Evolution of knowledge management education

Michael J. D. Sutton, Michael Stankosky, Susan Gasson, Joanne Twining, Beverly Colby : Evolution of knowledge management education. Sponsored by SIG MGT, SIG KM. Proceedings of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, Volume 39 Issue 1, 2002: 475.

Copyright © American Society for Information Science and Technology.

Panel Presentations:

  • Gasson, S. (2002 – invited presentation), ‘Why has the subject of managing knowledge emerged as a significant area of study?’, Panel on Evolution of Knowledge Management Education, ASIST 2002 Conference, Philadelphia PA. | Presentation: Source 1, Source 2, Source 3

Related sources:

  • Brian (Bo) Newman: Evolution of Knowledge Management Education (SIGKM Panel Remarks). Panel on Evolution of Knowledge Management Education. ASIST 2002, November 20, 2002, Philadelphia, PA | Full text »
  • Michael JD Sutton: Examination of the historical sensemaking processes representing the development of knowledge management curricula in universities: Case studies associated with an emergent discipline. Montreal: McGill University (Dissertation), 2007. 435 pages Ful text »
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