Abstract: Purpose: The current study aims to analyze the curriculum of selected knowledge management (KM) programs at universities in the USA, Europe, Australia and Asia within current and historical contexts to understand the scope and nature of the requirements in KM programs. By comparing the results from programs, a baseline understanding of what the
academic programs
Graduate programs related to Knowledge Management
Abstract: Knowledge management spans numerous disciplines, so it is not surprising that graduate level programs in KM have their roots in diverse fields. Some have emerged from library science and focus on the management of information, including records management. Others come from an IT perspective and offer enterprise information systems or database management programs.
Gaps in the range of Knowledge Management education/ certification?
In the LinkedIn Group of the International Knowledge Management Standards and Accreditation Association (IKMSAA) Matthew L. asks: Gaps – what gaps do you see in the range of KM education/certification presently available? Here’s my first pass at where I see gaps, tell me if you disagree or where you perceive gaps: