Swiss Knowledge Management Think Table (SKMTT)
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The Swiss Knowledge Management Think Table (SKMTT, Swiss KMTT, or Swiss KM Thinktable),1) formerly the Think Table on Organisational Learning & Capitalisation of Experiences or the Think Table on Learning & Capitalisation of Experiences in Development Cooperation, is an informal community of Knowledge Management/ Sharing practitioners in the Swiss development sector.
The Swiss KMTT offers the following Knowledge Management education and training opportunities:
(Biannual meetings)
Apr 2025: Supporting Knowledge Management through Cards Workshop & Brainstorming (Host: cinfo, in-person; In coop. w. SKMF)
Introduction & Presentation of the cinfo Knowledge Management Cards
Interactive Workshop with the cinfo Cards
Presentation of AHT Knowledge Management Cards
Discussion & Comparison of the KM Cards
Closing remarks & Wrap-up
Dec 2024: AI and digitalization (Swisscontact, in-person)
Swisscontact and Digitalization: Our projects and initiatives in digitalization
AI for Development: Learnings from the AI for Development conference in Barcelona, October 28, 2024
AI related key insights from the NetHope Global Summit 2024
Beyond the Hype: Hands-on with Generative AI. Learnings from the Global Digital Development Forum
World Café Discussions:
– Own experiences with AI and digitalization
– Potential and limitations of AI and digitalization in various areas
Plenary Session: Sharing the 2-3 key highlights from each topic
Popcorn Session: What next? Discussing potential future topics and formats
Jun 2024: Reconnect with SKMTT – catch up call
Sep 2022: Hybrid Meeting Lab (Host: Helvetas Swiss Intercooperation, in-person & online)
Dos and Don’ts on practical things in hybrid set-up and facilitation (tools and skills)
Jan 2022: Let’s Talk about Hybrid Meetings (host n.a., online)
Re-connecting; Hybrid Meetings intro + Hybrid Decision Wheel
Benefits, Challenges and Solutions of Hybrid Meetings
…SKMTT meetings?…
Jun 2020: Exchange on Collaboration with MS Teams (Online)
Sessions: n.a.
May 2020: SKMTT meeting (Host: Fastenopfer, Lucerne Online)
How will you manage your transition period from Covid19 to the “new normality”?
Which good practices, habits, learnings (which you have acquired in the confinement period) will you continue practising?
Apr 2020: The challenges of online working (Host: cinfo, Online)
Check-in: How does it feel to work at a distance? What are the advantages, what do we have to be careful about
Exchanging and collecting good practices (break out groups & reporting to the plenary)
Identify topics and issues we could further address
FALL 2019: SKMTT meeting
Jun 2019: New Forms of Organisational Governance – Holocracy (Host: Brot für alle, Berne)
Opening & Speed dating
Input: Evolution of forms of organization
Storytelling: Introducing the concept of holacracy at “Brot für alle”
Self-Organisation at LIIP
Fish Bowl: New forms of organizational collaboration
Open Space Sessions:
Tips and tricks for introducing holacracy in hierarchic organisations / companies
Dealing with Uncertainties
Trust as one of the main ingredients
Agile organisations – Sorry we don’t offer this service any more
Everyday work with Holacracy
Holocratic structure in a “traditional” organisation
What are the most important KM topics to include in a 3,5 and 4,5 days workshop?
FALL 2018:
No SKMTT meeting
Apr 2018: Innovation in NGOs – challenges, practices and tools (Host: Helvetas Swiss Intercooperation, Zurich)
What is Innovation
Innovation in Swiss Civil Society Organisations
Group Discussion & Challenge
Innovation Methods & Tools Application
Discussion & Exchange (Design Sprint, Design Thinking, Value Propositon Design, Rapid Prototyping)
Nov 2017: Which environment for smart working? (Host: Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, Berne)
Visit of two (co-)working spaces and exchange
Discussion & Reflection: How the working environment (infrastructure & technology, culture & processes as well as leadership and management) influence collaboration and learning in our organizations?
Jun 2017: Knowledge Audits for Knowledge Management (Host: cinfo, Biel)
Knowledge Audits: knowledge mapping made easy!
Case Clinics (4 cases):
What role can knowledge managers play in fostering a learning culture or a “no-blame-culture” (Fehlerkultur)? (Swiss Red Cross)
How to design a learning process within an organisation? (medicus mundi)
The handbook of the future (SECO)
How to set up a KM system (Fastenopfer)
Bringing Things Together
Oct 2016: Meaningful Conversations & Communication (Host: Swiss Red Cross, Wabern)
Tools & methods from the International Workshop of the SRC
Fokussierendes Reflecting – das Ressourcen-Rad: A method for collegial coaching
Good practices in sharing tacit knowledge in a team or organization
May 2016: What is a Network Mindset and Skillset (Host: SECO, Berne)
A network mind-set and skill-set (Presentation, discussion and brainstorming on aspects of a) a networked mindset, b) a set of skills required in networks (communication, facilitation, shared leadership, learning approaches, etc.))
