Filed in: community

Who is in the Knowledge Management Team?

Weblogs | Knowledge Management education & training worldwide

Abstract: The purpose of the organisation’s Knowledge Management (KM) team is to provide knowledge management services and solution to the organisation. By KM I mean the ability to learn from experience (and continuously improve and build value and capability), to innovate, to share knowledge as a community, and to apply ever-improving standards of performance

Symposium du Knowledge Communities Observatory (Symposium KCO)*

Knowledge Management conferences| Knowledge Management education & training worldwide

Le Symposium du Knowledge Communities Observatory (Symposium KCO) et le Séminaire de l’Observatoire des communautés de connaissance : Communautés et Innovation sont organisés par le Knowledge Communities Observatory (KCO; French: Observatoire des communautés de connaissance (OCC)) hébergé par le chaire de la recherche “Business as unusual : pratiques innovantes et nouveaux modèles d’entreprise” (Kedge Business

Hidden Knowledge Facilitators in R&D Online Communities

Abstract: Some firms use hidden knowledge facilitators (HKFs) to facilitate knowledge sharing among employees within intrafirm online communities. These firms hope for enhanced knowledge sharing outcomes within their organizations without letting employees know that HKFs exist. Yet, the extent to which HKFs’ interventions are effective remains unknown to researchers and managers. Built on the