Strategica – International Academic Conference*

Strategica – International Academic Conference*

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The Strategica – International Academic Conference – is an opportunity for interdisciplinary discussions and debates on the varied suitable ways for businesses, financial and public institutions, governments and nonprofit organizations to approach the new environmental conditions, to make the most of their resources and competitive advantages in contemporary economies.

Tracks of Interest:

  • 2015, 2022-present: Knowledge Management
  • 2022: Knowledge Networks and Sustainability
  • 2017-2021: Knowledge Economy
  • 2016: Knowledge Management and Innovation: from Soft Stuff to Hard Stuff

The conference is organized by the National University of Political Studies and Public Administration in Romania (SNSPA), Faculty of Management, in partnership with/supported by the National Bank of Romania and other partners – the Romanian Academic Society of Management (SAMRO, since 2018) the International Association of Knowledge Management (IAKM, 2016-2017).

Conference History:

Strategica 2025 TBD

12th Strategica 2024, October 24-25, 2024, National Bank of Romania, Bucharest, Romania

Conference Theme: Innovation and Responsibility: Leading People and Building Sustainable Economies
(in cooperation with the Romanian Academic Society of Management (SAMRO))

    TRACK: Knowledge Management
    Maximizing AI for enhanced knowledge processes as seen by employees and managers
    Artificial intelligence and its integration into knowledge management: a bibliometric analysis
    The invisible asset: pathways to enhanced operational efficiency
    Knowledge management applied in road freight transport: a specific approach
    Enhancing open innovation through social media groups as a knowledge exchange mechanism
    Organizational agility: thriving in a highly dynamic and turbulent environment
    Artificial knowledge – an emerging concept powered by artificial intelligence
    The future of project management: leveraging nonconventional technologies for success

    TRACK: Others:
    A bibliometric analysis of the impact of strategic management of the intellectual capital on the organizational competitive advantage
    VOSviewer analysis regarding communities of practice in intelligence domains
    Knowledge transfer in public administration in Romania: current practices and the role of leadership
    Communities going digital for collaborative knowledge spaces
    Navigating crisis: the role of intellectual capital in enhancing sme resilience during the Covid-19 pandemic – operationalization of the concepts

11th Strategica 2023, October 26-27, 2023, National Bank of Romania, Bucharest, Romania

Conference Theme: Managing Business Transformations during Uncertain Times
(in cooperation with the Romanian Academic Society of Management (SAMRO))

    TRACK: Knowledge Management
    From practical challenges to vocational training in small companies through knowledge pills
    Known and unknown knowledge risks in times of transition and change
    Knowledge translation
    The impact of using knowledge dynamics in the communication process with customers
    Portraits of knowmads from a knowledge dynamics perspective
    The role of strategic management of intellectual capital in the business process outsourcing (bpo) competitive advantage
    The influence of transformational leadership on the outcome of the decision-making process in the Ministry of Internal Affairs
    Factors influencing the digital agriculture adoption: a research model for assessing Romanian farmers motivations
    Bibliometric analysis of human resource management and innovation: insights from a VOS viewer
    The differences between competitive intelligence, bussiness intelligence and national security intelligence: a bibliometric analysis
    Embracing diversity: augmented reality application for inclusive university campus navigation
    Road transport organization, integrated part of knowledge based organizations

    TRACK: Others
    Interlinking networks, innovation and intellectual capital via a bibliometric analysis
    Evaluating intellectual capital: a comprehensive literature review of indicator framworks and mesurement approaches

    The Prospects of Knowledge Management: from human-based practices to Artificial Intelligence in KIBS (multiplier event organized under the KNOWMAN project)

10th Strategica 2022, October 20-21, 2022, National Bank of Romania, Bucharest, Romania / Virtual venue

Conference Theme: Sustainable Development and Strategic Growth
(in cooperation with the Romanian Academic Society of Management (SAMRO))

    TRACK: Knowledge Management
    Knowledge strategies as an integrated part of business strategies
    Applications of knowledge strategies in business theory and practice: bibliometric analysis
    Progress, trends and updates of knowledge management research in the context of digital transformations: a bibliometric analysis
    Bank’s knowledge-based innovative capacity – the empirical approach
    Knowledge risks management in a bureaucratic system
    Organizational culture as knowledge integrator in Romanian KIBS
    Up-skilling and re-skilling for digital agriculture in Romanian big crops farms: exploratory considerations

    TRACK: Knowledge Networks and Sustainability
    Do companies walk the talk of sustainability? A foray into the particularities of corporate green washing in Romania
    The impact of sustainable management strategies on organizational performance and on organizational reputation – a Romanian manager´s perspective
    B2B strategies and management practices in business internationalization in the digital transformation era
    A theoretical perspective on the relationships between intellectual capital, organizational performance and agility
    Impact of Digital Transformation on IT jobs. A sectorial approach

