Knowledge Dialogues
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Knowledge Dialogues, formerly Knowledge Enterprises, offers the following Knowledge Management education and training opportunities:
- Teaching and training on topics in Geography of Knowledge, Intellectual Capital, Knowledge Management, Knowledge Cities, and Open Public Data
(e.g. Knowledge Economy Lectures series; Information Society/Knowledge Economy course; Museums as knowledge spaces)
- Hong Kong Knowledge Management Forum (HKKMF)** (1998-2009)
Asia Pacific Knowledge Management Conference (APKMC)** (1999-2008) 1)
The Asia Pacific Knowledge Management Conference is the annual event for researchers and practitioners interested in kowledge management developments in the region. It serves as forum for networking, information exchange, and to review new developments and ideas in the knowledge management field.
- 10th Asia Pacific Knowledge Management Conference (APKMC), 4 December 2008, Hong Kong, China
Conference Theme: Managing Knowledge for Sustainable Growth: Searching for Business Models for the Future
(Organizers: Hong Kong Knowledge Management Forum; Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks; The Institute of Business Engineering, Guangzhou)-
What is Sustainability in the View of Knowledge Management?
Developing New Knowledge for New Services: Green Logistics
Virtual Worlds and Serious Games – How can they be applied to achieve real business benefits?
Service Innovation: Some Trends and Experiences from the Philippines
Creating New Services from Public Information and Archives - 9th Asia Pacific Knowledge Management Conference (APKMC), 28-29 November 2007, Hong Kong, China
Conference Theme: Preparing for the Future: Intelligence Gathering and Sense-making
(Organizer: Knowledge Dialogues; Hong Kong Knowledge Management Forum)-
n. a.
- 8th Asia Pacific Knowledge Management Conference (APKMC), 12-15 December 2006, Hong Kong, China
Conference Theme: New Perspectives on Innovation and Knowledge Management
(Organizer: Hong Kong Polytechnic University (Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering), City University of Hong Kong (Department of Information Systems); Hong Kong Knowledge Management Society)Note: APKMC is replaced by the Asia-Pacific International Conference on Knowledge Management
Keynotes: (Day 1, morning),
Collaboration in Organizations: A Walk on the Dark Side
Knowledge Integration and Creation in Indigenous Innovation
From Data Mining to Knowledge Discovery: Towards Evolving the New Sciences Underlying the Internet
Knowledge Organization and Organization Effectiveness in Taxonomy Related Work
Intellectual Capital Based Management and Benchlearning – An European Perspective
Narratives and Sensemaking, A Naturalistic Approach to Knowledge ManagementWorkshops: (Day 1, afternoon)
How to Manage and Measure Knowledge Assets in an Organization? (Open Forum)
What Are the Barriers to Knowledge Sharing and How Might We Overcome Them? (Knowledge Café)Presentations: (Day 2, Business Track)
Innovation and Knowledge – Creating the Space for Knowledge Creation
Learning and Un-learning: How Do We Expose People in Organizations to New Ways of Learning?
Customers, Clients, And Partners: Informational and Knowledge-generating Aspects of Relationships
Crossing Boundaries – Networking, Exchanges & Alliances Within and Across Different Business Sectors
Exploring New Ways of Sharing Ideas – Wikis, Blogs, CoPs and Social Networks in Organizations
Innovation Cultures in the Asia Pacific Corporate WorldPost-conference Workshops (14-15 Dec):
Implement a Knowledge-Based Approach to Create Value
Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery – Overview of Methods and Case Studies in Business Applications
Narratives, Complexity and Sensemaking
Auditing Organizational Knowledge Assets through an Interactive STOCKS Methodology
Integrating Collaborative Workspaces into an Enterprise Knowledge Repository
Creating Dialogues on Innovation
Starting and Sustaining Communities of Practice
Knowledge City Hong Kong - 7th Asia Pacific Knowledge Management Conference (APKMC), 8-9 December 2005, Hong Kong, China
Conference Theme: Global Trade, Global Knowledge
(Organizer: Hong Kong Knowledge management Society)-
The Know-how of Trade and Trading Companies
Localizing Global Production: Knowledge Transfer in International Manufacturing (w. discussion)Presentations:
Connectors, Middlemen and Gatekeepers: The Social Dynamic of Trade
The Value of Relational Capital: Building Knowledge and Trust with Suppliers, Partners, Customers (Case Study w. discussion)
Trading Commodities – a Knowledge-intensive Business?
The Use of Internal Auditing to Knowledge Management (w. discussion)
Hong Kong’s Roadmap to E-logistics Development
The Knowledge Value Chain in Trade: Trends in Asia Pacific (Case Study)
Knowledge Resource Mapping: A Records Management Perspective
Social Network Analysis – What is the Relationship between Social Networks and Individual Performance?
