Abstract: This paper addresses the diffusion of Knowledge Management concepts, principles, and cases into university courses. Although we are now living in a world of gigabit transmission systems and terabyte storage, there are still long delays that often occur before industry practice finds its way into university courses. Knowledge Management practices have been elaborated
KM course
Implications of Knowledge Management for LIS education
Abstract: Knowledge Management (KM) is a popular topic emerging from the business sector, which has influenced many fields of study, among them Library and Information Science (LIS). As KM is quite recent, there is still much ambiguity as to its nature and its place in LIS education. The current study sought
Knowledge Management in Academia (AOK Star-Series)
Pre-Dialogue Remarks: KM in academic programs; How the academic context influences the KM that is taught; What / How should it be taught; KM applied to academia (physician heal thyself); Certification; How is knowledge management taught at the university?
Development of knowledge management curricula in universities
Abstract: The purpose of this qualitative study was an investigation of the phenomenon of Knowledge Management (KM) program design and development. The interest in KM programs has grown during the last decade because of the increased demand for KM educational research and the importance of the emerging knowledge economy. This exploratory and explanatory investigation