    TRACK: Others
    Digital leadership in the post-COVID new knowledge management environment
    The impact of hidden knowledge on employee engagement and employer branding

    Co-located Events:
    SNSPA International Week, Oct 17-21

9th Strategica 2021, October 21-22, 2021, National Bank of Romania, Bucharest, Romania Virtual venue

Conference Theme: Shaping the Future of Business and Economy
(in cooperation with the Romanian Academic Society of Management (SAMRO))

    TRACK: Knowledge Economy
    Knowledge mapping of the knowmad concept – a text mining analysis
    Adaptation of the Romanian universities to the new normal after the pandemic crisis
    An exploratory view on scholars’ affiliation to online knowledge networks in academia
    Towards a more knowledge-intensive economy: the role of the education system
    A trigonometry-based econometric model of assessing performances in secondary education system from Romania
    Bibliometric correlations regarding the entrepreneurial university
    Contributions regarding the specific approach on the management of the global engineering process in aerospace organization
    Application of the IDEF0 management method in the global engineering process within an industrial organization in aerospace
    Exploring the relationship between national intellectual capital management in the Romanian healthcare sector and technology enabled innovation Cultural intelligence as a main competency for multinational leadership and global
    Digitalization and innovation from start-up to scale-up. Comparative analysis: Romania-Poland
    Business models and substantiation rules: towards implementation with specific expert systems
    The role of customer knowledge management in customer experience performance

    TRACK: Others
    The impact of telework on teamwork performance and TMS on knowledge teams during the COVID-19 outbreak
    Are reinforcement learning based algorithms, a viable alternative to traditional wealth management strategies?
    Learning experience under the COVID-19 crisis: the case of Romanian graduates
    Learning against the odds: an overview of lifelong learning and online learning in Romania

8th Strategica 2020, October 15-16, 2020, National Bank of Romania, Bucharest, Romania Virtual venue

Conference Theme: Preparing for Tomorrow, Today
(in cooperation with the Romanian Academic Society of Management (SAMRO))

    TRACK: Knowledge Economy
    Descriptive Analysis of Key Components of Entrepreneurial University Models
    Designing Knowledge Strategies for Universities in Crazy Times
    Assessing the Driving Factors of Business Profitability in European High-Tech Versus Low-Tech Industries
    Cybersecurity Threats and Vulnerabilities in Energy Transition to Smart Electricity Grids
    Artificial Intelligence and the Ethical Use of Knowledge
    The Impact of a Country’s Reputation on the Economic Development of a Nation Integrating Intellectual Capital and SMEs Internationalization into a Common Conceptual Framework
    The Psychology of Intelligence Analysis from a Constructivist Perspective – A Complementary Approach
    The Importance of Emotional Intelligence in the Time of the Coronavirus
    Emotional Intelligence and Entrepreneurial Skills
    Statistical Interpretation of Future Challenges and Opportunities for Generations Y, Z, Alpha
    The Consumer Experience Improvement by Knowledge Management

    TRACK: Others
    Food and Humanitarian Non-Profit Organizations in Greece: Synergies, Networks of Knowledge and Innovation

7th Strategica 2019, October 10-11, 2019, National Bank of Romania, Bucharest, Romania

Conference Theme: Upscaling Digital Transformation in Business and Economics
(in cooperation with the Romanian Academic Society of Management (SAMRO))

    TRACK: Knowledge Economy
    Exploring Managerial Decision Making Through the Lens of Knowledge Dynamics
    Businesses Neuromarketing Strategies in the Knowledge Economy
    Strategies of Leadership Success in the Knowledge Economy
    The Role of Intellectual Potential in the Global Competitiveness of the Country in Digital Transformation of the Economy on the Example of the EU Countries
    Austrian School of Economics – and the Theory of Business Cycle
    Transitional Labor Markets – New Policy Approaches in Knowledge Economy: Insights for Romania Case
    Is Artificial Intelligence Influencing Knowledge Management?
    Characteristics of Start-Ups Created by Young People in the Creative Industries

    TRACK: Others
    Knowledge Flows in Cluster Organizations – Evidence from Poland

6th Strategica 2018, October 11-12, 2018, National Bank of Romania, Bucharest, Romania

Conference Theme: Challenging the Status Quo in Management and Economics
(in cooperation with the Romanian Academic Society of Management (SAMRO))

