Abstract: The International Council on Knowledge Management (ICKM) started in 2004 with a conference hosted by the Information and Knowledge Management Society (www.iKMS.org) in Singapore. Prof. Suliman Hawamdeh, the founding chair of the ICKM conference series, who also developed the curriculum for one of the first dedicated M.Sc. programs in Knowledge Management at the
Knowledge Management certification
City University of Hong Kong (CityU)
The City University of Hong Kong (CityU), formerly the City Polytechnic of Hong Kong, offers the following Knowledge Management education and training
Gaps in the range of Knowledge Management education/ certification?
In the LinkedIn Group of the International Knowledge Management Standards and Accreditation Association (IKMSAA) Matthew L. asks: Gaps – what gaps do you see in the range of KM education/certification presently available? Here’s my first pass at where I see gaps, tell me if you disagree or where you perceive gaps:
Knowledge Management certification to help my chances for a new job?
In the Knowledge Management (kneme) LinkedIn Group Kathy H. asks: I’ve been in IT Knowledge Management for 10 years, but not certified. I have been unemployed for several years and believe if I get my certification it will greatly help my chances for a new job. Join the
The most recognized Knowledge Management certification?
In the Knowledge Management Best Practices LinkedIn Group Juan Pablo B. asks: What is the most recognized KM certification? For example PMI is recognized for Project management, is there an equivalent in the KM world. Please advise. thank you Join the Discussion » Juan Pablo