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Synchronous and Asynchronous Learning for Teaching Knowledge Management Courses

Books, Proceedings, etc. | Knowledge Management education & training worldwide

Abstract: Knowledge management (KM) has been one of the core operations of most companies and organizations since the early 1990s. As a consequence, KM education is experiencing exponential growth around the globe. In recent years, development in info-communication technologies (ICTs), increase in digital content, and the escalating use of the Internet and wireless capabilities

Leveraging E-learning System for Effective Teaching of Knowledge Management

Books, Proceedings, etc. | Knowledge Management education & training worldwide

Abstract: Knowledge management education is quickly gaining momentum worldwide. Due to the fuzzy and inter-disciplinary nature of the discipline, academic institutions are adopting different approaches for educating knowledge professionals. Because of the variations in the subject scope and coverage, there is a need for using innovative and creative learning strategies for teaching KM courses.