knowledge Manager (RegKM™) credit program (6 months)
Certification Courses
- Certified Knowledge Manager (3 months)
- Master Certified Knowledge Manager (3 months)
- Certified Knowledge Specialist (6 months)
- Certified Knowledge Worker (10 days)
Training Courses
Specialty Knowledge Management Programs
- Understand the sciences involved in Knowledge Management
- Understand the sciences involved in Knowledge Management
- Understand Knowledge Management Metrics
- Understand Knowledge Management Techniques: Storytelling
- Understand Knowledge Management Techniques: Social Networks
- Understand Knowledge Management Technology (e-learning, other)
- Innovate Relentlessly: Intellectual Capital
- Innovate Relentlessly: Innovation Techniques
- Innovate Relentlessly: Sustaining & Disruptive Technologies
- Innovate Relentlessly: Manage Innovation
- Enrich Communities: Fundamentals
- Improve: Personal Knowledge Management Performance
Specialty Workshops
- Knowledge Mapping (2 days)
Social Network Analysis (2 days)
Knowledge Audits (1-2 days)
E-Collaboration and Best Practice (1 day)
Communities of Practice – How to develop and make successful (1 day)
Knowledge Enabling Software Systems Assessment (1 day)
Knowledge Management Performance Tuning (1-2 days)
Developing a Knowledge Management Methodology (2 days)
Knowledge Management Framework & Strategy Development for Executives (1 day)
Knowledge Management Framework & Strategy Development for Knowledge Managers & Implementation Teams (2-3 days)
Knowledge Management for Engineers (1-2 days)
Autopoiesis and Evolution (1-2 days)
A Scientific Approach to Organizational Knowledge (1-2 days)
KM for Sustainability in Organisations: Understanding Implementation of Knowledge Management and the importance of Tacit Networks (3 days)
The Role of KM in Successful Enterprise Architecture Projects (1-2 days)
Communities of Practice for Government Innovation and Modernization (1-2 days)
Consulting Inside Your Organization (Online)
Peer Mentoring A practical approach to knowledge transfer (Online)
KM Business Education Briefings
- Sep 2004: Knowledge Management Endgame – Where it’s Heading (and How to Get There)
Knowledge Management Consortium International (KMCI)5)
Certificate Courses
- Certificate in Knowledge and Innovation Management (26 weeks, online asynchronous)
Training Courses
- On the Trail of Knowledge? Knowledge Management Discovery Seminar “How To” manage knowledge” (3 hours)
- Managing Knowledge @ Work: Introduction to Knowledge Management – Concepts, Methods, Tools & Techniques (1 day)
Training Courses
- Integrated Knowledge & Project Management (5 days+)6)
- Registered Knowledge Manager (RegKM) credit program (6 days+)6)7)