Abstract: Knowledge management – the ability of organizations to manage their knowledge efficiently – is becoming a crucial competency for entry into competitive organizations. While its importance as an emerging discipline is somewhat obvious by the attention it is getting and the corporate and academic power it is accumulating, some fundamental issues remain about
KM program development
Information and Knowledge Management Education at the University of Applied Sciences Burgenland
Abstract: Ten years ago, the degree programme Information Studies (IB) at the University of Applied Sciences, Burgenland was founded following two years of preparation. It certainly is informative and necessary to look at the history of the programme but it is also vital to take a look in retrospective in order to see how
Professional Education and Development for Knowledge Managers
Abstract: Knowledge Management education and training relevant video recordings from the 2007 interactive forum and dialogue on “Developing KM Professionals for a Knowledge Society: A dialogue and forum” organized by the Information and Knowledge Management Society (iKMS), the School of Communication and Information at Nanyang Technological University (NTU), and Pearson Education. “You