Case clinics (based on issues defined in the morning, along the following questions: a) How can we foster a network mindset? b) How can we strengthen the skills required in networks?)
Nov 2015: SKMTT meeting (Host: cinfo, Biel)
Sessions: n.a.
May 2015: Building bridges: connecting individual and organizational learning (Host: Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, Berne)
Learning organizations and learning processes: exemplary process and practice
Knowledge Management Trends, feedback and reflection
PKM and WOL (Personal Knowledge Management/Mastery and Working and learning out loud)
Building prototypes / take aways
Dec 2014: Network mind-set – Network practice (Host: Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, Berne)
Communication game & Reflection
Networks and working in networked ways – input
Experience sharing, learning and networking from a distance
Show-case of tools for communication and networking: Social Media, Hootsuite, Intranet, Webinars
Open Space – harvesting experiences or providing peer support
May 2014: Learning for Improved Practice (Host: World Vision International, Geneva)
Knowing me, knowing you
Close encounter of great practices in “learning for improved practice”
What makes a great practice great: Processing successes and success factors
Solutions exploration: Analyzing challenges on improving practice
What emerges: Wrap up and take-aways
Nov 2013: What are knowledge networks best for? (Host: Helvetas Swiss Intercooperation, Zurich)
Sessions: n.a.
Apr 2013: Knowledge Management and managing complexity (Host: International Labour Office, Geneva)
Strategies for coping with complexity
Shared leadership in networks and its role in managing complexity
The complexity game
Peer assist session: When “un”complex becomes complex and vice versa
Useful tools in complex times
Sep 2012: KM Think Table Re-energize (Host: Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, Berne)
The Community Practice as a story telling place
Brainstorming groups (2): Our way of working/ functioning
May 2012: Think Table meeting (Host: Swisscontact, Zurich)
Sessions: n.a.
Nov 2011: Think Table meeting (Host: Medicus Mundi, Basel)
KM Think Table – what keeps the community alive
Treasure memories: a storytelling approach for people living with HIV-AIDS
Study tour of civil servants from Ukraine in Switzerland
External Learning Journeys of HEKS
IT tools for project management
Facebook and Twitter to stimulate discussions
The SDC learning and networking blog
May 2011: Think Table meeting (Host: Terre des Hommes, Lausanne)
Sessions: n.a.
Nov 2010: Think Table meeting (Host: EPER/HEKS – Entraide Protestante Suisse/Hilfswerk der Evangelischen Kirchen der Schweiz, Lausanne)
eCollaboration: An option for international development
Discussion on Knowledge Sharing and innovation
May 2010: Feedback Discussion on HEKS’s KS Project Evaluation (Host: NCCR North-South/Centre for Development and Environment, Universität Bern, Bern)
Evaluation of HEKS-EPER’s Knowledge Sharing project 2008 – 2010 (Feedback on ToR, Peer Review on evaluation findings)
Everybody tells on what s/he is working currently
Brainstorming on Issues related to the International Workshop of Swiss Red Cross
Nov 2009: Think Table Open Space (Host: agridea, Lindau)
Open Space topics:
The added value of ThinkTable meetings for KM-activists of Swiss development organisations
How to make competitors share knowledge
Selling arguments: What makes collaborators share their knowledge and contribute to the institutional memory?
ICTs to Explore in Future: What next
How to document insights and lessons learnt?
Who is organising the next ThinkTable?
May 2009: Think Table meeting (Host: Swiss Red Cross, Berne)
Storytelling project in the Alps
Creating a learning environment
Impressions from Solothurn KM symposium
Digital stories in Helvetas
Peer assist in Learning Partnerships
Wiki looking back and forward
Nov 2008: Think Table Meeting (Host: Helvetas Swiss Intercooperation, Bern)
Knowledge Management in an international network
Writing Policy Briefs
Setting up a WiKi for Think table meetings
Developing and maintaining professional skills in an organisation
Community Action Day
Tagging of documents
May 2008: Think Table Meeting (Host: Skat Foundation, St. Gallen)
Knowledge Management in Madagascar
Lessons learned on story telling
Selected Collaboration Tools of Swissre
Selling Knowledge Management to SDC Seniors
Thinking around the table about Knowledge Management
Nov 2007: Think Table meeting (Host: University of Fribourg, Fribourg)
Sessions: n.a.
May 2007: SKMTT meeting (Host: Helvetas Swiss Intercooperation, Zurich)
Sessions: n.a.
FALL 2006: Think Table meeting
May 2006: Think Table meeting (Host: International Labour Organization, Geneva)
Critical Incidents Technique
Team Coaching (Kollegiale Beratung)
Evaluating/Justifying knowledge sharing workshops
2005 meetings
Oct 2004: Knowledge Management marries Project Cycle Management (Host: Helvetas Swiss Intercooperation, Berne)
Knowledge Market: Activities and struggeling questions in organisational learning and capitalisation of experiences (lessons learnt)
Knowledge Transfer (Group work on 4 cases (concrete question, which came up during knowledge market) idea basket, peer assist, group coaching) Transfer of results and discussion
Visioning and Group