The biennial International Conference on Innovation and Knowledge Management in Asia Pacific (IKMAP), formerly the International Conference on Knowledge Management in Asia Pacific (KMAP), aims to: provide a cross-cultural platform for the Knowledge Management practitioners and academics in Asia to network with their counterparts in the West and vice versa,
innovation management
International Society for Professional Innovation Management Innovation Conference (ISPIM Innovation Conference)*
- Themes: Knowledge & Technology Transfer for Innovation; Transferring Knowledge for Innovation
European Academy of Management Conference (EURAM Conference)*
- Tracks: Open Innovation Engaging Individuals, Communities and Networks; Managing Creativity for Innovation | Symposia: Uncovering and Managing the Implications of AI for Academic Knowledge Work
Academy of International Business Meeting (AIB)*
- Tracks: “Global strategy and organization” Track Topics: Knowledge creation and transfer; Organizational learning
International Business Information Management Association Conference (IBIMA Conference)*
- Topics of interest: Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery; Industry 4.0 and Knowledge Transfer and Automation