The biennial International Symposium of Information Science (ISI) (German: Internationales Symposium für Informationswissenschaft) is gathering of scholars, researchers and students from Europe and beyond who share a common interest in critical information issues in contemporary society. The conference series originated in the German-language information science community but has become more and more international in recent
information society
Leadership in an Information Society
Abstract: After surveying the evolution of the leader’s role as a generalist, Cleveland discusses how information has replaced material things as the major resource that must be managed, and he goes on to discuss how attempting to manage information using techniques developed to manage things will cause trouble for leaders. He considers some of
IADIS International Conference Information Systems (IS)*
- Co-located: International Conference e-Society (eS); International Conference Mobile Learning (ML)
Knowledge Dialogues
Knowledge Dialogues, formerly Knowledge Enterprises, offers the following Knowledge Management education and training
Knowledge Politics Think-Tank*
The virtual Knowledge Politics Think-Tank1) offers the following Knowledge Management education and training