Knowledge Process Outsourcing: After business process outsourcing, Indian service firms are now inventing the next level of outsourcing – KPO
Capturing & Sharing of Near Miss Incidents among Hospitals in Hong KongPanel Discussions:
Does Knowledge Management Contribute to the Bottom-line? - 6th Asia Pacific Knowledge Management Conference (APKMC), 18-19 November 2004, Hong Kong, China
Conference Theme: Intangible Assets: The Wealth of Knowledge-based Economies
(Organizer: Hong Kong Knowledge management Society)-
The Wealth of Nations: Intellectual Capital – A Global Comparison of Leading Knowledge-based Economies
Knowledge Management in the Public Sector: A Case Study on Communities of Practice from the Australian Public Sector (w. discussion)Presentations:
Innovation and Human Capital: The Basis of Intellectual Capital
Knowledge Management Practices in Hong Kong-based Companies: How are HK Companies Growing their Competitive Advantage? (w. discussion)
Measuring Intellectual Capital: National and Organizational Strategies
Knowledge Economies in Asia Pacific: How does the Region Compare Globally? What are the Trends? (w. discussion)
Cultural Perceptions of the Knowledge Economy: A Case Study in Intellectual Capital and Culture
Globalization of R&D and Know-how Transfer: A Case Study from Kodak China
Knowledge Management Development in China
Meeting the Challenge in Cultivating Communities at Mazda: Connecting Customers and Manufacturer
The Pearl River Delta: A Chinese Knowledge Creation Centre?
Good Knowledge Management Practices for Small-and Medium Sized Enterprises (Special Session)Panel Discussions:
Implementing Corporate Knowledge Management Strategies in Asia Pacific: Case Studies from the region – Korea, Taiwan, Philippines
Managing the Human Side of Knowledge Management
Knowledge Clusters: Biotech in Asia (Expert Panel) - 5th Asia Pacific Knowledge Management Conference (APKMC), 27-28 November 2003, Hong Kong, China
Conference Theme: Knowledge Management in Asia: Competitive Advantage and Challenges in Managing Knowledge
(Organizer: Hong Kong Knowledge management Society)-
Investing in Knowledge Capital
Organisational Change through Knowledge Communities (w. discussion)Presentations:
Knowledge Management in the Defence Science & Technology Agency
Recorded Information Management – Underpinning Knowledge Management
Knowledge Management Practices in Hong Kong-based Companies (w. discussion)
Knowledge Management Strategy and its Effect on Corporate Growth
The State of the Art in Developing Knowledge Management Standards (w. discussion)
Knowledge Management and the Human Resources Function
Managing Knowledge into Projects: The Arup Knowledge Management Journey
Knowledge Networks and Intellectual Capital: How to Activate the Intangible Assets of Your Organisation
The Role of Corporate Portals in Knowledge Management (Cade Study w. discussion)Panel Discussions:
The Largest Emerging Knowledge Economy: Knowledge Management developments in China (Expert Panel)
From Knowledge Sharing to Knowledge Theft: Intellectual Property and Knowledge Management
The Job market for Knowledge Management professionals in Asia: Who is hiring them? (Expert Panel)Side Event:
Asian Knowledge Management Societies Collaboration (participants: iKMS, HKKMS and KMSJ) - 4th Asia Pacific Knowledge Management Conference (APKMC), 28-29 November 2002, Hong Kong, China
Conference Theme: The Value of Knowledge Management: Visible Results and Ongoing Challenges for Knowledge Organisations
(Organizer: Hong Kong Knowledge management Society)-
Effective Knowledge Management: Where the Center Meets the EdgePresentations:
Do Managers Really Know Whether Value is Created or Destroyed?
A Conceptual Map of Knowledge Management in Action
Affording Knowledge Management
Knowledge for Informed Decision-Making
Case Study Siemens: Introducing Global Knowledge Management Strategies in Asia Pacific
Communities of Knowledge and Social Networks (Case Study)
The Value of Knowledge Communities: Experiences from Japanese Companies (Case Study)Workshops:
Paradoxes of Knowledge Management – Dimensions of an Implementation processPost-conference Workshops (Nov 29):
Knowledge Management in Public Service Organisations (roundtable discussion9
Managing Knowledge in Projects
Experimenting with Knowledge Management – Experiences from Small and Medium Enterprises in Hong Kong
Collaborative Technologies
Managing Knowledge in Professional Services Firms: Comparing Quantitiy Surveying Firms in the Hong Kong and in the UK
Regional Outlook (Knowledge-Based Architecture in the Semi-Conductor Industry in Malaysia; Intelligent Metadata Model : Strategy for Solving Departmental Conflicts in Governing National Policy Implementation) - 3rd Asia Pacific Knowledge Management Conference (APKMC), 21-22 November 2001, Hong Kong, China
Conference Theme: Knowledge Shared – Knowledge Doubled-
n. a.
- 2nd Asia Pacific Knowledge Management Conference (APKMC), 28-29 November 2000, Hong Kong, China
Conference Theme: Managing Knowledge in a Networked Economy: Developing Knowledge Management Practices and Communities in Asia-Pacific
(Organizer: Hong Kong Knowledge Management Forum; Mindtheme; Hong Kong Producitivity Council)-
n. a.
- 1st Asia Pacific Knowledge Management Conference (APKMC), 2-3 December 1999, Hong Kong, China
Conference Theme: Knowledge Management in Asia: Strategic Directions for Business Transformation-
n. a.