    TRACK: Knowledge Economy
    Universities as Learning Organizations: Challenges and Strategies
    Knowledge Management in the UK Higher Education Institutions: What Type of Outcomes do Higher Education Partnerships Attain?
    The Key Processes of Knowledge Dynamics and Intellectual Capital in the Organization
    Study on the Implementation of an Intellectual Property Policy in a Comprehensive University
    The Nature of Knowledge Exchange Challenges Amongst Academics Working in Higher Education Partnerships
    University Agenda for Developing Students’ Skills in the Knowledge Economy
    The Development of Knowledge-Based Economy: A Literature Review
    Challenges for Leadership in the Knowledge Economy
    Knowledge and Information Management and Sharing Impact on Competitive Advantage
    Awareness Creation on E-banking Fraud Prevention: A Knowledge Management Perspective for E-security and Customer Relationship Building
    Showcasing Digitization as the Backbone of Knowledge and Sharing Economy in Romania
    Intellectual Capital Reporting – A Longitudinal Study of Microsoft Annual Reports 1998-2017
    Knowledge Management and the Digital Era

    TRACK: Others
    Knowledge Management of Modern Public Accounting Practice

    Managing Knowledge for Competitive Advantage – An International Perspective; Knowledge Structures and Their Relevance to Management Practice

5th Strategica 2017, September 28-30, 2017, National Bank of Romania, Bucharest, Romania

Conference Theme: Shift. Major challenges of today’s economy
(in cooperation with the International Association of Knowledge Management)

    TRACK: Knowledge Economy (was: Knowledge Management & Intellectual Capital)
    The Decision-making Process between Simplicity and Complexity. An Epistemological Approach in Business Administration
    Business and Entrepreneurship – Mutations and Structural Changes Due to the Transition to Knowledge Economy
    International Migration within the EU and Its Impact on the Knowledge Economy Development
    Universities in the Knowledge Economy: Strategies to Increase their Competitiveness
    Challenges for the Romanian Universities in the Knowledge Economy
    Business Digitization in the Romanian Economy
    Knowledge Management Practices in NGOs

    TRACK: Others
    The Relationship Between Human Centered Design and Organizational Knowledge. Another Egg – Chicken Dillemma?

    Round Tables:
    Knowledge Management in the Sharing Economy – Cross-Sectoral Insights into the Future of Competitive Advantage

4th Strategica 2016, October 20-22, 2016, National Bank of Romania, Bucharest, Romania

Conference Theme: Opportunities and Risks in the Contemporary Business Environment
(in cooperation with the International Association of Knowledge Management)

    TRACK: Knowledge Management and Innovation: from Soft Stuff to Hard Stuff
    Integrating institutional theory with market orientation to study SMEs in transition economies: a conceptual model
    Ensuring the competitiveness of high-tech industrial enterprises and their role in the innovation economy
    Identification of perspective research areas in the field of regional economy: Russian and foreign experience
    Comparative statistical analysis of existing differences in the regional development of
    Romania regarding the main socio-economic indicators
    The characteristics of innovation and the technological diffusion
    City branding as marketing innovation in local administration
    Valorization of the learning organization’s principles in the business higher educational system (HES)
    The interest in entrepreneurship among Romanian students
    Fostering students’ interest for experiential learning – the case of Grenoble digital marketing bootcamp
    Uses and gratifications of Facebook among Romanian graduate students
    Emerging economy consumer perception: a social capital explanation
    Performance measurement and intellectual capital: main frameworks and research agenda
    The nexus between knowledge management and innovation. A literature review

    Knowledge strategies for chaotic times

3rd Strategica 2015, October 29-30, 2015, National Bank of Romania, Bucharest, Romania

Conference Theme: Local versus Global

    TRACK: Knowledge Management
    Organizational knowledge dynamics
    Stimulating strategic organizational processes: knowledge creation and organizational learning
    The education and the vocational training of adults – vectors of the development of the intellectual capital
    The European dimension of education in the context of globalization and global competitiveness
    Inspired by Generation Y. The didactic process in universities
    Gender differences in financial literacy. An exploratory study among Romanian students
    Intellectual capital: an epistemological approach
    Knowledge creation that requires repositioning in learning and innovation – new research and its implications within the Romanian financial and banking institutions
    The effects of knowledge from collaborations on exploratory innovation of Greek SMEs
    Exploring the potential of serious games’ online communities in leveraging collective intelligence
    The 5 Cs relational leader. A preliminary framework for corporate intercultural accommodation

2nd Strategica 2014, October 2-3, 2014, National Bank of Romania, Bucharest, Romania

Conference Theme: Management, Finance, and Ethics

    TRACK: Management and Leadership > Knowledge management and innovation
    Organizational innovation – a path to improve the working conditions in the knowledge economy
    Emotional intelligence – the unseen face of the sustainable knowledge based organization

1st Strategica 2013, June 27-28, 2013, National University of Political Sciences and Public Administration, Bucharest, Romania

Conference Theme: On Strategies in a Challenging World

    TRACK: Economics and Business track > Knowledge Management
    The leadership style and professional development of highly qualified employees in the knowledge-intensive services sector in our country
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